Auto-generated file. Updated with NPM deploy. Update manually with 'yarn docs'.
export abstract class AbstractBase {
abstract doNotInclude(): void;
import { AbstractBase } from "../abstract-class/main";
class MyObjectFromAbstract extends AbstractBase {
doNotInclude(): void { }
interface MyObject {
* @default true
varBoolean: boolean;
* @default 123
varInteger: number;
* @default 3.21
varFloat: number;
* @default "foo"
varString: string;
* @default [true, false, true]
varBooleanArray: boolean[];
* @default [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
varIntegerArray: number[];
* @default [1.23, 65.21, -123.40, 0, 1000000.0001]
varFloatArray: number[];
* @default ["a", "b", "c", "..."]
varStringArray: string[];
* @default [true, 123, 3.21, "foo"]
varMixedArray: any[];
* @$id filled#
interface MySubObject {
a: boolean;
interface MyObject {
* @$id empty#
filled: MySubObject;
interface MyObject {
* @items {"type":"integer"}
a: number[];
* @items {"type":"integer", "minimum":0}
b: number[];
* @items.type integer
* @items.minimum 0
c: number[];
* @items.type integer
d: number[];
* @items {"type":"string", "format":"email"}
emails: string[];
* @items.type string
* @items.format email
emails2: string[];
interface MySubObject {}
interface MyObject {
* @$ref
* @$ref
externalRefOverride: MySubObject;
import { MyDefaultObject, MySubObject2 } from "./main";
export const mySubObject2Example: MySubObject2[] = [{
bool: true,
string: "string",
object: { prop: 1 }
const myDefaultExample: MyDefaultObject[] = [{
age: 30,
name: "me",
free: true
export default myDefaultExample;
interface MySubObject {
bool: boolean;
string: string;
object: object | null;
* @examples require('./examples.ts').mySubObject2Example
subObject?: MySubObject2;
export interface MySubObject2 {
bool: boolean;
string: string;
object: object;
export interface MyDefaultObject {
age: number;
name: string;
free?: boolean;
export interface MyObject {
* @examples require(".").innerExample
filled: MySubObject;
* @examples require('./examples.ts')
defaultObject: MyDefaultObject;
export const innerExample: MySubObject[] = [
bool: true,
string: "string",
object: {}
* @title filled#
interface MySubObject {
a: boolean;
interface MyObject {
* @title empty#
filled: MySubObject;
// All of these formats are defined in this specification:
interface MyRef {}
interface MyObject {
* @TJS-format date-time
dateTime: string;
* @TJS-format email
email: string;
* @TJS-format hostname
hostname: string;
* @TJS-format ipv4
ipv4: string;
* @TJS-format ipv6
ipv6: string;
* @TJS-format uri
uri: string;
* @TJS-format uri-reference
uriReference: string;
* @TJS-format uri-template
uriTemplate: string;
* @TJS-format json-pointer
jsonPointer: string;
* @TJS-pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-abc_123$
regexPattern: string;
* @TJS-pattern ^[a-zA-Z0-9]{4}-abc_123$
regexPatternWithWhitespace: string;
* @TJS-minimum 5
oneCharacter: number;
* @TJS-examples ["foo", 1]
examples: string;
* @TJS-hide
booleanAnnotationDefaultValue: string;
* @TJS-hide true
booleanAnnotationWithTrue: string;
* @TJS-hide false
booleanAnnotationWithFalse: string;
* @TJS-ignore
complexWithRefIgnored: MyRef;
export interface MyObject {
a: any;
b: unknown;
interface MyObject {
someProp: string;
referenceType: ReferenceType;
interface ReferenceType {
reference: true;
export interface MyObject {
* A name
name?: string;
description?: string;
test: any[];
type MyEmptyArray = [];
export type MyReadOnlyArray = ReadonlyArray<number>;
type MyArray = Array<string | number>;
declare namespace Ext {
export class Array {
export class Foo {
bar: Ext.Array;
class Base {
class MyObject extends Base {
class MyObject {
constructor() {}
doNotInclude(): void {}
* Description of Vector3D, a type alias to a array of integers with length 3
* If run without useTypeAliasRef, this comment should be ignored but
* the other annotations should be inherited
* @minItems 3
* @maxItems 3
type Vector3D = number[];
* Description of MyObject, a top level object,
* which also has a comment that spans
* multiple lines
* @additionalProperties false
* @unsupportedAnnotationThatShouldBeIgnored
interface MyObject {
* Description of opacity, a field with min/max values
* @minimum 0
* @maximum 100
opacity: number;
* Description of field position, of aliased type Vector3D, which should inherit its annotations
position: Vector3D;
* Description of rotation, a field with an anonymous type
rotation: {
* Description of the value yaw inside an anonymous type, with min/max annotations
* @minimum -90
* @maximum 90
yaw: number;
* Use this comment
export type MyObject = Pick<BigThing, "prop1">;
* Not this comment though
interface BigThing {
prop1: string;
prop2: string;
* Description of Color.
* @pattern ^[0-9a-f]{6}$
export type Color = string;
import { Color } from "./color";
import { Text } from "./text";
/** Description of MyObject */
export interface MyObject {
/** Description of MyObject color property. */
color: Color;
/** Description of MyObject text property. */
text: Text;
import { Color } from "./color";
* Description of Text interface.
export interface Text {
/** Description of text property. */
text: string;
/** Description of text color property. */
color: Color;
* This is MyOtherObject
interface MyOtherObject {
prop1: string;
* This is MyObject. It extends {@link MyOtherObject} and {@link SomeOtherObject}.
interface MyObject extends MyOtherObject {
prop2: string;
* Type-level description
* @additionalProperties true
export interface MySubObject {
value: string;
export interface MyObject {
list: MySubObject[];
sub1: MySubObject;
* Property-level description
* @additionalProperties false
sub2: MySubObject;
* Date property description
date: Date;
namespace foo {
export interface Date {
day?: number;
month?: number;
year?: number;
export interface Bar {
date: Date;
type DateAlias = Date;
interface MyObject {
var1: Date;
var2: DateAlias;
* @format date
var3: Date;
* @format date
var4: DateAlias;
type Foo = "a" | "b" | "c" | boolean | number;
class MyObject {
varBoolean: Foo = <any> false;
varInteger: Foo = <any> 123;
varString: Foo = <any> "123";
enum Enum {
X = 1 << 1,
Y = 1 << 2,
Z = X | Y,
A = 1,
enum Enum {
A, // = 0
B = 1,
C = true as any,
D = "str" as any,
E = null
interface MyObject {
foo: Enum;
enum Enum {
X = 1,
Y = 2
interface MyObject {
foo: Enum;
enum Enum {
X = 10,
A = 1,
enum Enum {
X = "x" as any,
Y = "y" as any,
Z = "123" as any
interface MyObject {
foo: Enum;
export enum A {
export interface MyObject {
code: A.B;
export interface MyObject {
required: string;
optional?: number;
[name: string]: string|number;
/** @TJS-type number */
export class Widget {}
export interface MyObject {
name: string;
mainWidget: Widget;
otherWidgets: Widget[];
import { Widget } from "./widget";
export interface MyObject {
name: string;
mainWidget: Widget;
otherWidgets: Widget[];
/** @TJS-type number */
export class Widget {}
interface MyInterface {
class MyObject {
enum MyEnum {
Value = 0
interface MyGeneric<A, B> {
a: A;
b: B;
export interface MyObject {
value1: MyGeneric<string, number>;
value2: MyGeneric<number, string>;
export interface MyObject {
numberArray: Array<number>;
stringArray: ReadonlyArray<string>;
export interface GenericA<A> {
a: A;
export interface B {
b: number;
export interface GenericC<C> {
c: C;
export type SomeAlias<T> = SomeGeneric<T, T>;
export interface SomeGeneric<A, B> {
a: A;
b: B;
c: GenericA<A>;
d: GenericC<B>;
export interface MyObject extends GenericC<GenericC<GenericC<GenericA<string>>>>, B {
someGeneric: SomeGeneric<1, 2>;
someAlias: SomeAlias<"alias">;
export interface MyGeneric<A, B> {
a: A;
b: B;
export interface MyObject {
value1: MyGeneric<string, number>;
value2: MyGeneric<number, string>;
export interface MyGeneric<T> {
field: T;
export interface MyObject {
value1: MyGeneric<number>;
value2: MyGeneric<string>;
export interface MyGeneric<A, B> {
field: MyGeneric<B, A>;
export interface MyObject {
value: MyGeneric<string, number>;
export interface MyGeneric<T> {
field: T;
export interface MyObject {
value: MyGeneric<number>;
interface MyObject {
* @ignore
ignored: boolean;
* @ignore
ignoredOptional?: boolean;
required: boolean;
optional?: boolean;
// This file imports "MyInterface" from the other 2 files
// while also declaring a MyInterface type
import { MyInterface as module1_MyInterface } from "./module1";
import * as module2 from "./module2";
class MyInterface {
fieldInMain: number;
class MyObject {
a: MyInterface;
b: module1_MyInterface;
c: module2.MyInterface;
export class MyInterface {
fieldInModule1: string;
export class MyInterface {
fieldInModule2: number;
interface Base {
propA: number;
export interface MyObject extends Base {
propB: number;
export interface MyObject {
required: string;
optional?: number;
[name: string]: string|number;
interface MyObject {
subA: MySubObject;
subB: MySubObject;
interface MySubObject {
propA: number;
propB: number;
interface MyObject {
propA: number;
propB: MyObject;
export interface MyObject {
propA: number;
propB: number;
interface MyType {}
interface MyMap1 {
[id: string]: MyType;
* The additionalProperties annotation should be ignored
* @additionalProperties false
interface MyMap2 {
[id: string]: (string | number);
type MyMap3 = Readonly<MyMap2>;
interface MyObject {
map1: MyMap1;
map2: MyMap2;
map3: MyMap3;
module MyModule {
export interface Def {
nest: Def;
prev: MyModule.Def;
propA: SubModule.HelperA;
propB: SubModule.HelperB;
export module SubModule {
export interface HelperA {
propA: number;
propB: HelperB;
export interface HelperB {
propA: SubModule.HelperA;
propB: Def;
module MyModule {
interface MyObject {
propA: number;
propB: number;
export namespace Types {
export const X: "x" = "x";
export const Y: "y" = "y";
export type Type = typeof Types.X | typeof Types.Y;
namespace RootNamespace {
export interface Def {
nest: Def;
prev: RootNamespace.Def;
propA: SubNamespace.HelperA;
propB: SubNamespace.HelperB;
export namespace SubNamespace {
export interface HelperA {
propA: number;
propB: HelperB;
export interface HelperB {
propA: SubNamespace.HelperA;
propB: Def;
namespace RootNamespace {
export interface Def {
nest: Def;
prev: RootNamespace.Def;
propA: SubNamespace.HelperA;
propB: SubNamespace.HelperB;
export namespace SubNamespace {
export interface HelperA {
propA: number;
propB: HelperB;
export interface HelperB {
propA: SubNamespace.HelperA;
propB: Def;
export interface Never {
neverProp: never;
propA: string;
export interface MyObject {
sub: SomeDefinition;
interface SomeDefinition {
is: string;
export interface MyOtherObject {
sub: SomeOtherDefinition;
interface SomeOtherDefinition {
is: string;
interface IndexInterface {
[index: number]: number;
interface Target {
objAnonymous: {
[index: number]: number;
objInterface: IndexInterface;
indexInType: { [index in number]?: number };
indexInInline: { [index in number]: number };
indexInPartialType: IndexInPartial;
indexInPartialInline: { [index in number]?: number };
interface IndexInterface {
[index: number]: number;
type IndexIn = { [index in number]: number };
type IndexInPartial = { [index in number]?: number };
interface MyObject {
interface MyBase {
baseRequired : number;
baseOptional?: number;
interface MyDerived extends MyBase {
derivedRequired : number;
derivedOptional?: number;
export class MyObject {
publicMember: string;
private privateMember: string;
import type { ObjectId } from './third-party'
export type MyObject = {
* @TJS-type string
* @description Overrides aliased type definition with this JSDoc if at least TJS-type annotation is present
_id: ObjectId
// cannot modify with JSDoc because third-party sources
export class ObjectId {}
interface Basic {
a: string;
b: number;
c: boolean;
const myObject = {
a: "a" as const,
b: 1 as const,
c: true as const,
// tslint:disable-next-line:variable-name
} satisfies Basic;
export type Specific = typeof myObject;
class MyObject {
val: number;
valNullable: number | null;
valUndef: number | undefined;
valOpt?: number;
valVoid: number | void;
valTrueOpt?: true;
valTrueOrNull: true|null;
valTrue: true|true; // twice to check that it will appear only once
type result = "ok" | "fail" | "abort" | "";
class MyObject {
foo: result;
bar: result | string;
class MyObject {
foo: "ok" | "fail" | "abort" | "";
bar: "ok" | "fail" | "abort" | string;
// This file is ignored.
export interface Excluded {
a: string;
// This file is included by tsconfig.json and --include.
export interface IncludedAlways {
a: string;
// This file is included by tsconfig.json.
export interface IncludedOnlyByTsConfig {
a: string;
interface A {}
interface B {}
type C = A | B;
interface MyObject {
c: C;
interface All {}
type Some = Partial<All>;
interface MyObject {
some?: Some;
type MyString = string;
* This is a description
* @pattern ^mystring-[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
* @minLength 10
* @maxLength 24
type MyString = string;
* My string
type MyString = string;
* My type alias
type MyAlias = MySubObject;
* My sub object
interface MySubObject {
propA: number;
propB: number;
* My Object
interface MyObject {
primitive: MyString;
object: MySubObject;
alias: MyAlias;
interface MyObject {
prop: number;
type MyAlias = MyObject;
interface MyObject {
prop: number;
type MyAlias = MyObject;
export type MyExportString = string;
type MyPrivateString = string;
export interface MyObject {
export: MyExportString;
private: MyPrivateString;
type MyFixedSizeArray = [string, number];
namespace A {
export interface A { a: any; }
namespace B {
export interface B { b: any; }
namespace C {
import A = B.B;
export interface C { c: A; }
namespace D {
import A = C.C;
export interface D { d: A; }
export interface MyObject extends D.D {}
namespace A {
export interface A {a: any;}
namespace B {
export interface B {b: any;}
namespace C {
import A = B.B;
export interface C {c: A;}
namespace D {
import A = C.C;
export interface D {d: A;}
interface MyObject extends D.D {}
export type MyString = string;
export interface MySubObject {
propA: number;
propB: number;
export interface MyObject {
primitive: MyString;
object: MySubObject;
type BasicArray = (string | number)[];
interface MyObject {
array: BasicArray;
type MyArray = (string | MyObject)[];
export interface MyObject {
number: number;
string: string;
export type MyAlias = MyObject;
export interface Foo {
x: number;
y: number;
export interface Bar {
a: number;
b: number;
export interface MyObject {
foo: Partial<Foo>;
bar: Partial<Bar>;
export type MyString = string;
interface MyObject {
alias: MyAlias;
self: MyObject;
type MyAlias = MyObject;
interface MyObject {
alias: MyAlias;
self: MyObject;
export type MyAlias = MyObject;
export interface MyObject {
alias: MyAlias;
self: MyObject;
export type MyAlias = MyObject;
interface MyObject {
alias: MyAlias;
self: MyObject;
type MyAlias = MyObject;
export type MyTuple = [string, number];
export type MyTuple = [string, number, boolean?];
export type MyTuple = [string, ...number[]];
type BasicArray = (string | number)[];
export interface MyObject {
array: BasicArray;
export type MyUnion = (string | MyObject)[];
export namespace Cardinal {
export const NORTH: "north" = "north";
export const SOUTH: "south" = "south";
export const EAST: "east" = "east";
export const WEST: "west" = "west";
export type Cardinal = typeof Cardinal.NORTH | typeof Cardinal.SOUTH | typeof Cardinal.EAST | typeof Cardinal.WEST;
export interface MyModel {
direction: Cardinal;
interface MyObject {
FieldWithAnonType: {
SubfieldA: number;
SubfieldB: (string | number);
SubfieldC: {
SubsubfieldA: number[];
interface MyObject {
as_integer: number;
/** @TJS-type number */
as_number: number;
interface MyObject {
myFunction: Function;
export type Test = typeof globalThis;
interface Type1 {
value1: string;
value2: number;
interface Type2 {
value2: number;
value3: boolean;
interface MyObject {
value: Type1 & Type2;
interface ChildFoo {
interface Foo {
readonly childFoos: Foo & ChildFoo;
type MyRecursiveNode = {
next?: MyNode;
type MyNode = {
val: string;
} & MyRecursiveNode;
type MyLinkedList = MyNode;
type Keys = "str1" | "str2";
type MyMappedType = {
[key in Keys]: string;
interface MyObject {
alias: MyAlias;
self: MyObject;
type MyAlias = MyObject;
/** @nullable */
type MyType1 = string;
/** @nullable */
type MyType2 = string | number;
/** @nullable */
type MyType3 = string | number[];
/** @nullable */
type MyType4 = number[];
type Ref = { foo: number };
/** @nullable */
type MyType5 = Ref;
interface MyType6 {};
interface MyObject {
var1: MyType1;
var2: MyType2;
var3: MyType3;
var4: MyType4;
var5: MyType5;
* @nullable
var6: MyType6;
var7: MyType6;
/* tslint:disable:no-inferrable-types */
// Special type, should not appear in the schema
type integer = number;
class MyObject {
boolean1: boolean = true;
number1: number = 1;
/** @TJS-type integer */
integer1: number = 1;
integer2: integer = 1;
string1: string = "defaultValue";
array1: Array<any> = null;
array2: Array<number> = null;
object1: any = null;
object2: {} = null;
object3: object = null;
* A recursive type
export type TestChildren = TestChild | Array<TestChild | TestChildren>;
interface TestChild {
type: string;
// Simple union (generates "type": [...])
type MyType1 = string | number;
// Non-simple union (generates a "oneOf"/"anyOf")
type MyType2 = string | number[];
interface MyObject {
var1: MyType1;
var2: MyType2;
interface Square {
kind: "square";
size: number;
interface Rectangle {
kind: "rectangle";
width: number;
height: number;
interface Circle {
kind: "circle";
radius: number;
type Shape = Square | Rectangle | Circle;
interface MyObject {
foo: () => string;
import "./other";
class MyObject {
is: "MyObject_1";
class MyObject {
is: "MyObject_2";
import "./other";
class SubObject {
is: "SubObject_1";
class MyObject {
sub: SubObject;
class SubObject {
is: "SubObject_2";
export interface Context {
ip: string;
export interface MyObject {
* Must be 'first' or 'last'
* @minLength 1
* @chance {
* "pickone": [ [ "first", "last" ] ]
* }
* @ignoreThis 2
* @important
name: string;