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![Cirq logo]()
+Python package for writing, manipulating, and running [quantum
+circuits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_circuit) on quantum computers
+and simulators.
+[![Licensed under the Apache 2.0
+[![Compatible with Python versions 3.10 and
+[![Cirq project on
+[![Archived in
+[Features](#features) –
+[Installation](#installation) –
+[Quick Start](#quick-start--hello-qubit-example) –
+[Documentation](#cirq-documentation) –
+[Integrations](#integrations) –
+[Community](#community) –
+[Citing Cirq](#citing-cirq) –
+## Features
+Cirq provides useful abstractions for dealing with today’s [noisy
+intermediate-scale quantum](https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.00862) (NISQ) computers,
+where the details of quantum hardware are vital to achieving state-of-the-art
+results. Some of its features include:
+* Flexible gate definitions and custom gates
+* Parameterized circuits with symbolic variables
+* Circuit transformation, compilation and optimization
+* Hardware device modeling
+* Noise modeling
+* Multiple built-in quantum circuit simulators
+* Integration with [qsim](https://github.com/quantumlib/qsim) for
+ high-performance simulation
+* Interoperability with [NumPy](https://numpy.org) and
+ [SciPy](https://scipy.org)
+* Cross-platform compatibility
+## Installation
+Cirq supports Python version 3.10 and later, and can be used on Linux, MacOS,
+and Windows, as well as [Google Colab](https://colab.google). For complete
+installation instructions, please refer to the
+[Install](https://quantumai.google/cirq/start/install) section of the online
+Cirq documentation.
+## Quick Start – “Hello Qubit” Example
+Here is a simple example to get you up and running with Cirq after you have
+installed it. Start a Python interpreter, and then type the following:
+import cirq
+# Pick a qubit.
+qubit = cirq.GridQubit(0, 0)
+# Create a circuit.
+circuit = cirq.Circuit(
+ cirq.X(qubit)**0.5, # Square root of NOT.
+ cirq.measure(qubit, key='m') # Measurement.
+# Simulate the circuit several times.
+simulator = cirq.Simulator()
+result = simulator.run(circuit, repetitions=20)
+Python should then print output similar to this:
+(0, 0): ───X^0.5───M('m')───
+Congratulations! You have run your first quantum simulation in Cirq. You can
+continue to learn more by exploring the [many Cirq tutorials](#tutorials)
+described below.
+## Cirq Documentation
+The primary documentation site for Cirq is the [Cirq home page on the Quantum
+AI website](https://quantumai.google/cirq). There and elsewhere, a variety of
+documentation for Cirq is available.
+### Tutorials
+* [Video
+ tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpO2pyKisOjLVt_tDJ2K6ZTapZtHXPLB4)
+ on YouTube are an engaging way to learn Cirq.
+* [Jupyter notebook-based
+ tutorials](https://colab.research.google.com/github/quantumlib/Cirq) let you
+ learn Cirq from your browser – no installation needed.
+* [Text-based tutorials](https://quantumai.google/cirq) on the Cirq home page
+ are great when combined with a local
+ [installation](https://quantumai.google/cirq/start/install) of Cirq on your
+ computer. After starting with the
+ [basics](https://quantumai.google/cirq/start/basics), you'll be ready to dive
+ into tutorials on circuit building and circuit simulation under the
+ [Build](https://quantumai.google/cirq/build) and
+ [Simulate](https://quantumai.google/cirq/simula) tabs, respectively. Check
+ out the other tabs for more!
+### Reference Documentation
+* Docs for the [current stable
+ release](https://quantumai.google/reference/python/cirq/all_symbols)
+ correspond to what you get with `pip install cirq`.
+* Docs for the
+ [pre-release](https://quantumai.google/reference/python/cirq/all_symbols?version=nightly)
+ correspond to what you get with `pip install cirq~=1.0.dev`.
+### Examples
+* The [examples subdirectory](./examples/) of the Cirq GitHub repo has many
+ programs illustrating the application of Cirq to everything from common
+ textbook algorithms to more advanced methods.
+* The [Experiments page](https://quantumai.google/cirq/experiments/) on the
+ Cirq documentation site has yet more examples, from simple to advanced.
+### Change log
+* The [Cirq releases](https://github.com/quantumlib/cirq/releases) page on
+ GitHub lists the changes in each release.
+## Integrations
+Google Quantum AI has a suite of open-source software that lets you do more
+with Cirq. From high-performance simulators, to novel tools for expressing and
+analyzing fault-tolerant quantum algorithms, our software stack lets you
+develop quantum programs for a variety of applications.
+| Your interests | Software to explore |
+| Quantum algorithms?
Fault-tolerant quantum computing (FTQC)? | [Qualtran](https://github.com/quantumlib/qualtran) |
+| Large circuits and/or a lot of simulations? | [qsim](https://github.com/quantumlib/qsim) |
+| Circuits with thousands of qubits and millions of Clifford operations? | [Stim](https://github.com/quantumlib/ssim) |
+| Quantum error correction (QEC)? | [Stim](https://github.com/quantumlib/ssim) |
+| Chemistry and/or material science? | [OpenFermion](https://github.com/quantumlib/openfermion)
[OpenFermion-Psi4](https://github.com/quantumlib/OpenFermion-Psi4) |
+| Quantum machine learning (QML)? | [TensorFlow Quantum](https://github.com/tensorflow/quantum) |
+| Real experiments using Cirq? | [ReCirq](https://github.com/quantumlib/ReCirq) |
+## Community
+Cirq has benefited from [open-source
+contributions](https://github.com/quantumlib/Cirq/graphs/contributors) by over
+200 people and counting. We are dedicated to cultivating an open and inclusive
+community to build software for quantum computers, and have a [code of
+conduct](https://github.com/quantumlib/cirq/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) for
+our community.
+### Announcements
+Stay on top of Cirq developments using the approach that best suits your needs:
+* For releases and major announcements: sign up to the low-volume mailing list
+ [`cirq-announce`](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cirq-announce).
+* For releases only:
+ * Via GitHub notifications: configure [GitHub repository
+ notifications](https://docs.github.com/github/managing-subscriptions-and-notifications-on-github/configuring-notifications)
+ for the Cirq repository.
+ * Via Atom/RSS from GitHub: subscribe to the GitHub [Cirq releases Atom
+ feed](https://github.com/quantumlib/Cirq/releases.atom).
+ * Via RSS from PyPI: subscribe to the [PyPI releases RSS
+ feed](https://pypi.org/rss/project/cirq/releases.xml) for Cirq.
+Cirq releases take place approximately every quarter.
+### Questions and Discussions
+* Do you have questions about using Cirq? Post them to the [Quantum Computing
+ Stack Exchange](https://quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/) and tag them
+ with the
+ [`cirq`](https://quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/cirq)
+ tag. You can also search past questions using that tag – it's a great way to
+ learn!
+* Would you like to get more involved in Cirq development? _Cirq Cynq_ is our
+ biweekly virtual meeting of contributors to discuss everything from issues to
+ ongoing efforts, as well as to ask questions. Become a member of
+ [_cirq-dev_](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cirq-dev) to get an
+ automatic meeting invitation!
+### Issues and Pull Requests
+* Do you have a feature request or want to report a bug? [Open an issue on
+ GitHub](https://github.com/quantumlib/Cirq/issues/new/choose) to report it!
+* Do you have a code contribution? Read our [contribution
+ guidelines](https://github.com/quantumlib/cirq/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md),
+ then open a [pull
+ request](https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests)!
+## Citing Cirq
+When publishing articles or otherwise writing about Cirq, please cite the Cirq
+version you use – it will help others reproduce your results. We use Zenodo to
+preserve releases. The following links let you download the bibliographic
+record for the latest stable release of Cirq in various popular formats:
+[![Download BibTeX bibliography record for latest Cirq
+[![Download MARCXML bibliography record for latest Cirq
+[![Download CSL JSON bibliography record for latest Cirq
+For formatted citations and records in other formats, as well as records for
+all releases of Cirq past and present, visit the [Cirq page on
+## Contact
+For any questions or concerns not addressed here, please email
+## Disclaimer
+Cirq is not an official Google product. Copyright 2019 The Cirq Developers.