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Useful scripts

This folder contains a bunch of useful links, scripts and commands for automating and managing Snapcrafters stuff.

Handy links

Get all distros that have the Discord snap installed

snapcraft metrics discord --name installed_base_by_operating_system --format table | cat > installed-base-raw.txt
tail -n +2 installed-base-raw.txt | cut -d/ -f1 | uniq > unique-oses.txt

Get credentials

For more information on how to generate the credentials we use, take a look at Permissions and Secrets

Show contributor activity

Admins can download an audit log of all activity in a repository. The URL takes the time period as GET parameter. For example, to get all activity in 2023, go to and download the CSV.

The following oneliners are useful to get some interesting metrics.

# Useful columns
# * actor: 11
# * timestamp: 1

# Get all unique contributors
cat export-snapcrafters-1701710994.csv | cut -d "," -f 11 | sort | uniq > contributors-2023.txt

# Get all active members
comm -13 contributors-2023.txt members.txt

# Get all members of our org that are not actually snapcrafters
comm -13 members.txt snapcrafters-github-org-members.txt > non-member-org-members.txt

Getting collaborators of snaps

The snap store doesn't have an API to get or change the collaborators. The underlying commands scrape the HTML pages and simulate button clicks. The <FILL> stuf needs to be extracted from your browser by clicking on a button and looking at the cookies with the developer console.

COOKIE="csrftoken=<FILL>; sessionid=<FILL>"

readarray -t array < merlijn-snapcrafters-snaps.txt

# Get all collaborators of all snaps
for SNAP in "${array[@]}"
   echo "# Collaborators of $SNAP"
   curl -s$SNAP/collaboration/ --cookie "${COOKIE}"  | sed '/data-test="shares-actions"/q' | grep @ | tr -d " " | cut -c 5- | rev | cut -c 6- | rev

# Add a collaborator to all snaps
for SNAP in "${array[@]}"
   echo "Adding bot to $SNAP"

   curl -s$SNAP/collaboration/ --cookie "${COOKIE}" -X POST -d "csrfmiddlewaretoken=<FILL>&" -H "Referer:$SNAP/collaboration/"