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File metadata and controls

228 lines (175 loc) · 5.62 KB

Reusable Schemas

Malli currently has two ways for re-using schemas (instances):

  1. Schemas as Vars - the plumatic way
  2. Schemas via Global Registry - the spec way
  3. Schemas via Local Registries

Schemas as Vars

We can define Schemas using def:

(require '[malli.core :as m])

(def UserId :uuid)

(def Address
   [:street :string]
   [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]])

(def User
   [:id UserId]
   [:name :string]
   [:address Address]])

(def user
  {:id (random-uuid)
   :name "Tiina"
   :address {:street "Satakunnunkatu 10"
             :lonlat [61.5014816, 23.7678986]}})

(m/validate User user)
; => true

All subschemas as inlined as values:

(m/schema User)
; [:id :uuid]
; [:name :string]
; [:address [:map
;            [:street :string]
;            [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]]]

Schemas via Global Registry

To support spec-like mutable registry, we'll define the registry and a helper function to register a schema:

(require '[malli.registry :as mr])

(defonce *registry (atom {}))

(defn register! [type ?schema]
  (swap! *registry assoc type ?schema))

  (mr/mutable-registry *registry)))

Registering Schemas:

(register! ::user-id :uuid)

(register! ::address [:map
                      [:street :string]
                      [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]])

(register! ::user [:map
                   [:id ::user-id]
                   [:name :string]
                   [:address ::address]])

(m/validate ::user user)
; => true

By default, reference keys are used instead of values:

(m/schema ::user)
; :user/user

We can recursively deref the Schema to get the values:

(m/deref-recursive ::user)
; [:id :uuid]
; [:name :string]
; [:address [:map 
;            [:street :string] 
;            [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]]]

Decomplect Maps, Keys and Values

Clojure Spec declared map specs should be of keysets only. Malli supports this too:

;; (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(reset! *registry {})

(register! ::street :string)
(register! ::latlon [:tuple :double :double])
(register! ::address [:map ::street ::latlon])

(register! ::id :uuid)
(register! ::name :string)
(register! ::user [:map ::id ::name ::address])

(m/deref-recursive ::user)
; [:user/id :uuid]
; [:user/name :string]
; [:user/address [:map 
;                 [:user/street :string] 
;                 [:user/latlon [:tuple :double :double]]]]]

;; data has a different shape now
(m/validate ::user {::id (random-uuid)
                    ::name "Maija"
                    ::address {::street "Kuninkaankatu 13"
                               ::latlon [61.5014816, 23.7678986]}})
; => true

Schemas via Local Registries

Schemas can be defined as a ref->?schema map:

(def registry
  {::user-id :uuid
   ::address [:map
              [:street :string]
              [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]
   ::user [:map
           [:id ::user-id]
           [:name :string]
           [:address ::address]]})

Using registry via Schema properties:

(m/schema [:schema {:registry registry} ::user])
; => :user/user

Using registry via options:

(m/schema ::user {:registry (merge (m/default-schemas) registry)})

Works with both:

(m/deref-recursive *1)
; [:id :uuid]
; [:name :string]
; [:address [:map 
;            [:street :string]
;            [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]]]

Which one should I use?

Here's a comparison matrix of the two different ways:

Feature Vars Global Registry Local Registry
Supported by Malli
Explicit require of Schemas
Support Recursive Schemas
Decomplect Maps, Keys and Values

You should pick the way what works best for your project.

My personal preference is the Var-style - it's simple and Plumatic proved it works well even with large codebases.

Future Work

  1. Could we also decomplect the Maps, Keys and Values with the Var Style?
  2. Utilities for transforming between inlined and referenced models (why? why not!)
 [:schema {:registry {::user-id :uuid
                      ::address [:map
                                 [:street :string]
                                 [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]
                      ::user [:map
                              [:id ::user-id]
                              [:name :string]
                              [:address ::address]]}}
;[:map {:id :user/user}
; [:id [:uuid {:id :user/user-id}]]
; [:name :string]
; [:address [:map {:id :user/address}
;            [:street :string]
;            [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]]]

(-unflatten-refs *1)
;[:schema {:registry {::user-id :uuid
;                     ::address [:map
;                                [:street :string]
;                                [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]
;                     ::user [:map
;                             [:id ::user-id]
;                             [:name :string]
;                             [:address ::address]]}}
; ::user]