Malli currently has two ways for re-using schemas (instances):
- Schemas as Vars - the plumatic way
- Schemas via Global Registry - the spec way
- Schemas via Local Registries
We can define Schemas using def
(require '[malli.core :as m])
(def UserId :uuid)
(def Address
[:street :string]
[:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]])
(def User
[:id UserId]
[:name :string]
[:address Address]])
(def user
{:id (random-uuid)
:name "Tiina"
:address {:street "Satakunnunkatu 10"
:lonlat [61.5014816, 23.7678986]}})
(m/validate User user)
; => true
All subschemas as inlined as values:
(m/schema User)
; [:id :uuid]
; [:name :string]
; [:address [:map
; [:street :string]
; [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]]]
To support spec-like mutable registry, we'll define the registry and a helper function to register a schema:
(require '[malli.registry :as mr])
(defonce *registry (atom {}))
(defn register! [type ?schema]
(swap! *registry assoc type ?schema))
(mr/mutable-registry *registry)))
Registering Schemas:
(register! ::user-id :uuid)
(register! ::address [:map
[:street :string]
[:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]])
(register! ::user [:map
[:id ::user-id]
[:name :string]
[:address ::address]])
(m/validate ::user user)
; => true
By default, reference keys are used instead of values:
(m/schema ::user)
; :user/user
We can recursively deref the Schema to get the values:
(m/deref-recursive ::user)
; [:id :uuid]
; [:name :string]
; [:address [:map
; [:street :string]
; [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]]]
Clojure Spec declared map specs should be of keysets only. Malli supports this too:
;; (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(reset! *registry {})
(register! ::street :string)
(register! ::latlon [:tuple :double :double])
(register! ::address [:map ::street ::latlon])
(register! ::id :uuid)
(register! ::name :string)
(register! ::user [:map ::id ::name ::address])
(m/deref-recursive ::user)
; [:user/id :uuid]
; [:user/name :string]
; [:user/address [:map
; [:user/street :string]
; [:user/latlon [:tuple :double :double]]]]]
;; data has a different shape now
(m/validate ::user {::id (random-uuid)
::name "Maija"
::address {::street "Kuninkaankatu 13"
::latlon [61.5014816, 23.7678986]}})
; => true
Schemas can be defined as a ref->?schema
(def registry
{::user-id :uuid
::address [:map
[:street :string]
[:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]
::user [:map
[:id ::user-id]
[:name :string]
[:address ::address]]})
Using registry via Schema properties:
(m/schema [:schema {:registry registry} ::user])
; => :user/user
Using registry via options:
(m/schema ::user {:registry (merge (m/default-schemas) registry)})
Works with both:
(m/deref-recursive *1)
; [:id :uuid]
; [:name :string]
; [:address [:map
; [:street :string]
; [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]]]
Here's a comparison matrix of the two different ways:
Feature | Vars | Global Registry | Local Registry |
Supported by Malli | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Explicit require of Schemas | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
Support Recursive Schemas | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Decomplect Maps, Keys and Values | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
You should pick the way what works best for your project.
My personal preference is the Var-style - it's simple and Plumatic proved it works well even with large codebases.
- Could we also decomplect the Maps, Keys and Values with the Var Style?
- Utilities for transforming between inlined and referenced models (why? why not!)
[:schema {:registry {::user-id :uuid
::address [:map
[:street :string]
[:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]
::user [:map
[:id ::user-id]
[:name :string]
[:address ::address]]}}
;[:map {:id :user/user}
; [:id [:uuid {:id :user/user-id}]]
; [:name :string]
; [:address [:map {:id :user/address}
; [:street :string]
; [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]]]
(-unflatten-refs *1)
;[:schema {:registry {::user-id :uuid
; ::address [:map
; [:street :string]
; [:lonlat [:tuple :double :double]]]
; ::user [:map
; [:id ::user-id]
; [:name :string]
; [:address ::address]]}}
; ::user]