All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Component specific changes
Please refer to the respective repositories for a more in depth changelog of single components:
This Release is based on ontology Version v3.0.0
Updated all components to new versions
Made FLARE execute-cohort endpoint only available on local docker network and new FLARE version makes enabling execute-cohort endpoint configurable
Added Fhir-Data-Evaluator (FDE) to triangle
Affected Components
UI Re-Design, Restructuring of Code
UI, Backend
Extended Criteria Search (Elastic Search)
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation
Add OAuth2 to triangle components
Added Dataselection and Extraction
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation, TORCH
Migrated from Mapping code system tree strcture to poly tree structure to support non strict hierarchical code systems like sct
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation, TORCH, FLARE
Loading and displaying of criteria availability
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation
Added new modules and Updated Ontology
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation, FLARE, sq2cq, TORCH
[5.0.0-alpha.1] - 2024-11-15
Updated all components to new versions
Made FLARE execute-cohort endpoint only available on local docker network and new FLARE version makes enabling execute-cohort endpoint configurable
[5.0.0-alpha] - 2024-10-21
Affected Components
UI Re-Design, Restructuring of Code
UI, Backend
Extended Criteria Search (Elastic Search)
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation
Add OAuth2 to triangle components
Added Dataselection and Extraction
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation, TORCH
Migrated from Mapping code system tree strcture to poly tree structure to support non strict hierarchical code systems like sct
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation, TORCH, FLARE
Loading and displaying of criteria availability
UI, Backend, Ontology Generation
Updated all components to new versions
Added TORCH component for data selection and extraction in the triangle
Changed to context configuration (installing using one domain) for default setup
Added option to switch between subdomain and context setup
Updated components and underlying libraries to the new versions and added new components:
Portal: gui 5.0.0
, backend 5.0.1
, keycloak 25.0
Triangle: flare 2.3.0
, blaze 0.28
, keycloak 25.0
Components above are based on ontology (2.2.0 )
Changed to subdomain configuration for default setup
Separated portal webserver from UI for default deploy
Removed AKTIN
Affected Components
Improved support for referenced criteria
Refactored Code Base
Add OAuth2
DSF Feasibility Plugin
Add frontend
Add dynamic indexing
Add oAuth to direct broker for CQL
Affected Components
Fix Translation on Expanded Criteria with Reference Attribute Filters
Add Basic Auth to direct broker
Updated gui, backend and flare components and underlying libraries to the new versions
Adjusted readme to reflect changes in the underlying components and added Info about Blaze re-indexing
Updated Ontology to newest version
Affected Components
Fixed consent querying
UI, backend, Ontology, sq2cql, FLARE, Blaze
Fixed CQL large query generation
Added newest missing search params to Blaze in this repository
Updated all components and underlying libraries to the new versions
Adjusted readme to reflect changes in the underlying components
Affected Components
Improved support for referenced criteria
UI, backend, Ontology, sq2cql, FLARE, Blaze
Improved saving and loading of templates and saved queries
UI, backend
Make UI category order configurable
UI, backend
Improved Dataselection: added support for required criteria, allow selecting of any term tree node,
Updated sq2cql to new ontology version
backend, sq2cql, Ontology, Blaze
Allow querying without value filter according to ontology ui_profiles optional attribute
UI, backend, Ontology
Improved error handling
UI, backend
Updated all components and underlying libraries to the new versions
Updated all components to version compatible with ontology version 2.0
Adjusted readme to reflect changes in the underlying components
Affected Components
Added support for referenced criteria
UI, backend, Ontology, sq2cql, FLARE
Added support for composite search parameters
UI, SQ, Ontology, sq2cql, FLARE
Updated to new DSF version v1.0.0 compatible with new DSF verison v1.x
Backend, DSF feasibility plugin
Added Dateselection
Update ontology to new ontology generation and added ontology to images directly
Ontology, Backend, FLARE
Added encrypted result logging
Add support for self-signed certificates
Backend, FLARE, DSF feasibility plugin
Updated all components and underlying libraries to the new versions
Updated UI to angular 15
Updated keycloak to 21.0
Updated nginx to 1.23
Refactored deploy repository - removed DSF from this deployment and added reference to DSF deployment in Readme
Removed hapi fhir-server from deployment
Affected Components
Added calculated criterion age
Ontology, Sq2cql, FLARE
Improved at site obfuscation
DSF Feasibility Plugin, AKTIN Client
Added SQ query import and export
Improved FHIR query execution and result caching
Update Consent to new search params and add central MII consent query
UI, Ontology
Update ontology to newest KDS version
Update AKTIN client to new version, move query handling to Java plugin and add query validation
AKTIN client
SQ query validation
Backend, AKTIN client
Add CQL execution to direct broker
Affected Components
Added extra security measures, which restrict number queries a user can send and results a user can view
UI, Backend
Improved at site obfuscation
DSF Feasibility Plugin, Aktin Client
Hard rate limit at sites for AKTIN and DSF feasibility plugins
DSF feasibility plugin, AKTIN Client
Query results are no longer persisted and only kept in memory for a configurable amount of time
Delete query results from central DSF and AKTIN broker on collection
User blacklisting if too many queries are sent in a given time