Name: Penny Moore - Data Reviewer Location: Downtown and telework from Falls Church, VA Age: 57
Analyst, OMB
Penny has been with OMB for 18 years; having started at HHS as a program manager. She’s widely respected for her deep understanding of the Federal budget.
She has a husband and two teenage daughters. Penny raises money for the National Kidney Foundation each year and brings her lunch to work.
"I need clear insights into how an agency distributed last year’s allocation in order to review this year’s request."
• Move toward mandatory reporting of sub-awards (required fields) • Visualizations could identify or highlight data inconsistencies or variances in trends • To compensate for her vision loss, Penny zooms in views and often prints pages to review them up close • Support rich array of comparisons (see goals
• Analyze agency budget requests • Compare budget requests with historical spending . Compare spending for like purposes across agencies • Reconcile agency requests against the Congressional budget • Answer questions re: outlays vs. allocations
• Subcontract and sub-award information is poor
- Program and agency listings are too broad
- Cannot track to a meaningful expenditure level • Penny’s eyesight has weakened in recent years due to kidney disease so she has trouble reading small font sizes
• Needs every line of the President’s budget to stand up to Congressional inquiry—it must be both accurate and justifiable • Feels accountable to the American taxpayer • Conscious of the political environment and the level of Federal spending
Technological - 2/5 Financial - 5/5
Software - Excel
Browser - IE9 & Chrome
Phone - Blackberry
Computer - Windows Laptop + Monitor