Separation of cmdlogbuf module into two modules
Merged PR: ARCUS-Persistence
cmdlogbuf 모듈을 기능에 따라 두 개의 모듈로 분리
Log buffer 및 log flusher 모듈: cmdlogbuf.c
, cmdlogbuf.h
Log file 모듈: cmdlogfile.c
, cmdlogfile.h
기존 cmdlogbuf.c
내의 data structure, function 등을 분리해 아래 정리
/* FIXME: config log buffer size */
#define CMDLOG_BUFFER_SIZE (100 * 1024 * 1024 ) /* 100 MB */
#define CMDLOG_FLUSH_AUTO_SIZE (32 * 1024 ) /* 32 KB : see the nflush data type of log_FREQ */
#define CMDLOG_RECORD_MIN_SIZE 16 /* 8 bytes header + 8 bytes body */
static struct log_global log_gl;
/* flush request structure */
typedef struct _log_freq {
uint16_t nflush; /* amount of log buffer to flush */
uint8_t dual_write; /* flag of dual write */
uint8_t unused;
} log_FREQ;
/* log buffer structure */
typedef struct _log_buffer {
/* log buffer */
char *data; /* log buffer pointer */
uint32_t size; /* log buffer size */
uint32_t head; /* the head position in log buffer */
uint32_t tail; /* the tail position in log buffer */
int32_t last; /* the last position in log buffer */
/* flush request queue */
log_FREQ *fque; /* flush request queue pointer */
uint32_t fqsz; /* flush request queue size */
uint32_t fbgn; /* the queue index to begin flush */
uint32_t fend; /* the queue index to end flush */
int32_t dw_end; /* the queue index to end dual write */
} log_BUFFER;
/* log flusher structure */
typedef struct _log_flusher {
pthread_mutex_t lock;
pthread_cond_t cond;
bool sleep;
volatile uint8_t running;
volatile bool reqstop;
} log_FLUSHER;
/* log global structure */
struct log_global {
log_FILE log_file; // file
log_BUFFER log_buffer;
log_FLUSHER log_flusher;
LogSN nxt_write_lsn;
LogSN nxt_flush_lsn;
LogSN nxt_fsync_lsn; // file
pthread_mutex_t log_write_lock; // cmdlog_file_getsize
pthread_mutex_t log_flush_lock; // buff+file
pthread_mutex_t log_fsync_lock; // file: except buff_init
pthread_mutex_t flush_lsn_lock;
pthread_mutex_t fsync_lsn_lock; // file: except buff_init
pthread_cond_t log_flush_cond; // file: except buff_init
bool async_mode; // file: except buff_init
volatile bool initialized; // file: except buff_init/cmdlog_buf_flush_thread_start
static void do_log_flusher_wakeup (log_FLUSHER *flusher)
static uint32_t do_log_buff_flush(bool flush_all)
static LogSN do_log_buff_write(LogRec *logrec, bool dual_write)
static void do_log_buff_complete_dual_write(bool success)
static void *log_flush_thread_main(void *arg)
void cmdlog_buff_write(LogRec *logrec, log_waiter_t *waiter, bool dual_write)
void cmdlog_buff_flush(LogSN *upto_lsn)
void cmdlog_get_flush_lsn(LogSN *lsn)
void cmdlog_get_fsync_lsn(LogSN *lsn)
void cmdlog_complete_dual_write(bool success)
ENGINE_ERROR_CODE cmdlog_buf_init(struct default_engine * engine)
void cmdlog_buf_final(void )
ENGINE_ERROR_CODE cmdlog_buf_flush_thread_start(void )
void cmdlog_buf_flush_thread_stop(void )
/* log file structure */
typedef struct _log_file {
int prev_fd;
int fd;
int next_fd;
size_t size;
size_t next_size;
bool close_wait;
} log_FILE;
static int disk_open (const char *fname, int flags, int mode)
static off_t disk_lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence)
static ssize_t disk_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
static ssize_t disk_write(int fd, void *buf, size_t count)
static int disk_fsync(int fd)
static int disk_close(int fd)
static void do_log_file_close_waiter_wakeup(log_FILE *file)
static void do_log_file_write(char *log_ptr, uint32_t log_size, bool dual_write)
static void do_log_file_complete_dual_write(void )
void cmdlog_file_sync(void )
int cmdlog_file_open(char *path)
void cmdlog_file_close(bool chkpt_success)
void cmdlog_file_init(void )
void cmdlog_file_final(void )
size_t cmdlog_file_getsize(void )
static int do_redo_pending_lrec(int fd, int start_offset, int end_offset)
int cmdlog_file_apply(void )