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File metadata and controls

95 lines (48 loc) · 3.37 KB


Powershell is designed for task automation and configuration management. It combines a command-line interface and a scripting language built on the .NET framework. It is object-oriented so it can handle complex data types and interact with system components more effectively. Can support macOS and Linux.

Powershell commands are known as cmdlets (command-lets). They follow a Verb-Noun naming convention. The Noun specifies the object on which the action is performed.

Basic Cmdlets

Get-Command - list all available cmdlets, functions, aliases, and scripts.

Get-Command -CommandType "Function" - filter commands by type function.

Get-Help Get-Date - provides detailed info about cmdlets.

Get-Alias - lists cmd.exe aliases.

Find-Module - allows to search for modules in online repositories.

Install-Module - download and install a module. and example is Install-Module -Name "PowerShellGet".

Navigating the File System and Working with Files

Get-ChildItem - lists the files and directories in a location specified with the -PATH parameter.

Set-Location _location - set directory to change to.

New-Item -Path ".\captain-cabin\captain-wardrobe" -ItemType "Directory" - create new item with file-path and file-type.

Remove-Item -Path '\Users\username\file.txt - remove item or dir.

Copy-Item -Path .\Users\username\file.txt -Destination .\User\otheruser\newfile.txt - copy file to location.

Get-Content -Path ".\file.txt" - read file contents.

Piping, Filtering, and Sorting Data

Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object Length - get current dir objects and sort by size.

Get-ChildItem | Where-Object -Property "Extension" -eq ".txt" - filter objects.

Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name,Length - select specific properties from objects or limit the number of objects returned.

Get-ChildItem | Sort-Object Length -Descending | Select-Object -First 1 - pipe multiple items.

Select-String -Path ".\captain-hat.txt" -Pattern "hat" - searches for text patterns within files (similar to grep).

Comparison Operators in Powershell

-eq - equal to.

-ne - not equal to.

-gt - greater than.

-ge - greater than or equal to.

-lt - less than.

-le - less than or equal to.

-like - used to match a patern.

System and Network Information

Get-ComputerInfo - retrieves comprehensive system information, including OS information, hardware specifications, BIOS details, and more.

Get-LocalUser - lists all the local user accounts on the system.

Get-NetIPConfiguration - provides detailed information about the network interfaces on a system, including IP Addresses, DNS servers, and gateway configurations.

Get-NetIPAddress - shows details fora ll IP addresses configured on the system.

System Analysis

Get-Process - provides a detailed view of all currently running processes, including CPU and memory usage.

Get-Service - allows the retrieval of information about the status of services on teh machine.

Get-NetTCPConnection - displays current TCP connections.

Get-FileHash - generating file hashes.


Invoke-Command - for executing commands on remote systems.


-ep Bypass -nop - these flags disable PowerShell's usual restrictions, allowing scripts to run without interference from security settings or user profiles.

DownloadFile - method that pulls a file from a remote server.

iex - executes a script.