- Alan Gates
- Arun Nair
- Cupid Chan
- Maryna Strelchuk
- Ganesh Raju
- Mandy Chessell
- Suresh Channamallu
- John Mertic
- Susan Malaika
- David Radley
Quorum achieved.
- Active Project updates
- ODPi BI & AI
- ODPi Data Governance and ODPi Egeria
- BigTop grant update
- TSC Chairperson
- Future projects updates (AIs from last meeting)
- Ganesh to prepare project proposal for benchmarking for big data.
- JanusGraph - Report from John on March 27 meeting
- Ganesh to start discussion over email on HPC Big Data related project
- Palisade - Report from Mandy on March 21 meeting
- John to open nominations via email
- Cupid to put more ODPi AI and BI details on GitHub
- Ganesh to submit project proposals
Cupid shared that Microstrategy, Qlik, Tableau, IBM, and Thoughtspot are the current collaborators for the whitepaper this year. Cupid asked for help connecting to SAS and Microsoft. He is also looking to do video this year as well in addition to the whitepaper content. John M suggest to Cupid using the GitHub repo for more project information for ODPi to share.
Mandy and John M have been fielding many LinkedIn inquiries a week. Mandy along with ING and SAS had a two day workshop this week focusing on lineage and discovery. Added a repository in the master branch this week.
John M shared that Evans is close to completing the work and that it will be done with the BigTop 1.4 release. Ganesh shared that he was with Evans this past week and that they are close to pushing release.
Alan shared that with him taking the Cloudera Board seat, he felt it would be best to have someone else on the TSC taking over the TSC Chairperson role and board seat. Alan shared the responsibilities of the TSC Chairperson position.
Mandy stepped forward as a nominee. Alan asked to hold nominations via email, John M said he would close nominations in a week and do a vote afterwards.
John shared the success of the JanusGraph online meetup and next steps for digging into thier ecosystem development challenges. Susan M was also very excited.
Ganesh is still working on his proposal and plans to send in in the next few weeks.
Mandy reported good progress with Palisade, and there will be a few more workshops to discuss Egeria and Palisade integrations. Alan asked about the desire to build a community around Palisade and Mandy indicated that that is the driver for both bringing the project to ODPi and GCHQ joining as a member.