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Installation and usage of the push button to shutdown a donkeycar
⚠️ If you using our raspberry pi image generate by ansible and packer. All software requirements are already installed and configured on your car. You should just follow our electronic shematic to install it
install Wiring Pi
# apt-get install wiringpi
Create pin-shutdown.sh
file at /root
# nano /root/pin-shutdown.sh
In this file you should add those lines :
pin={{ shutdown_pin }} # pin 18 (internal: 24) on raspi layout
gpio mode "$pin" "in"
while :; do
gpio wfi "$pin" rising
d_start="$(date +%s)"
gpio wfi "$pin" falling
d_end="$(date +%s)"
delta=$((d_end - d_start))
if [ "$delta" -gt "3" ]; then
logger Shutdown button pressed
shutdown -h now
Save the file, afterward make it executable with chmod +x
# chmod +x /root/pin-shutdown.sh
You must now create a service so that at startup, the script is launched in the background, so that it can detect the push button at any time.
First, we need to create our service file.
# touch /etc/systemd/system/button-shutdown.service
and write in it :
Description=button shutdown service
First, we need to update the systemctl services to add ours:
# systemctl daemon-reload
Then, we activate the service so that the script is launched at each start:
# systemctl enable button-shutdown.service
If you do not want to restart your computer, you can start the service now:
# systemctl start button-shutdown.service
Finally, to make sure your service is running:
# systemctl status button-shutdown.service
Now, you can use the shutdown button, You must maintain pressed 3 seconds the button for shutdown the car