We articulate vision and priorities for the company to our people.
- the vehicle for aligning the organization
- identify weaknesses and specify 1-3 areas of improvement
- a coach must actually observe you, directly or indirectly
- Everyone needs a coach. Your responsibility to find one.
- outside advice dependent on quality / blind spots of your story telling to them.
- much less effective.
- is a verdict - coaching happens during the year.
- a surprise here will lose trust. coach in advance, to allow them a chance to improve.
Curiosity - creates connections Ask, elaborate, empower, collaborate
- Ask
- start with an open ended question: "what do you think ____"
- Listen to get understanding, concern, interpretation, of situation
- Elaborate
- add information, bring them some information back
- share your perspective
- elevate the other person
Pause to think about root causes
- Empower
- flex to the employee - get to the point if they are direct.
- get them to call the next steps as they see it
- Collaborate
- build off their ideas
- i love that! in addition, maybe....
- Law of similarity - share a similar experience to build trust - create teachable moment
- openness fosters teamwork
3 Reaction Triggers
- truth - wrong/unfair/unhelpful
- relationship: relationship taints reaction to feedback, good or bad
- identity: huge variance in peoples sensitivity to feedback
- Ability to move a persons thinking, actions, decisions toward your business objectives.
- People don't care what you know, until they know that you care.
- Everything after the Initial Ask is influencing: followups, etc.
Key Concept #1:
Core Influence Characteristics: 6 categories of personal traits that can enhance or detract your ability to influence.
Personal Attributes: Internal - Confidence, Trustworthiness, Respectful and humble, Optimistic, Open minded - Builds a professional brand of integrity, trust and respect. - Influence, Vision, Motivation, Proactive, Opportunistic - Creates rep as a change agent - Commitment, Flexibility, Determination, Accountability - Helps get the job done
Personal Attributes: External - Social Connections: Delegated authority, Friends, allies, and advisories, and Academic, media, political/industry contacts - Social Activities: Providing thought leadership, Being info gateway, industry/assoc activism - want to be seen as an expert in your industry - Your Actions: Follow-thru, showing you care, using proper body lang, leading by example
Personal Attributes: Soft skills - Your credentials: degrees, certs, types and titles - Your recognition: Awards, major accomplishments - Your knowledge: Prof and personal experience, Learned skills/info
Interpersonal Comm - Emotional intelligence and body language -> Understand others, build relationships - Asking purposeful questions, active listening -> Enhances fact finding, builds interpersonal rapport - Conflict resolution, difficult conversations -> Reduces stress, enhances productivity/teamwork, lowers attrition - Public speaking, Business acumen, Facilitation, Written comms -> Enhances your visibility, influence, and upward mobility
Business Skills - Teambuilding, Running meetings, Building diversity, Vendor management -> Helps build your team - Consultative approach, Negotiation, Strategic planning, Goal setting, Time mgmt -> Maximize personal productivity and effectiveness - Interviewing/Hiring, Mentoring, Staff reviews -> Enhances 1-on-1 staff interaction, which builds loyalty in your team toward you
Resources - Money, equipment, software, location, physical access -> ability to provide resources - Documentation, business process, IP, relevant info -> ability to provide info/expertise - Organizational access, personal connections -> ability to provide business connections
Key Concept #2:
Situational Influence: all influence is situational
Ex 1: Project Mgr talking to their team vs their stakeholders
Ex 2a: Surgeon talking to patients, vs talking to friends about football
Ex 2b: Same surgeon talking to friends, but talking about quarterback vs talking about concussion protocols
Evaluate situational influence Per-meeting, Per-person, and Per-topic. Any of these can change it.
Influence Power Rating Worksheet