diff --git a/clients/js/src/hooked/fetchAssetWithPlugins.ts b/clients/js/src/hooked/fetchAssetWithPlugins.ts
index d311b8a8..7b4a68ed 100644
--- a/clients/js/src/hooked/fetchAssetWithPlugins.ts
+++ b/clients/js/src/hooked/fetchAssetWithPlugins.ts
@@ -1,69 +1,78 @@
 import {
-    Context,
-    Pda,
-    PublicKey,
-    RpcGetAccountOptions,
-    assertAccountExists,
-    publicKey as toPublicKey
-} from "@metaplex-foundation/umi";
+  Context,
+  Pda,
+  PublicKey,
+  RpcGetAccountOptions,
+  assertAccountExists,
+  publicKey as toPublicKey,
+} from '@metaplex-foundation/umi';
 import {
-    Asset,
-    Authority,
-    Plugin,
-    PluginHeader,
-    PluginHeaderAccountData,
-    PluginRegistry,
-    PluginRegistryAccountData,
-    deserializeAsset,
-    getAssetAccountDataSerializer,
-    getPluginHeaderAccountDataSerializer,
-    getPluginRegistryAccountDataSerializer,
-    getPluginSerializer
-} from "../generated";
+  Asset,
+  Authority,
+  Plugin,
+  PluginHeader,
+  PluginHeaderAccountData,
+  PluginRegistry,
+  PluginRegistryAccountData,
+  deserializeAsset,
+  getAssetAccountDataSerializer,
+  getPluginHeaderAccountDataSerializer,
+  getPluginRegistryAccountDataSerializer,
+  getPluginSerializer,
+} from '../generated';
 export type PluginWithAuthorities = {
-    plugin: Plugin;
-    authorities: Authority[];
+  plugin: Plugin;
+  authorities: Authority[];
 export type PluginList = {
-    pluginHeader?: Omit<PluginHeader, 'publicKey' | 'header'>,
-    plugins?: PluginWithAuthorities[],
-    pluginRegistry?: Omit<PluginRegistry, 'publicKey' | 'header'>,
+  pluginHeader?: Omit<PluginHeader, 'publicKey' | 'header'>;
+  plugins?: PluginWithAuthorities[];
+  pluginRegistry?: Omit<PluginRegistry, 'publicKey' | 'header'>;
 export type AssetWithPlugins = Asset & PluginList;
 export async function fetchAssetWithPlugins(
-    context: Pick<Context, 'rpc'>,
-    publicKey: PublicKey | Pda,
-    options?: RpcGetAccountOptions
+  context: Pick<Context, 'rpc'>,
+  publicKey: PublicKey | Pda,
+  options?: RpcGetAccountOptions
 ): Promise<AssetWithPlugins> {
-    const maybeAccount = await context.rpc.getAccount(
-        toPublicKey(publicKey, false),
-        options
-    );
-    assertAccountExists(maybeAccount, 'Asset');
-    const asset = deserializeAsset(maybeAccount);
-    const assetData = getAssetAccountDataSerializer().serialize(asset);
+  const maybeAccount = await context.rpc.getAccount(
+    toPublicKey(publicKey, false),
+    options
+  );
+  assertAccountExists(maybeAccount, 'Asset');
+  const asset = deserializeAsset(maybeAccount);
+  const assetData = getAssetAccountDataSerializer().serialize(asset);
-    let pluginHeader: PluginHeaderAccountData | undefined;
-    let pluginRegistry: PluginRegistryAccountData | undefined;
-    let plugins: PluginWithAuthorities[] | undefined;
-    if (maybeAccount.data.length !== assetData.length) {
-        [pluginHeader] = getPluginHeaderAccountDataSerializer().deserialize(maybeAccount.data, assetData.length);
-        [pluginRegistry] = getPluginRegistryAccountDataSerializer().deserialize(maybeAccount.data, Number(pluginHeader.pluginRegistryOffset));
-        plugins = pluginRegistry.registry.map((record) => ({
-            plugin: getPluginSerializer().deserialize(maybeAccount.data, Number(record.data.offset))[0],
-            authorities: record.data.authorities,
-        }));
-    }
+  let pluginHeader: PluginHeaderAccountData | undefined;
+  let pluginRegistry: PluginRegistryAccountData | undefined;
+  let plugins: PluginWithAuthorities[] | undefined;
+  if (maybeAccount.data.length !== assetData.length) {
+    [pluginHeader] = getPluginHeaderAccountDataSerializer().deserialize(
+      maybeAccount.data,
+      assetData.length
+    );
+    [pluginRegistry] = getPluginRegistryAccountDataSerializer().deserialize(
+      maybeAccount.data,
+      Number(pluginHeader.pluginRegistryOffset)
+    );
+    plugins = pluginRegistry.registry.map((record) => ({
+      plugin: getPluginSerializer().deserialize(
+        maybeAccount.data,
+        Number(record.data.offset)
+      )[0],
+      authorities: record.data.authorities,
+    }));
+  }
-    const assetWithPlugins: AssetWithPlugins = {
-        pluginHeader,
-        plugins,
-        pluginRegistry,
-        ...asset,
-    };
+  const assetWithPlugins: AssetWithPlugins = {
+    pluginHeader,
+    plugins,
+    pluginRegistry,
+    ...asset,
+  };
-    return assetWithPlugins;
+  return assetWithPlugins;
diff --git a/clients/js/test/update.test.ts b/clients/js/test/update.test.ts
index da69061c..b92cb89a 100644
--- a/clients/js/test/update.test.ts
+++ b/clients/js/test/update.test.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
 import { generateSigner } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi';
 import test from 'ava';
 // import { base58 } from '@metaplex-foundation/umi/serializers';
-import { AssetWithPlugins, DataState, Key, addPlugin, create, fetchAssetWithPlugins, update } from '../src';
+import {
+  AssetWithPlugins,
+  DataState,
+  Key,
+  addPlugin,
+  create,
+  fetchAssetWithPlugins,
+  update,
+} from '../src';
 import { createUmi } from './_setup';
 test('it can update an asset to be larger', async (t) => {
@@ -29,8 +37,8 @@ test('it can update an asset to be larger', async (t) => {
     key: Key.Asset,
     updateAuthority: umi.identity.publicKey,
     owner: umi.identity.publicKey,
-    name: "Test Bread 2",
-    uri: "https://example.com/bread2"
+    name: 'Test Bread 2',
+    uri: 'https://example.com/bread2',
@@ -59,8 +67,8 @@ test('it can update an asset to be smaller', async (t) => {
     key: Key.Asset,
     updateAuthority: umi.identity.publicKey,
     owner: umi.identity.publicKey,
-    name: "",
-    uri: ""
+    name: '',
+    uri: '',
@@ -82,7 +90,7 @@ test('it can update an asset with plugins to be larger', async (t) => {
     plugin: {
       __kind: 'Freeze',
       fields: [{ frozen: false }],
-    }
+    },
   await update(umi, {
@@ -106,21 +114,25 @@ test('it can update an asset with plugins to be larger', async (t) => {
     pluginRegistry: {
       key: 4,
-      registry: [{
-        pluginType: 2,
-        data: {
-          offset: BigInt(120),
-          authorities: [{ __kind: "Owner" }]
-        }
-      }],
+      registry: [
+        {
+          pluginType: 2,
+          data: {
+            offset: BigInt(120),
+            authorities: [{ __kind: 'Owner' }],
+          },
+        },
+      ],
-    plugins: [{
-      authorities: [{ __kind: "Owner" }],
-      plugin: {
-        __kind: 'Freeze',
-        fields: [{ frozen: false }],
+    plugins: [
+      {
+        authorities: [{ __kind: 'Owner' }],
+        plugin: {
+          __kind: 'Freeze',
+          fields: [{ frozen: false }],
+        },
-    }],
+    ],
@@ -142,7 +154,7 @@ test('it can update an asset with plugins to be smaller', async (t) => {
     plugin: {
       __kind: 'Freeze',
       fields: [{ frozen: false }],
-    }
+    },
   await update(umi, {
@@ -165,20 +177,24 @@ test('it can update an asset with plugins to be smaller', async (t) => {
     pluginRegistry: {
       key: 4,
-      registry: [{
-        pluginType: 2,
-        data: {
-          offset: BigInt(82),
-          authorities: [{ __kind: "Owner" }]
-        }
-      }],
+      registry: [
+        {
+          pluginType: 2,
+          data: {
+            offset: BigInt(82),
+            authorities: [{ __kind: 'Owner' }],
+          },
+        },
+      ],
-    plugins: [{
-      authorities: [{ __kind: "Owner" }],
-      plugin: {
-        __kind: 'Freeze',
-        fields: [{ frozen: false }],
+    plugins: [
+      {
+        authorities: [{ __kind: 'Owner' }],
+        plugin: {
+          __kind: 'Freeze',
+          fields: [{ frozen: false }],
+        },
-    }],
+    ],
\ No newline at end of file