Feel free to open an Issue in the GitHub project of this extension. However, do make sure to be thorough and answer the following:
- What browser did you test this with?
- What is your Magento version? What is your PHP version?
- Which version of the WebP extension did you install?
- Don't say the latest but please provide the actual version number :)
- How did you install this module?
- Which composer command did you use, or did you copy files?
- What did you do to enable the module?
- Have you tested this after flushing all caches?
- Have you tested this after disabling all caches, especially the Full Page Cache?
- The Full Page Cache will prevent you from seeing dynamic results. The Full Page Cache works with our extension, it just pointless to troubleshoot things with FPC enabled, unless you are troubleshooting FPC itself.
- Are you testing this in the Developer Mode or in the Production Mode?
- We recommend you to use the Developer Mode. Do not use the Default Mode anywhere. Do not use the Production Mode to make modifications to Magento.
- Under Stores > Configuration > Yireo > Yireo WebP2, what settings do you see?
- Value of Enabled
- Value of Debug log
- Value of GD support
- Value of PHP version
- Value of Module version
- Could you supply a URL to a live demo?
- Could you please supply a snapshot of the HTML source of a product page?
Please note that we never recommend Windows to be used to run Magento. Magento itself is not supporting Windows either. If you are stuck with Windows, make sure to use the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and use the Linux layer instead.
If the WebP configuration section is showing in the backend, but the HTML source in the frontend is not modified, please send the output of the command bin/magento dev:di:info "\Magento\Framework\View\LayoutInterface"