diff --git a/modules/flightControl/components/FlightsList/utils/buildFriendlyAcsListElement.utils.UETest.php b/modules/flightControl/components/FlightsList/utils/buildFriendlyAcsListElement.utils.UETest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47d66872
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/flightControl/components/FlightsList/utils/buildFriendlyAcsListElement.utils.UETest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ [
+ "id" => "119",
+ "main_fleet_id" => "1283",
+ "owner_id" => "2",
+ "fleets_id" => "",
+ "start_time" => "1591971305",
+ "end_galaxy" => "2",
+ "end_system" => "5",
+ "end_planet" => "10",
+ "end_type" => "3",
+ "username" => "testUser_friend_1",
+ "fleet_amount" => "20",
+ "fleet_array" => "202,100;204,10",
+ "fleet_start_galaxy" => "1",
+ "fleet_start_system" => "1",
+ "fleet_start_planet" => "1",
+ "fleet_start_type" => "1",
+ "fleet_start_time" => "1591971305",
+ "fleet_send_time" => "1591966805",
+ ],
+ 'joinedUnion' => [
+ "fleets_id" => "|1284|",
+ ],
+ ];
+ public $expectedResults = [
+ 'baseUnion' => [
+ 'positionsAndTime' => [
+ 'FleetOriGalaxy' => '1',
+ 'FleetOriSystem' => '1',
+ 'FleetOriPlanet' => '1',
+ 'FleetOriType' => 'planet',
+ 'FleetOriStart' => '12.06.2020
+ 'FleetDesGalaxy' => '2',
+ 'FleetDesSystem' => '5',
+ 'FleetDesPlanet' => '10',
+ 'FleetDesType' => 'moon',
+ 'FleetDesArrive' => '12.06.2020
+ 'FleetEndTime' => '-',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ /**
+ * @test
+ */
+ public function itShouldCreateCorrectElementStructure() {
+ $params = [
+ 'elementNo' => 1,
+ 'acsUnion' => $this->mockAcsUnions['baseUnion'],
+ 'acsMainFleets' => [],
+ 'currentTimestamp' => 1591968605,
+ 'acsUnionsExtraSquads' => [],
+ "isJoiningThisUnion" => false,
+ ];
+ $result = Utils\buildFriendlyAcsListElement($params);
+ $expectedParams = [
+ 'FleetNo' => 1,
+ 'FleetMissionColor' => 'orange',
+ 'FleetMission' => "United Attack #1",
+ 'FleetBehaviour' => 'In flight to the destination point',
+ 'FleetBehaviourTxt' => '(In flight)',
+ 'FleetCount' => '110',
+ 'FleetHideTargetorBackTime' => $this->hidingClassString,
+ 'FleetHideComeBackTime' => $this->hidingClassString,
+ 'FleetHideStayTime' => $this->hidingClassString,
+ 'FleetHideRetreatTime' => $this->hidingClassString,
+ ];
+ $expectedParamsData = [
+ 'ships' => [
+ '202' => 100,
+ '204' => 10,
+ ],
+ ];
+ $this->assertArraySubset($this->expectedResults['baseUnion']['positionsAndTime'], $result, true);
+ $this->assertArraySubset($expectedParams, $result, true);
+ $this->assertArraySubset($expectedParamsData, $result['data'], true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @test
+ */
+ public function itShouldCreateCorrectElementWithJoinedFleetsStructure() {
+ $params = [
+ 'elementNo' => 1,
+ 'acsUnion' => array_merge(
+ $this->mockAcsUnions['baseUnion'],
+ $this->mockAcsUnions['joinedUnion'],
+ ),
+ "acsMainFleets" => [
+ "1269" => [
+ "acsId" => "113",
+ "hasJoinedFleets" => true,
+ ],
+ ],
+ "currentTimestamp" => 1591968605,
+ "acsUnionsExtraSquads" => [
+ "1283" => [
+ [
+ "array" => [
+ "202" => "1",
+ "203" => "10",
+ ],
+ "count" => "11",
+ ],
+ ],
+ ],
+ "isJoiningThisUnion" => false,
+ ];
+ $result = Utils\buildFriendlyAcsListElement($params);
+ $expectedParams = [
+ 'FleetNo' => 1,
+ 'FleetMissionColor' => 'orange',
+ 'FleetMission' => "United Attack #1",
+ 'FleetBehaviour' => 'In flight to the destination point',
+ 'FleetBehaviourTxt' => '(In flight)',
+ 'FleetCount' => '121',
+ 'FleetHideTargetorBackTime' => $this->hidingClassString,
+ 'FleetHideComeBackTime' => $this->hidingClassString,
+ 'FleetHideStayTime' => $this->hidingClassString,
+ 'FleetHideRetreatTime' => $this->hidingClassString,
+ ];
+ $expectedParamsData = [
+ 'ships' => [
+ '202' => 101,
+ '203' => 10,
+ '204' => 10,
+ ],
+ ];
+ $this->assertArraySubset($this->expectedResults['baseUnion']['positionsAndTime'], $result, true);
+ $this->assertArraySubset($expectedParams, $result, true);
+ $this->assertArraySubset($expectedParamsData, $result['data'], true);
+ }