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129 lines (110 loc) · 6.48 KB

immediate TODOs

  • split ·-reflects-< into ·-reflects-<ˡ and ·-reflects-<ʳ
  • we use ·-reflects-≡ˡ where the standard library uses the nomer "injective" like *-injˡ (or something similar)
    • since preserves-≡ is automatic, we might switch to ·-injectiveˡ instead of ·-reflects-≡ˡ
  • we have +-rinv, +-inverse and ʳ ˡ variants in use ⇒ unify them!
  • in equivalences, we still need to follow the convention that the "simpler" term is the RHS e.g. ·-creates-< : ∀ a b x → [ 0 < x ] → [ (a < b) ⇔ ((a · x) < (b · x)) ] is wrong (this needs to be checked)

general TODOs

  • Lemma 6.7.1. contains more properties that are provable on ordered fields already
    • some of them look like we've proven them for Bridges1999 already
  • is it possible to proof comm, assoc and absorbs from isMin and isMax?
  • merge the notes with Hit.agda
  • check whether this rinv linv lemmaʳ lemmaˡ is the way its done in the standard library
  • is +-<-extensional the right name for ∀ w x y z → (x + y) < (z + w) → (x < z) ⊎ (y < w)?
  • get the absolute value function abs into the number hierarchy
  • get the square root function sqrt into the number hierarchy
  • complete all necessary axioms in the number hierarchy
    • then divide into necessary axioms and derivable theorems
      • and try to proof the theorems

ongoing TODOs

  • use equivalences intstead of lemma and lemma-back
  • can we use preserves and reflects instead of lemma and lemma-back?
    • "f preserves P: P A ⇒ P (f A)"
    • "f reflects P: P (f A) ⇒ P A"
  • name the "items" (from Bridges 1999)
  • can't we just use ℚ from the non-cubical standard library?
    • yes ... but we need to add missing properties (e.g. _<_ and min, max)

ongoing concerns

  • likely due to #1646 we might flatten-out the module hierarchy for better performance
  • How to structure the algebraic number hierarchy: bundling/unbundling and "What makes a bundle-morphism"?
    • isX : IsX is called "the unbundle"
    • x : X without its isX : IsX is called "raw"
    • there is a recent email on the agda mailing list from Arjen Rouvoet (10.08.20, 18:27)

      The problem you encounter is wellknown under the name 'the (un)bundling problem': i.e., the problem of choosing which fields should be parameters, and which should be fields. The problem is hard, in the sense that every permutation you can think of has applications. The Agda standard library chooses to do what most other languages have done previously: i.e., provide a unbundled IsStructure, and a bundled Structure.

    • also see #876
    • also see the short discussion
    • there is the isabelle tutorial with "8.4.5 The Numeric Type Classes"
      • semiring and ordered_semiring
      • ring and ordered_ring ... An ordered ring includes the absolute value function, abs.
      • field and ordered_field
      • division_by_zero includes all types where inverse 0 = 0 and a / 0 = 0. These include all of Isabelle’s standard numeric types. However, the basic properties of fields are derived without assuming division by zero.

later TODOs

  • make use of for the parts that literally follow Booij's thesis

TODOs after later TODOs

  • in Cubical.Functions.Bundle we have a definition of fibre bundle
  • the Categories part of the cubical standard library is quite readable!

stuff to check out

  • subsets and embeddings
    • checkout Cubical.Foundations.Logic
      -- We show that the powerset is the subtype classifier
      -- i.e. ℙ X ≃ Σ[A ∈ Type ℓ] (A ↪ X)
      Embedding→Subset : {X : Type ℓ}  Σ[ A ∈ Type ℓ ] (A ↪ X)  ℙ X
      Embedding→Subset (_ , f , isPropFiber) x = fiber f x , isPropFiber x
      Subset→Embedding : {X : Type ℓ}  ℙ X  Σ[ A ∈ Type ℓ ] (A ↪ X)
      Subset→Embedding {X = X} A = D , f , ψ
        where ...
      hasPropFibers : (A  B)  Type _
      hasPropFibers f =  y  isProp (fiber f y)
      _↪_ : Type ℓ  Type ℓ  Type ℓ
      A ↪ B = Σ[ f ∈ (A  B) ] hasPropFibers f
    • there is also
  • check out Relation.Binary.Structures where we can also find IsStrictPartialOrder (whether we can use this)
    • also see in Data.Nat.Properties the definition of Structures and Bundles
      • here, under Structures we find the IsX records, where under Bundles there is the corresponding X record
      • the cubical standard library uses Cubical.Data.Nat and Cubical.Data.Nat.Order
  • check out Foreign.Haskell.Coerce for a coercion mechanism
    data Coercible (A : Set a) (B : Set b) : Set where
      TrustMe : Coercible A B
    postulate coerce : {{_ : Coercible A B}}  A  B
  • check out Agda.Builtin.FromNat for a coercion mechanism
    record Number {a} (A : Set a) : Set (lsuc a) where
        Constraint : Nat  Set a
        fromNat :  n  {{_ : Constraint n}}  A
    open Number {{...}} public using (fromNat)
    {-# BUILTIN FROMNAT fromNat #-}
    {-# DISPLAY Number.fromNat _ n = fromNat n #-}
    • this is used in Cubical.Data.Nat.Literals and in Cubical.HITs.Rationals.QuoQ.Base
  • check out what is meant by "Instance modules" in non-cubical 1.4-rc1
    • check out "New standardised numeric predicates NonZero, Positive, Negative, NonPositive, NonNegative, especially designed to work as instance arguments."
    • the use of instances seems to be very recent, since they also write "First instance modules, which provide Functor, Monad, Applicative instances for various datatypes. Found under Data.X.Instances."
  • check out "irrelevancy annotations" and whether they serve as some form of "term abstractification" (i.e. blocking the term normalization)
    • does this work with --cubical? what is its intention?
  • use of hProps
    • checkout Cubical.Structures.Poset
    • provide a Σ-theory similar to CommRingΣTheory with axioms and structure