It is also possible to return a regular Symfony HttpFoundation Response which allows you to set a custom http status code and headers.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class ExampleController
public function symfonyResponseAction()
return new Response('foobar', Response::HTTP_CREATED, ['X-My-Header' => 'My Value']);
If you want to return a non-scalar response instead but still want to have control over your headers you can return an instance of MediaMonksRestApiResponseResponse instead.
use MediaMonks\RestApi\Response\CursorPaginatedResponse;
use MediaMonks\RestApi\Response\OffsetPaginatedResponse;
class ExampleController
public function offsetPaginatedAction()
return new OffsetPaginatedResponse(['foo', 'bar'], 30, 10, 56);
public function cursorPaginatedAction()
return new CursorPaginatedResponse(['foo', 'bar'], 1, 10, 10, 56);
Exceptions will be automatically converted to a correct error response with best matching http status code.
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use MediaMonks\RestApi\Exception\ErrorField;
use MediaMonks\RestApi\Exception\FormValidationException;
use MediaMonks\RestApi\Exception\ValidationException;
class ExampleController
public function exceptionAction()
throw new \Exception('Foo'); // will return 500 Internal Server Error
public function exceptionInvalidHttpStatusCodeAction()
throw new \Exception('foo', 900); // will return 500 Internal Server Error
public function exceptionValidCodeAction()
throw new \Exception('foo', Response::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); // will return 400 Bad Request
public function symfonyNotFoundExceptionAction()
throw new NotFoundHttpException('foo'); // will return 404 Not Found
public function formValidationExceptionAction(Request $request)
$form = $this->createFormBuilder()->getForm();
if (!$form->isValid()) {
throw new FormValidationException($form);
// other code for handling your form
public function customValidationExceptionAction(Request $request)
throw new ValidationException([
new ErrorField('field', 'code', 'message')