Releases: mdeweerd/zha-toolkit
Releases · mdeweerd/zha-toolkit
v1.1.6 🧰 Use 'unicode_escape' encoding to convert bytes to string
v1.1.5 🧰Fix issue introduced in v1.1.4 breaking several calls ("coroutine" errors).
- #212 Fix several calls to get device from 'ieee' (bug introduced in v1.1.4)
v1.1.4 🧰Fix broken read for bitmap8, No exception for timeout, Accept device id for all services
- Fix broken read for bitmap8 (since changes for Array reads/writes);
- By default no exception for timeout (DeliveryError) to avoid breaking loops with absent devices;
- Accept device id for all services (in ieee field, was accepted for some services only).
v1.1.3 🧰Enable Array writes + a fix in read_before_write
- #209 Fix read_before_write @tomasbedrich
- #210 Enable Array writes @tomasbedrich
⭐️ Thank you so much for helping out to keep this integration awesome @tomasbedrich
v1.1.2 🧰 Fix compatibility with 2023.10.X
v1.0.0 🧰binds_remove_all: allow specific endpoints, binds_get: index fix
v0.9.9 🧰 Fallback to actual read when use_cache is 2 + "UI" improvements
- #190 Hassfest - Update services & add translations file to comply. @mdeweerd
- #194 Fallback on actual read when use_cache==2 @mdeweerd
- #197 Better UI for zha_toolkit.leave service @mdeweerd
- #198 Make some zdo service responses serialisable @mdeweerd
- Fix services.yanl and tuya_magic service definition to allow register_services to function again @mdeweerd
- Other improvements to doc, service definitions, flow.
Full Changelog: v0.9.7...v0.9.9
v0.9.7 🧰 Response Data 🎆 + *neighbours_and_routes adjustments for refactored zigpy implementation
v0.9.5 🧰 Fix default exceptions for retry
Full Changelog: v0.9.4...v0.9.5
v0.9.4 🧰 Extra fix version identification for HA>=2023.7.2
Full Changelog: v0.9.3...v0.9.4