This is a Vagrant box designed to run the same set of tests the OpenDaylight CI system runs for each commit made to both OpenStack Neutron and OpenDaylight itself. These run against either CentOS 7, Fedora 20 or Ubuntu 14.04, Vagrantfiles for each of those operating systems are provided here.
Make sure you have Vagrant installed, and clone the repository. Next, go into the centos, fedora or ubuntu directory and run:
vagrant up
Wait a bit, and then reload the box:
vagrant reload
After the box reloads, you can login to the box and execute the CI tests:
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/odl-ci
When it's complete, all saved logs will be found here inside the box:
If you are interested in doing the stacking and possibly running tempest tests manually, edit and set STACK_AND_TEST to "no" before running it. That will do all the needed install and config and stop. So you can also adjust /home/vagrant/devstack/local.conf before calling ./
If you are interested in capturing packets, use the '-X' param as shown below:
vagrant ssh -- -X
sudo wireshark