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Translating Expression Trees |
Learn how to visit each node in an expression tree while building a modified copy of that expression tree. |
.NET, .NET Core |
BillWagner |
wiwagn |
06/20/2016 |
article |
.net |
devlang-csharp |
csharp |
b453c591-acc6-4e08-8175-97e5bc65958e |
Previous -- Building Expressions
In this final section, you'll learn how to visit each node in an expression tree while building a modified copy of that expression tree. These are the techniques that you will use in two important scenarios. The first is to understand the algorithms expressed by an expression tree so that it can be translated into another environment. The second is when you want to change the algorithm that has been created. This might be to add logging, intercept method calls and track them, or other purposes.
The code you build to translate an expression tree is an extension of what you've already seen to visit all the nodes in a tree. When you translate an expression tree, you visit all the nodes, and while visiting them, build the new tree. The new tree may contain references to the original nodes, or new nodes that you have placed in the tree.
Let's see this in action by visiting an expression tree, and creating a new tree with some replacement nodes. In this example, let's replace any constant with a constant that is ten times larger. Otherwise, we'll leave the expression tree intact. Rather than reading the value of the constant, and replacing it with a new constant, we'll make this replacement by replacing the constant node with a new node that performs the multiplication.
Here, once you find a constant node, you create a new multiplication
node whose children are the original constant, and the constant
private static Expression ReplaceNodes(Expression original)
if (original.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
return Expression.Multiply(original, Expression.Constant(10));
else if (original.NodeType == ExpressionType.Add)
var binaryExpression = (BinaryExpression)original;
return Expression.Add(
return original;
By replacing the original node with the substitute, a new tree is formed that contains our modifications. We can verify that by compiling and executing the replaced tree.
var one = Expression.Constant(1, typeof(int));
var two = Expression.Constant(2, typeof(int));
var addition = Expression.Add(one, two);
var sum = ReplaceNodes(addition);
var executableFunc = Expression.Lambda(sum);
var func = (Func<int>)executableFunc.Compile();
var answer = func();
Building a new tree is a combination of visiting the nodes in the existing tree, and creating new nodes and inserting them into the tree.
This example shows the importance of expression trees being immutable. Notice that the new tree created above contains a mixture of newly created nodes, and nodes from the existing tree. That's safe, because the nodes in the existing tree cannot be modified. This can result in significant memory efficiencies. The same nodes can be used throughout a tree, or in multiple expression trees. Since nodes can't be modified, the same node can be reused whenever its needed.
Let's verify this by building a second visitor that walks the tree of addition nodes and computes the result. You can do this by making a couple modifications to the vistor that you've seen so far. In this new version, the visitor will return the partial sum of the addition operation up to this point. For a constant expression, that is simply the value of the constant expression. For an addition expression, the result is the sum of the left and right operands, once those trees have been traversed.
var one = Expression.Constant(1, typeof(int));
var two = Expression.Constant(2, typeof(int));
var three= Expression.Constant(3, typeof(int));
var four = Expression.Constant(4, typeof(int));
var addition = Expression.Add(one, two);
var add2 = Expression.Add(three, four);
var sum = Expression.Add(addition, add2);
// Declare the delegate, so we can call it
// from itself recursively:
Func<Expression, int> aggregate = null;
// Aggregate, return constants, or the sum of the left and right operand.
// Major simplification: Assume every binary expression is an addition.
aggregate = (exp) =>
exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant ?
(int)((ConstantExpression)exp).Value :
aggregate(((BinaryExpression)exp).Left) + aggregate(((BinaryExpression)exp).Right);
var theSum = aggregate(sum);
There's quite a bit of code here, but the concepts are very approachable. This code visits children in a depth first search. When it encounters a constant node, the visitor returns the value of the constant. After the visitor has visited both children, those children will have computed the sum computed for that sub-tree. The addition node can now compute its sum. Once all the nodes in the expression tree have been visited, the sum will have been computed. You can trace the execution by running the sample in the debugger and tracing the execution.
Let's make it easier to trace how the nodes are analyzed and how the sum is computed by travsersing the tree. Here's an updated version of the Aggregate method that includes quite a bit of tracing information:
private static int Aggregate(Expression exp)
if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Constant)
var constantExp = (ConstantExpression)exp;
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Found Constant: {constantExp.Value}");
return (int)constantExp.Value;
else if (exp.NodeType == ExpressionType.Add)
var addExp = (BinaryExpression)exp;
Console.Error.WriteLine("Found Addition Expression");
Console.Error.WriteLine("Computing Left node");
var leftOperand = Aggregate(addExp.Left);
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Left is: {leftOperand}");
Console.Error.WriteLine("Computing Right node");
var rightOperand = Aggregate(addExp.Right);
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Right is: {rightOperand}");
var sum = leftOperand + rightOperand;
Console.Error.WriteLine($"Computed sum: {sum}");
return sum;
else throw new NotSupportedException("Haven't written this yet");
Running it on the same expression yields the following output:
Found Addition Expression
Computing Left node
Found Addition Expression
Computing Left node
Found Constant: 1
Left is: 1
Computing Right node
Found Constant: 2
Right is: 2
Computed sum: 3
Left is: 3
Computing Right node
Found Addition Expression
Computing Left node
Found Constant: 3
Left is: 3
Computing Right node
Found Constant: 4
Right is: 4
Computed sum: 7
Right is: 7
Computed sum: 10
Trace the output and follow along in the code above. You should be able to work out how the code visits each node and computes the sum as it goes through the tree and finds the sum.
Now, let's look at a different run, with the expression given by sum1
Expression<Func<int> sum1 = () => 1 + (2 + (3 + 4));
Here's the output from examining this expression:
Found Addition Expression
Computing Left node
Found Constant: 1
Left is: 1
Computing Right node
Found Addition Expression
Computing Left node
Found Constant: 2
Left is: 2
Computing Right node
Found Addition Expression
Computing Left node
Found Constant: 3
Left is: 3
Computing Right node
Found Constant: 4
Right is: 4
Computed sum: 7
Right is: 7
Computed sum: 9
Right is: 9
Computed sum: 10
While the final answer is the same, the tree traversal is completely different. The nodes are traveled in a different order, because the tree was constructed with different operations occurring first.
This sample shows a small subset of the code you would build to traverse and interpret the algorithms represented by an expression tree. For a complete discussion of all the work necessary to build a general purpose library that translates expression trees into another language, please read this series by Matt Warren. It goes into great detail on how to translate any of the code you might find in an expression tree.
I hope you've now seen the true power of expression trees. You can examine a set of code, make any changes you'd like to that code, and execute the changed version. Because the expression trees are immutable, you can create new trees by using the components of existing trees. This minimizes the amount of memory needed to create modified expression trees.