- local OS X install, R 3.4.3.
- Ubuntu 12.04 (on travis-ci), R-oldrel, R-release, R-devel
- Windows Server 2012 R2 (x64), R 3.4.3
- Rhub
There were no ERRORs or WARNINGs.
There was 1 NOTEs:
checking compiled code ...NOTE File ‘readr/libs/readr.so’: Found non-API calls to R: ‘R_GetConnection’, ‘R_WriteConnection’
The xml2 package uses the connections API to read and write files to R connections. I don't believe there is an alternative other than using the connections API, and the connections code in readr has existed on CRAN since version 1.1.0, released on March 22nd, 2017.
I ran R CMD check
on 189 reverse dependencies
(https://github.com/tidyverse/readr/tree/master/revdep#readme). There were 3 errors
related to changes in readr.
I have submitted fixes to the three packages which allow them to pass checks with readr 1.2.0
ddpcr daattali/ddpcr#21
fastqcr kassambara/fastqcr#7