Releases: mehrancodes/laravel-harbor
What's Changed
- Ensured the git repository is installed when provisioning by @mehrancodes in #68
- Set FORGE_PHP_VERSION to use null to use default version by @mehrancodes in #69
Full Changelog: v0.1.8...v0.1.9
What's Changed
- Update workflows by @mehrancodes in #63
- Refactor the pull requests comment body builder by @mehrancodes in #65 - Issue #56
- Renamed the cli name to Laravel Harbor @mehrancodes in #66
Full Changelog: v0.1.7...v0.1.8
🚀 Update (February 25, 2024): Repository Name Change
We have officially changed the repository name from "Veyoze" to "Laravel Harbor." The new repository URL is now:
composer require mehrancodes/laravel-harbor
Please update your references and links accordingly.
What's Changed
- Allow empty lines in env keys. by @gbradley in #59
- Enhance forge environment variables modifier by @mehrancodes in #60
New Contributors 🚀
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7
What's Changed
- Create LICENSE by @mehrancodes in #55
- #57 Enhanced TextToArray action by @mehrancodes in #58
Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.6
What's Changed
- enhancement: Added database URL for the pr provision comment by @mehrancodes in #53
- Updated Nginx template variables search & replace pipeline by @mehrancodes in #54
Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.1.5
What's Changed
- feature: Added ability to manually set the Forge site subdomain by @mehrancodes in #52
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
Supposing our branch name is feature/325-update-welcome-page, It makes the subdomain like 325-update-welcome-page.DOMAIN.COM, And it uses a standardized name (update_welcome_page) that is valid for the isolation username, Database Name, and Database Username.
Because the isolation username does not accept digits at the beginning, we remove the early digits from the standardized name. On another side, we have to replace the dashes with underscores for the database name and database username, which aims to cover all scenarios.
What's Changed
- fix: Excluded requiring git token & issue number if pr comment is disabled by @mehrancodes in #50
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
What's Changed
- fix: Removed the prefixed 'www' from provision url output by @mehrancodes in #45
- Include the site information to the pull request as comment by @shvansheikha in #48
New Contributors
- @shvansheikha made their first contribution in #48
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
What's Changed
- Update by @mehrancodes in #40
- Update by @mehrancodes in #41
- added Veyoze benefits to by @mehrancodes in #42
- fix: Ensure we show the missing/wrong config error messages properly by @mehrancodes in #44
Full Changelog: v0.0.9...v0.1.0