Building Percona Server 5.6 for MySQL from the source code enables you to customize build parameters, compiler optimizations, and installation location.
Run cmake to configure the build.
Then compile and install the source code. (8: # of cores in your machine)
$ make -j8 install
Initialize tasks that must be performed before the Percona Server for MySQL, mysqld, is ready to use.
is not executable, runsudo chmod +x mysql_install_db
: the path to the Percona Server data directory--basedir
: the path to the Percona Server installation directory.
$ ./scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --datadir=/path/to/datadir --basedir=/path/to/basedir
Reset the root password.
$ ./bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
$ ./bin/mysql -uroot
root:(none)> use mysql;
root:mysql> update user set authentication_string=password('abc') where user='root';
root:mysql> flush privileges;
root:mysql> quit;
$ ./bin/mysql -uroot
root:mysql> set password = password('abc');
root:mysql> quit;
Shut down and restart the server.
$ ./bin/mysqladmin -uroot -pabc shutdown
$ ./bin/mysqld_safe