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iFunc_Sqw2D: #158: new moment method for Sqw 2D models
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farhi2 committed Feb 20, 2019
1 parent 5fe80db commit 2c824bd
Showing 1 changed file with 172 additions and 0 deletions.
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions Objects/iFunc_subclasses/@iFunc_Sqw2D/moments.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
function M=moments(self, select)
% M2 = \int w^2 S(q,w) dw
% M3 = \int |w|^3 S(q,w) dw classical
% wl = M3./M2; classical
% M3 = \int |w|^3 S(q,w) dw quantum
% wl = sqrt(M3./M1); quantum
% S(q) = M2./(wl-min(wl)).^2./sqrt(q)

% iFunc_Sqw2D: moments=moments(sqw): compute Sqw moments/sum rules (harmonic frequencies)
% m = moments(sqw)
% Compute the structure factor (moment 0), recoil energy (moment 1) and the
% collective, harmonic and mean energy transfer dispersions.
% The result is given as an iFunc array with models sets (see below).
% Reference:
% Helmut Schober, Journal of Neutron Research 17 (2014) pp. 109
% Lovesey, Theory of Neutron Scattering from Condensed Matter, Vol 1, p180 eq. 5.38 (w0)
% J-P.Hansen and I.R.McDonald, Theory of simple liquids Academic Press New York 2006.
% syntax:
% m = moments(sqw)
% m = moments(sqw, type)
% input:
% sqw: Sqw 2D model with q as 1st axis (Angs-1), w as 2nd axis (meV).
% type: to select which moment to return. Can be left empty for all, or a
% cellstr with any of: (e.g. {'sq','wc'})
% 'sq' S(q) = \int S(q,w) dw = <S(q,w)> structure factor [moment 0]
% 'recoil' Er = \int w*S(q,w) dw = <wS(q,w)> = h2q2/2M recoil energy [moment 1]
% 'wc' Wc = sqrt(2kT*Er/S(q)) collective/isothermal dispersion
% 'wl' Wl harmonic/longitudinal excitation
% 'wq' Wq = 2q*sqrt(kT/S(q)/M) mean energy transfer
% 'm2' M2 = <w2S(q,w)> [moment 2]
% 'm3' M3 = <w3S(q,w)> [moment 3]
% 'm4' M4 = <w4S(q,w)> [moment 4]
% output:
% moments=[ sq M1 wc wl wq M2 M3 M4 ] as an iFunc model or array
% Example: m = moments(sqw_visco_elastic_simple,'wc'); plot(m);
% (c) E.Farhi, ILL. License: EUPL.

if nargin < 2, select=[]; end
if isempty(select), select = {'sq','recoil','wc','wl','wq','m2','m3','m4'}; end

if iscellstr(select)
M = [];
for index=1:numel(select)
M = [ M moments(self, select{index}) ];

% the resulting model has an energy axis
M = copyobj(self);
M.Dimension = 1;
M.UserData.moment_type = select;
select = lower(select);

% check for classical model
classical = findfield(M, 'classical','first');
is_classical = false;
if ~isempty(classical)
classical = get(self, classical);
if classical(1), is_classical = true; end
if ~is_classical || any(strfind('wq normalized mean wc collective isothermal', select))
gT = [ 'T = p(' num2str(numel(M.Parameters)+1) '); ' ];
if isvector(M.Guess) && isnumeric(M.Guess)
M.Guess = [ M.Guess(:)' 300 ]; % typical
if ~iscell(M.Guess), M.Guess = { M.Guess }; end
M.Guess{end+1} = [ 300 ];
M.Parameters{end+1} = [ 'Temperature [K] ' mfilename ];
else gT = [ 'T = 0; ' ];

% add Mass parameter
if isvector(M.Guess) && isnumeric(M.Guess)
M.Guess(end+1) = 12;
if ~iscell(M.Guess), M.Guess = { M.Guess }; end
M.Guess{end+1} = [ 12];
M.Parameters{end+1} = [ 'Mass Material molar weight [g/mol] ' mfilename ];

% we need a w axis. x axis is given as momentum when evaluating the moment.
M = {[ 'q = x; q_sav_moment=q; ' gT ];
['kT=T/11.604; M=p(' num2str(numel(M.Parameters)) '); M1=0;'];
'qmax=max(abs(q)); Emax=2.0721*qmax^2;';
'w=linspace(-Emax, Emax, 200); this.UserData.moment_Emax = Emax;';
'[q,w] = meshgrid(unique(q),w); x=q; y=w;'; } + M;
% then evaluate the initial 2D model (from plus operator)

% and append the moment computation
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal0=signal;';
if any(strfind('sq M0 structure 0th moment wq normalized mean wc collective isothermal', select))
M.Expression{end+1} = 'M0 = trapz(signal0); sq = M0;';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = sq;';
M.Name=[ 'S(q) structure factor; ' self.Name ];
if any(strfind('m2 2nd moment wc collective isothermal wl harmonic longitudinal sq_approx', select))
M.Expression{end+1} = 'M2 = trapz(w.^2.*signal0);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = M2;';
M.Name=[ '<w2S> 2nd moment; ' self.Name ];
if any(strfind('m4 4th moment', select))
M.Expression{end+1} = 'M4 = trapz(w.^4.*signal0);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = M4;';
M.Name=[ '<w4S> 4th moment; ' self.Name ];
if any(strfind('m1 1st moment wr recoil wc collective isothermal wl harmonic longitudinal', select))
M.Expression{end+1} = 'M1 = trapz(w.*signal0);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = M1;';
M.Name=[ '<wS> 1st moment recoil E_r=h^2q^2/2M; ' self.Name ];
if any(strfind('m3 3rd moment wl harmonic longitudinal', select))
M.Expression{end+1} = 'M3 = trapz(w.^3.*signal0);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = M3;';
M.Name=[ '<w3S> 3rd moment; ' self.Name ];
if any(strfind('wq normalized mean', select)) % requires M0
% half width from normalized 2nd frequency moment J-P.Hansen and I.R.McDonald
% Theory of simple liquids Academic Press New York 2006.
% Lovesey p180 eq. 5.38 = w0
M.Expression{end+1} = 'wq = 2*q.*sqrt(kT/M./M0);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = wq;';
M.Name=[ 'w_q=q sqrt[kB T/M S(q)] mean energy transfer; ' self.Name ];

if is_classical && any(strfind('wc collective isothermal', select)) % requires M0 M2
% M2 = q.^2.*kT/M
% sqrt(<w2S>/s(q)) == q sqrt(kT/M/s(q)) collective/isothermal
M.Expression{end+1} = 'wc = sqrt(M2./M0);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = wc;';
M.Name=[ 'w_c collective/isothermal dispersion; ' self.Name ];
if is_classical && any(strfind('wl harmonic longitudinal', select)) % requires M2
% maxima wL(q) of the longitudinal current correlation function ~ wl
M.Expression{end+1} = 'm3 = abs(trapz(abs(w).^3.*signal0));';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'wl = m3./M2;';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = wl;';
M.Name=[ 'w_l harmonic/longitudinal excitation; ' self.Name ];
if ~is_classical && any(strfind('wc collective isothermal', select)) % requires M0 M1
M.Expression{end+1} = 'wc = sqrt(2*kT.*M1./M0);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = wc;';
M.Name=[ 'w_c collective/isothermal dispersion; ' self.Name ];
if ~is_classical && any(strfind('wl harmonic longitudinal sq_approx', select)) % requires M3 M1
M.Expression{end+1} = 'wl = sqrt(M3./M1);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = wl;';
M.Name=[ 'w_l harmonic/longitudinal excitation; ' self.Name ];
if any(strfind('sq_approx', select)) % requires wl M2
% a very crude estimate of S(q) may be obtained from (phenomenological):
% M2./(wl-min(wl)).^2./sqrt(q) which works remarkably !
% and normalize it.
M.Expression{end+1} = 'sq = M2./(wl-min(wl)).^2./sqrt(q);';
M.Expression{end+1} = 'signal = sq;';
M.Name=[ 'S(q) structure factor estimate; ' self.Name ];

% restore initial axes
M.Expression{end+1} = 'x = q_sav_moment';

M = iFunc(M);

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