diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 911832b..faba3fb 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ An ECS service with an ALB target group, suitable for routing to from an ALB. | [desired\_count](#input\_desired\_count) | The number of instances of the task definition to place and keep running. | `string` | `"3"` | no | | [ecs\_cluster](#input\_ecs\_cluster) | The ECS cluster | `string` | `"default"` | no | | [env](#input\_env) | Environment name | `any` | n/a | yes | +| [extra\_hosts](#input\_extra\_hosts) | List of objects containing 'hostname' and 'ipAddress' used to add extra /etc/hosts to the container. | `list(object({'hostname': string 'ipAddress': string})` | `[]` | no | | [health\_check\_grace\_period\_seconds](#input\_health\_check\_grace\_period\_seconds) | Seconds to ignore failing load balancer health checks on newly instantiated tasks to prevent premature shutdown, up to 2147483647. Default 0. | `string` | `"0"` | no | | [image\_id](#input\_image\_id) | ECR image\_id for the ecs container | `string` | `""` | no | | [is\_test](#input\_is\_test) | For testing only. Stops the call to AWS for sts | `bool` | `false` | no | @@ -85,8 +86,6 @@ An ECS service with an ALB target group, suitable for routing to from an ALB. | [target\_group\_arn](#input\_target\_group\_arn) | The ALB target group for the service. | `string` | `""` | no | | [task\_role\_policy](#input\_task\_role\_policy) | IAM policy document to apply to the tasks via a task role | `string` | `"{\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Action\": \"sts:GetCallerIdentity\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }\n ]\n}\n"` | no | | [taskdef\_volume](#input\_taskdef\_volume) | Map containing 'name' and 'host\_path' used to add a volume mapping to the taskdef. | `map(string)` | `{}` | no | -| [extra\_hosts](#input\_extra\_hosts) | List of objects containing 'hostname' and 'ipAddress' used to add extra /etc/hosts to the container. | `list(object({'hostname': string 'ipAddress': string})` | `[]` | no | - ## Outputs | Name | Description |