Releases: mcneilco/acas
Releases · mcneilco/acas
- Bugfixes and New Features: Made various bug fixes and added some new feature to ACAS Form Fields.
- New Feature: Added a datevalue field controller to ACAS Form Fields.
- Bugfixes and New Features: Added some new features and made various bug fixes to ACAS State Tables
- New Feature: Added options for initializing pick list controllers.
- New Feature: Added a new feature to return codetable options in alphabetical order.
- New Feature: Added a config for to specify whether protocols/expts should have sequential user defined corpName labels.
- Bugfix: Made various bug fixes in Thing and Thing Interaction.
- New Feature: Wrote new services for inventory, protocol, and experiment.
Module Menus
- New Feature: Added a new feature to autolaunch a module on ACAS page load.
- New Feature: Logo images are now customizable base on a config.
SEL, Experiment and Protocol Editors, Experiment and Protocol Browsers
- Bugfix: SEL now throws an error for value kinds greater than 64 characters.
- New Feature: Added a feature to show and require notebook and notebook page based on configs.
- New Feature: Added a new feature to allow the scientist field to be editable based on a config.
- New Feature: Added a new feature to set the default protocol/experiment status based on a config.
- New Feature: ACAS now allows user defined corpName labels to be generated and displayed sequentially based on a config.
- New Feature: ACAS now deep links to prot/expt based on sequential user defined corpName labels.
- New Feature: Experiment Browser now sets up a specific experiment controller in detail view based on a configuration file.
Compound Registration
- New Feature: Added the Ketcher chemical sketcher to Compound Reg.
- New Feature: Added new chem structure routes.
- Feature: Added support for loading in Assay Tree Rules and Experiment Details via SEL file.
- Feature: Added ability to flag SEL columns as Condition columns.
- Feature: Added saving of column order and column types in SEL for improved display in DataViewer.
- Feature: Added Ketcher ( (GPLv3 licensed) as a supported ACASFormChemicalStructure option. Added structure services to support Ketcher, including convert smiles to Mol and cleanMolStructure.
- Feature: Added LsFileValue as an available Form Field.
- Feature: Added Multi Label / multi-alias Form Field component.
- Feature: Added ACASFormStateDisplayUpdate interactive widget to display audit history and made corrections of specific values.
- Feature: Added uniqueness validation to ACASFormStateTable.
Other Features and Bugfixes
- Bugfix: Fixed some broken system tests.
- Feature: Added ability to specify which file to use for ModuleMenusConfiguration via
- Feature: Added getFirstValueOfKind utility function to Label.
- Feature: Added createNewLabel utility function to backbone models in ServerUtilityFunctions.
- Bugfix: Added explicit references to rjson when calling toJSON and fromJSON.
ACAS Roo Server
- Feature: Added ?format=stub option to getContainersByTypeAndKind.
- Bugfix: Fixed generic LsThing search to not return ignored results.
- Bugfix: Added DataViewer API views as Flyway migrations.
ACAS Roo Server
- Bugfix: Fixed issue getting user projects when project restrictions are enabled where unrestricted projects were not being returned. (mcneilco/acas-roo-server#92)
- Feature: State table data now accepts date without year and fills in current year.
- Feature: Added a feature for Form Fields document locking when a user has a form open.
- Bugfix: Made missing arrows on date picker reappear.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where an update to location history was getting added twice.
Module Menus
- Feature: Menu items are now grayed out when a module is not implemented.
- Feature: Added new collapsible module menus feature.
- Feature: Acas-roo-server now returns lastModified date on getWellContent route.
- Bugfix: Fixed the default location for scientist's bench containers so that the location label is now being created correctly by setting the preferred label to true.
- Bugfix: Fixed curve fitting issue on Postgres (mcneilco/racas#20) where saved fitted values were outside of precision allowed in analysis_group_value.numeric_value.
- Feature: Added CmpdReg Vendor Admin module for managing the list of available Vendors in CmpdReg without the Roo admin interface.
- Feature: Added CmpdReg configuration option to disable users being able to edit their own lots, which restricts the system so lots can only be edited by CmpdReg admins.
CmpdReg Roo
- Feature: Added config to turn on alphabetical sorting of controlled picklists like vendor, scientist, project, etc.
- Bug Fix: Removed explicit require of 'jsonlite' R package to avoid replacement of 'rjson' methods.
- Bug Fix: Made config changes to allow ACAS to run on Centos 7.
- Bug Fix: Modified HTML tag to prevent file loader widget from filling the screen.
- Feature: ACAS now allows filtering experiments by lsType and lsKind.
- Feature: Added "unassigned" to allowed project list by default so experiments and protocols with project set to the default "unassigned" are not filtered.