- CreateUser
- UpdateUser
- UpdateUsers
- GetUserById
- RetrieveHashForUser
- CountUserByFilter
- GetUsersByFilter
- GetUserByFilter
- CountUserByConstraint
- GetUsersByConstraint
- GetUserByConstraint
Create a contact in the specified list.
$changes = new Properties();
$changes['NAME'] = 'Foo bar';
$changes['MAIL'] = '[email protected]';
$CreateUserResponse = $client->CreateUser([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => 42,
/* Properties of the new contact */
'Changes' => $changes,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $CreateUserResponse->getCode()) {
$user_id = $CreateUserResponse->getUserId();
Update a contact profile in the specified list.
$changes = new Properties();
$changes['NAME'] = 'Test Foo bar';
$changes['MAIL'] = '[email protected]';
$UpdateUserResponse = $client->UpdateUser([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => 42,
/* ID of the selected contact */
'UserID' => $user_id,
/* List of modified properties */
'Changes' => $changes,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL !== $UpdateUserResponse->getCode()) {
print $UpdateUserResponse->getError();
Update multiple contact profiles in the specified list.
use Mediapart\Selligent\Properties;
use Mediapart\Selligent\Request\UpdateUsers;
$user1Properties = new Properties();
$user1Properties['Foo'] = 'Bar 1';
$user2Properties = new Properties();
$user2Properties['Foo'] = 'Bar 2';
$UpdateUsersResponse = $client->UpdateUsers([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => 1,
/* An array of contact profiles to update.
The ID is used to perform mapping with existing records.
In case of insert, set the ID to 0. */
'UserChanges' => [
'ID' => 1,
'Changes' => $user1Properties
'ID' => 2,
'Changes' => $user2Properties
/* The type of operation.
- 1, insert only
- 2, update only
- 3, insert and update */
'mode' => UpdateUsers::INSERT & UpdateUsers::UPDATE,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $UpdateUsersResponse->getCode()) {
print "changes saved."
Retrieve contact information based on a user ID.
$GetUserByIDResponse = $client->GetUserByID([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => 42,
/* ID of the selected contact */
'UserID' => $user_id,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $GetUsersByConstraintResponse->getCode()) {
$userProperties = $GetUsersByConstraintResponse->getProperties();
Retrieve the hash code for the selected contact.
$RetrieveHashForUserResponse = $client->RetrieveHashForUser([
/* Name of the targeted gate */
'GateName' => $gate_name,
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => $list_id,
/* ID of the targeted contact */
'UserID' => $user_id,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $RetrieveHashForUserResponse->getCode()) {
$user_hash_code = $RetrieveHashForUserResponse->getHashCode();
Count the number of contacts based on a constraint.
$CountUserByConstraintResponse = $client->CountUsersByConstraint([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => $list_id,
/* Constraint applied to the contact’s selection.
The constraint corresponds to the sql WHERE statement */
'Constraint' => 'NAME LIKE %foobar%',
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $CountUserByConstraintResponse->getCode()) {
print $CountUserByConstraintResponse->getUserCount();
Retrieve a list of contacts based on a constraint.
$GetUsersByConstraintResponse = $client->GetUsersByConstraint([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => $list_id,
/* Constraint applied to the contact selection */
'Constraint' => 'NAME LIKE %foobar%',
/* Maximum amount of records retrieved */
'MaxCount' => 5,
$users = [];
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $GetUsersByConstraintResponse->getCode()) {
foreach ($GetUsersByConstraintResponse->getIds() as $user_id) {
$users[] = $client->GetUserById($user_id);
Retrieve user information based on a constraint.
$GetUserByConstraintResponse = $client->GetUsersByConstraint([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => $list_id,
/* Constraint applied to the contact selection */
'Constraint' => 'NAME = %foobar%',
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $GetUserByConstraintResponse->getCode()) {
$user = $GetUserByConstraintResponse->getProperties();
Count the number of contacts based on a filter.
$filter = new Properties();
$filter['NAME'] = 'foobar';
$CountUserByFilterResponse = $client->CountUsersByFilter([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => $list_id,
/* Filter applied to the contact’s selection.
This is represented by an array of keys and values */
'Filter' => $filter,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $CountUserByFilterResponse->getCode()) {
print $CountUserByFilterResponse->getUserCount();
Retrieve a list of contacts based on a filter.
$filter = new Properties();
$filter['NAME'] = 'foobar';
$GetUsersByFilterResponse = $client->GetUsersByFilter([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => $list_id,
/* Filter applied to the contact’s selection.
This is represented by an array of keys and values */
'Filter' => $filter,
/* Maximum amount of records retrieved */
'MaxCount' => 5,
$users = [];
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $GetUsersByFilterResponse->getCode()) {
foreach ($GetUsersByFilterResponse->getIds() as $user_id) {
$users[] = $client->GetUserById($user_id);
Retrieve contact information based on a filter
$filter = new Properties();
$filter['NAME'] = 'foobar';
$GetUserByFilterResponse = $client->GetUserByFilter([
/* ID or Code of the targeted list */
'List' => $list_id,
/* Filter applied to the contact selection */
'Filter' => $filter,
if (Response::SUCCESSFUL === $GetUserByFilterResponse->getCode()) {
$user = $GetUserByFilterResponse->getProperties();