- Make LightningDB cluster 4 with the following command:
$ ltcli
Cluster '3' selected.
skt@lightningdb:3> deploy 4
Select installer
(1) [DOWNLOAD] lightningdb.release.release.flashbase_v1.3.1.44c438.bin
(2) [LOCAL] bash
(3) [LOCAL] lightningdb.release.support-binary-arrow-scan.71c63b-bugfix.bin
(4) [LOCAL] lightningdb.release.support-binary-arrow-scan.71c63b-dirty.bin
(5) [LOCAL] lightningdb.release.release.flashbase_v1.3.1.44c438.bin
(6) [LOCAL] lightningdb.release.support-binary-arrow-scan.cb86e1-dirty.bin
Please enter the number, file path or url of the installer you want to use.
You can also add file in list by copy to '$FBPATH/releases/'
OK, lightningdb.release.support-binary-arrow-scan.71c63b-dirty.bin
In the above case, I chose to use the 4th binary,lightningdb.release.support-binary-arrow-scan.71c63b-dirty.bin
- Type hosts (IP address or hostname):
Please type hosts separated by comma(,) [xxx.xxx.xxx.205, xxx.xxx.xxx.206, xxx.xxx.xxx.207, xxx.xxx.xxx.208]
OK, ['xxx.xxx.xxx.205', 'xxx.xxx.xxx.206', 'xxx.xxx.xxx.207', 'xxx.xxx.xxx.208']
- Define how many master processes will be created in the cluster per server:
How many masters would you like to create on each host? [128]
OK, 128
Please type ports separate with comma(,) and use hyphen(-) for range. [18400-18527]
OK, ['20400-20527']
- Define how many slave processes will be created for a master process:
How many replicas would you like to create on each master? [0]
OK, 0
- Type the number of SSDs (disks) and the path of DB files:
How many ssd would you like to use? [4]
OK, 4
Type prefix of db path [/nvme/data_]
OK, /nvme/data_
- Check all settings and type y:
| installer | lightningdb.release.support-binary-arrow-scan.71c63b-dirty.bin |
| hosts | xxx.xxx.xxx.205 |
| | xxx.xxx.xxx.206 |
| | xxx.xxx.xxx.207 |
| | xxx.xxx.xxx.208 |
| master ports | 20400-20527 |
| ssd count | 4 |
| db path | /nvme/data_ |
Do you want to proceed with the deploy according to the above information? (y/n)
- Deploy cluster:
Check status of hosts...
| xxx.xxx.xxx.205 | OK |
| xxx.xxx.xxx.206 | OK |
| xxx.xxx.xxx.207 | OK |
| xxx.xxx.xxx.208 | OK |
Check port...
Checking cluster exist...
| xxx.xxx.xxx.208 | CLEAN |
| xxx.xxx.xxx.207 | CLEAN |
| xxx.xxx.xxx.206 | CLEAN |
| xxx.xxx.xxx.205 | CLEAN |
Tranfer intaller and execute...
- xxx.xxx.xxx.205
- xxx.xxx.xxx.205
- xxx.xxx.xxx.205
- xxx.xxx.xxx.208
Sync conf...
Complete to deploy cluster 4.
Cluster '4' selected.
We suggest that you begin by typing: cluster create
- Start LightningDB:
skt@lightningdb:4> cluster create
- Stop LightningDB:
skt@lightningdb:4> cluster stop