- Alan Gates
- Arun Nair
- Cupid Chan
- Mandy Chessell
- Ganesh Raju
- Raj D Desai
- Srikanth Venkat
- Susan Malaika
- John Mertic
- Maryna Strelchuk
Quorum achieved.
- SIG and PMC updates
- ODPi BI & AI
- ODPi Runtime
- ODPi Data Governance and ODPi Egeria
- Interoperations between ODPi Data Governance and ODPi BI & AI
- Review and approve TSC project lifecycles and governance
- Cupid to provide ready to approve draft of ODPi BI & AI deliverable report.
- Cupid to follow up with Mandy on possibility of ODPi BI & AI leading a workstream to build out Egeria data science access service APIs.
Cupid indicated the final report for TSC review is pending Tableau, which Cupid expects to be done today or tomorrow and then he will ship to the TSC for review. For the next deliverable Cupid indicated that AI and Hadoop would be the next whitepaper topic, and planned to start work on the outline in the next month.
No update from ODPi Runtime.
Mandy indicated the content for the workship and discussion was very good, but attendance was quite low outside the core developers. The ING and IBM team started working with the Cognos and BigSQL teams on adopting the Open Metadata tools. Maryna commented on the positive engagement for both teams. Mandy mentioned the meeting next week at ING's offices in New York during Strata NYC. Susan indicated there are 37 registered, and will work on engaging the local DAMA groups. Susan also shared links to the actions from last week's mini-summit, along with the meetup next week. Mandy also indicated the compliance suite of tests is being built out now, adding the governance OMAS and digital architecture OMAS as part of the work. Microsoft is starting active work on Egeria this week.
Mandy discussed that there could be an opportunity for ODPi Egeria to work with the ODPi BI and AIG for developing out the data science access service, asking if there would be interest in a workstream for building out that interface. Cupid expressed interest and asked for more details to review.
John asked if there was any feedback on the governance documents proposed during the previous TSC meeting prior to a vote. As there were no concerns raised, John presented a vote for approving all 3 documents, having the current projects be grandfathered in at the 'Active' stage, and for the Board of Directors to approve. After Cupid motioned and Alan seconded, all voted in favor.
Arun also mentioned connections he has to the OpenDataSci conferences and that he's working to have ODPi be part of that agenda.
09:22:35 From Susan Malaika : https://twitter.com/sumalaika/status/1034871023089250304 09:24:06 From Susan Malaika : https://www.meetup.com/Big-Data-Developers-in-NYC/events/253974350/