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McHorse edited this page Jun 20, 2021 · 7 revisions

Mappet provides a lot of commands to work with its features. This page lists all commands that are available in the mod. /mp is the main command that provides many subcommands to work with specific features.

State commands

/mp state command provides subcommands that allows to modify states. <target> can be either a target selector that points out to a unique player or an NPC (it could also be a player username or entity UUID), or ~, which stands for server's global states.

/mp state add <target> <id> <number>

Adds some numerical value to <id> state.

/mp state clear <target> [id]

Removes the <id> state from <target>'s states. If [id] was omitted (not provided) then all states will be removed.

/mp state if <target> <id> <expression>

Checks whether <id> state is equal to <expression>, if it's not then command will error, otherwise nothing will happen.

/mp state print <target>

Outputs into the chat all the states that <target> has. The type of every state will also be printed:

  • (n) is for number
  • (s) is for string.

/mp state set <target> <id> <value>

Sets the exact <value> to <id> state. It can be either numerical, or a string (including consequent spaces).

/mp state sub <target> <id> <number>

Subtracts some numerical value from <id> state.

Dialogue commands

/mp dialogue command provides subcommand to work with dialogues.

/mp dialogue open <target> <id> [data]

Opens a dialogue by given <id> for player(s) found by <target> selector. [data] allows pass extra data to dialogue's context which can be used in ${...} parsed expressions.

Crafting commands

/mp crafting command provides subcommands to work with crafting tables:

/mp crafting open <target> <id>

Opens a crafting table by given <id> to player(s) by <target> selector.

/mp crafting drop <id> [index] [x] [y] [z] [mx] [my] [mz]

Drops an item in the world at [index] from crafting table by <id> at given XYZ, relative offset ~ is supported. If [index] omitted or inputted as @r will drop a random item. [mx], [my] and [mz] can be used to set initial item(s)' velocity.

Event commands

/mp event command provides a subcommand to work with events:

/mp event trigger <target> <id> [data]

Triggers an event by <id> with additional context in form of player(s) found using <target> selector. Additional NBT [data] can be sent to the event execution.

Quest commands

/mp quest command provides subcommands to work with quests:

/mp quest accept <target> <id>

Makes player(s) by <target> selector take quest by <id>.

/mp quest decline <target> <id>

Makes player(s) by <target> selector decline quest by <id>.

/mp quest complete <target> <id>

Makes player(s) by <target> selector complete quest by <id> regardless of whether goals were finished.

NPC commands

/mp npc command provides subcommands to work with NPCs:

/mp npc summon <id> [state] [x] [y] [z]

Spawns an NPC with given [state] (if omitted it's default), and optional position (if XYZ position is omitted command sender's current position will be used).

/mp npc state <target> [state]

Changes state of NPC entities found by <target> selector, with [state]. [state] can contain special notation in form of <state_name>:[properties...] which should allow to overwrite only specific properties of the NPC.

/mp npc set <target> <property> [data...]

Changes specific <property> of NPC entities found by <target> selector, with [data...]. The format of [data...] is completely depends upon the given <property>.

Faction commands

/mp faction command provides subcommands to work with factions:

/mp faction set <target> <id> <score>

Sets the score of faction by <id> for player(s) found by <target> selector with <score>.

/mp faction add <target> <id> <score>

Adds <score> to faction by <id> for player(s) found by <target> selector.

/mp faction clear <target> [id]

Removes faction(s) score from player(s) found by <target> selector. If [id] is provided, then only that faction will be cleared, if [id] is omitted then all factions score will be cleaned.

Data commands

/mp data is a utility command that allows to load and save player states for debugging purposes.

/mp data clear

Resets all data of the entire playthrough. States will be fully reset, and every player's quests and inventory will be reset as well.

/mp data save <preset>

Saves current state and current player's inventory and quests.

/mp data load <preset> [global] [player]

Loads saved state and applies saved quests and inventory on given [player] (if [player] is omitted then the command will use the player that executed the command). [global] option allows to specify whether server states should be also updated from the saved state, by default it's enabled.

Script commands

/mp script command provides a subcommand to work with scripts:

/mp script eval <player> <id> [function] [data]

Executes script's [function] (if not provided it will be assumed to be main) by <id> with additional context in form of player(s) found using <player> selector. Additional NBT [data] can be sent to the event execution and accessed using IScriptEvent#getValues().

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