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The Mica programming language - reference manual


Mica is a dynamically typed scripting language akin to Lua and Ruby. The main goal of Mica is to have a small but flexible feature set, packed up in a human-friendly syntax.


Comments can be used for annotating source code with human-readable info. A comment begins with the hash # symbol, and ends at the end of a line.

# This is a comment.
# Hello!
1 + 2


At the core of everything in Mica are expressions. Each expression produces a value whose type is determined at runtime.


Literals are a way of inputting values directly into a program's source code. A literal expression evaluates to the value of the literal.

nil       # Nil, means no value
true      # Boolean
1         # Number
"abc"     # String
[]        # List
[1, 2]
[:]       # Dict
["a": 3]


Number literals are composed of a series of decimal digits, optionally followed by a decimal point ., which must then be followed by another series of decimal digits which are fractional part. As a special rule, the . can also be immediately followed by a starting character of an identifier, which is parsed as a call to a method on the number.

This can then be followed by an e or E, signifying scientific notation, and the e must be followed by an optional + or -, signifying the sign of the exponent, and digits signifying the exponent.

Digits (decimal or not) can be separated with underscores _.

Examples of valid numbers showcasing the various features include:

3e2     # 300
3.14e2  # 314
1e1     # 10
5e-2    # 0.05

Be aware of some gotchas.

# The following example is *not* a number, but a method call (0)._000
# The following example is invalid syntax, because the exponent must have at least one digit.

Mica also has syntax sugar for 32-bit integer literals with an arbitrary radix. This syntax is \radix:value, for instance \16:DEADBEEF or \8:777. The character set used is decimal digits from 0 to 9, and letters from A to Z, in that order. Lowercase and uppercase letters are allowed and equivalent. Because of the size of this character set, the maximal allowed radix is 36 (and the minimal is 2).

As with any numbers, underscore separators are permitted between all digits.

# same as

There exist a few shorthands for commonly used radixes.

  • \b110 or \B110 - same as \2:110
  • \o777 - same as \8:777
    • Note that an uppercase O is not permitted, because it's easily confused with a zero.
  • \xFF or \XFF - same as \16:FF

Integers that out of the 32-bit range are invalid, though this limitation may be relaxed in the future. The current rationale for imposing such a limit is that bit operations in the standard library only operate on 32 bits.


Strings begin and end with double quotes, and can contain the following escape sequences:

  • \\ - literal backslash \
  • \' - literal apostrophe '
  • \" - literal quote "
  • \n - line feed, ASCII 0Ah
  • \r - carriage return, ASCII 0Dh
  • \t - tabulator, ASCII 09h
  • \u{x} - Unicode scalar value
    • Between braces must be a hexadecimal digit <= 10FFFFh not contained in the range D800h–DFFFh (inclusive).
    • Like in any number, digits can be separated with underscores.
    • At least one digit must be present.

Raw strings begin with the extended literal sequence \r, followed by double quotes, any sequence of characters that doesn't contain double quotes, and end with double quotes. Raw strings do not interpret any escape sequences. This also means that raw strings themselves cannot contain quotes ", though this restriction may get lifted at some point in the future.

Note that ordinary and long string literals must not contain embedded line breaks.

Mica also features a literal for getting the numeric value of any Unicode codepoint.

\u' '  # \x20
\u'🗿'  # \x1F5FF

Strings that span multiple lines are a little hard to represent using the usual double-quoted "" syntax, which is why long string literals exist. These literals allow you to more conveniently represent multiline content. To construct a long string literal, prefix each line of the string with \\.

# Spaces after \\ are not stripped.
let s =
    \\ world!
assert(s == "Hello,\n world!")

Compound literals

These literals are used to initialize standard data types, which store other values inside of them (hence the name compound.)


Tuples are the simplest compound data type in Mica. A tuple binds any number of values together into an ordered sequence.

let triple = (1, 2, 3)

The single-element tuple is spelled like (x,), with a comma to disambiguate it from grouping parentheses.

Tuple elements can be accessed using _n, where n is the index of the value you're trying to access, starting at 0.

assert(triple._0 == 1)

Trying to access values outside these boundaries is an error.

Tuples are immutable; once a tuple is created, its elements cannot be modified.

The empty tuple () is called the unit tuple. Its purpose can be considered somewhat similar to nil, although it has a difference in semantics: nil is falsy, but () is truthy.

assert(!!nil == false)
assert(!!() == true)

Tuples can be pattern-matched in let expressions.

# Destructure the tuple into its elements.
let (x, y, z) = (1, 2, 3)
assert(x == 1 and y == 2 and z == 3)

The matched value must be a tuple and the tuple must have exactly as many values as the pattern; otherwise an error is thrown.

Tuples possess by-value semantics. They are compared element-wise:

assert((1, 2) == (1, 2))
assert((2, 2) != (1, 2))
assert((1, 2, 3) != (1, 2))

They can also be compared lexicographically using comparison operators, which makes them useful for representing things like version numbers.

assert((0, 1, 0) < (0, 2, 0))


Records are another simple data type; their primary purpose is aggregating plain old data into fields. Although records share many similarities with dicts, they offer much more convenient data access and have a much more efficient in-memory structure (they're implemented as flat arrays instead of hash maps.)

Records are created using braces {}, and contain comma-separated field-value pairs.

let constants = {
    pi: 3.141592654,
    sqrt2: 1.414213562,

Note that record fields are unordered; the two records { x: 1, y: 2 } and { y: 1, x: 2 } are considered to have the same type.

Records can also be initialized using existing variables by omitting the : value part.

let pi = 3.141592654
let sqrt2 = 1.414213562
let constants = { pi, sqrt2 }

Once constructed, record fields can be accessed using familiar x.y syntax.

let pi = 3.141592654
let constants = { pi }
assert(constants.pi == pi)

Just like tuples, records are immutable - the values stored in them cannot be swapped out for something else after construction.

Similar to tuples, records can be pattern-matched in let expressions.

let constants = { pi: 3.141592654, sqrt2: 1.414213562 }
let { pi, sqrt2 } = constants

It is possible to rename the variable that stores the value, or match on it further.

# Some people like spelling their constants in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
let constants = { pi: 3.141592654, sqrt2: 1.414213562 }
let { pi: PI, sqrt2: SQRT2 } = constants
assert(PI == constants.pi and SQRT2 == constants.sqrt2)

# Here we match against a tuple stored in the `version` field.
let crate = { name: "mica", version: (0, 8, 0) }
let { name, version: (major, minor, patch) } = crate
assert(name == "mica")
assert((major, minor, patch) == (0, 8, 0))

If the scrutinee is not a record or the record does not possess exactly the same set of fields as the pattern, an error is thrown.

This error can be suppressed to only extract a subset of the fields by using the rest token ... This token makes the pattern non-exhaustive, which means that the matched record may contain other fields not required by the pattern.

let constants = { pi: 3.141592654, sqrt2: 1.414213562 }
let { pi, .. } = constants

This syntax is in fact equivalent to just extracting the specified fields out of the record and assigning them to variables.

# The above is the same as:
let constants = { pi: 3.141592654, sqrt2: 1.414213562 }
let pi = constants.pi

Like tuples, records have value semantics, which means that they're compared field by field.

assert({ x: 1, y: 2 } == { x: 1, y: 2 })
assert({ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 } != { x: 1, y: 2 })
assert({ x: 2, y: 2 } != { x: 1, y: 2 })

Unlike tuples though records are not ordered, which means they cannot be compared using <, >, <=, and >=.


Lists are a data type for storing values in a sequence. Their literals open and close with square brackets [], and contain comma-separated values.

let cool_languages = ["Rust", "Mica", "Lua"]

The list stored in the variable cool_languages holds three strings, but Mica lists can store any data type. They are heterogenous, which means that multiple data types can be stored in the same list - including other lists.

let identity_mat4 = [
    [1, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 1, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 1],  # trailing comma is optional

Elements can be retrieved using the get/1 function, and modified using the set/2 function.

let numbers = [1, 2, 3]
assert(numbers.get(0) == 1)  # elements are indexed starting from 0
numbers.set(0, 2)
assert(numbers == [2, 2, 3])

More functions, for eg. appending and removing elements from lists, can be found in the standard library documentation.

Lists are passed by reference, but compared by value. This means that a list copied into two separate variables refers to the same data store, but comparing independent lists always compares them by individual elements.

let a = []
let b = a
assert(a == b)
assert(a == b)
# Note that [1] creates a *new* list with a completely new data store, containing 1.
assert(a == [1] and b == [1])


Dicts, short for dictionaries, are a data type for storing values associatively - they map one value (the key) to another value, just like real world dictionaries map words from one language to another language. Dict literals are enclosed in square brackets [] just like list literals, but instead of bare elements they use pairs of values separated by a colon :. The empty list is written as [:].

let dependencies = [
    "rust": "1.61",
    "mica": "0.3.0",

Elements can be retrieved using get/1.

assert(dependencies.get("rust") == "1.61")

Elements can be inserted or overwritten using insert/2 – which returns the old value, or nil if there wasn't any value stored previously – and removed using remove/1, which returns the removed value.

dependencies.insert("lua", "5.4")
assert(dependencies.insert("mica", "0.4.0") == "0.3.0")
assert(dependencies.remove("lua") == "5.4")

Just like lists, dicts are heterogenous. Any value can be used as a key or a value - even a dict itself.

let weird = [
    "#ffffff": "white",
    [1, 2]: 0,
    [3, 4]: 1,
    ["x": 3]: 5,
assert(weird.get([1, 2]) == 0)
assert(weird.get(["x": 3]) == 5)

Just like lists, dicts are passed by reference and compared by value.

let a = [1: 1]
let b = a
a.insert(1, 2)
assert(a == b)
assert(a == [1: 2])


Identifiers allow for referring to existing, named values.


An identifier must start with an alphabetic character or an underscore, and continues with zero or more alphanumeric characters or underscores. Alphabetic and alphanumeric characters are defined in [Chapter 4 of the Unicode Standard][unicode-chapter4].


The naming conventions used in Mica code should be PascalCase for type names and snake_case for everything else (variables, functions). SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE can be used for constants, however the immutability of such values is not enforced by the language.

Certain identifiers are reserved as keywords. This means they have a significant meaning in the language syntax and cannot be used as ordinary values.


Mica defines the following operators, grouped by precedence (largest to smallest):

@ (prefix)
. ()
! (prefix)  - (prefix)
*  /
+  -
==  !=  <  >  <=  >=


The operators +, - (both prefix and infix), *, / are used for arithmetic and perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division respectively.

> 1 + 1
< 2

> 1 - 1
< 0

> 8 * 8
< 64

> 64 / 8
< 8

The prefix - can be used to negate numbers.

> -(1 + 2)
< -3


The operators ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= can be used for comparing objects for equality or order. Each of these operators returns a Boolean.

Ordered relation between values of distinct types is undefined and raises a runtime error.

> 1 == 1
< true

> 2 != 1
< true

> 3 < 3
< false

> 3 <= 3
< false

> true < 1
error: type mismatch, expected Boolean but got Number
     (repl):1:6  <main>


The operators ! (prefix), and, and or perform the logic operations NOT, AND, and OR respectively.

These operators work on values of all types and their results depend on whether a value is truthy or falsy. Falsy values include nil and false. All other values are truthy. Truthiness of values is used to determine how a value would convert to a Boolean, without actually performing a conversion.

> !true
< false

> !false
< true

> false and 1
< false

> 1 and 2
< 1

> nil or 2
< 2

> 1 or 2
< 1

The REPL log above shows a property of the and and or operators, which is called short-circuiting. If the result of an operation can be deduced from only evaluating the left operand, the right operand will not be evaluated and instead the left one will be returned.

and and or introduce a new scope, which means that although you can declare variables inside them, you will not be able to refer to them outside:

> (let a = 1) and (let b = 2)
< 2

> a
(repl):1:1: error: variable 'a' does not exist
> b
(repl):1:1: error: variable 'b' does not exist

Function calls

The () infix operator is used for calling functions. The left-hand side of the operator is the function that should be called, and the right hand side is the list of arguments to pass to the function. Inside the called function, each argument is bound to a variable named after the parameter at the same position.

print is a built-in function that echoes its arguments to stdout:

> print("Hello!")
< nil

The . infix operator is used for calling functions that are bound to values. The left hand side of the operator is the receiver, and the right-hand side is the name of the function to call. Additional arguments may be provided by following the name of the function up with () containing a list of arguments.

> 4.sqrt      # Call without arguments
< 2

> 3.hypot(4)  # Call with one argument
< 4

See implementations for information on how to declare functions bound to values.


Mica separates defining a variable from assigning to it. A variable can be introduced into scope by using the let expression:

> let x = 1
< 1

As shown above, let returns the value. This can be useful when used in conjunction with if to check for nil values, forming a construct akin to Rust's if let. It can also be used to create multiple variables with the same value:

> let x = let y = 1
< 1

> x
< 1

> y
< 1

Variables can be shadowed, even in the same scope. Do keep in mind that shadowing a variable very far from its declaration can get quite unreadable; therefore try to limit its usage to sequences of transformations.

let s = obtain_string()
let s = do_something_with_string(s)
let s = finalize(s)

Variables are assigned using the = operator.

> x = 1
< 1

Reading from an undefined variable is an error.

> swoosh
(repl):1:1: error: variable 'swoosh' does not exist


Variables are subject to scoping. Mica has two kinds of scopes: global, and local.

The global scope is the default scope. A local scope can be introduced by using do..end.

    let my_variable = 1
    print(my_variable)  #> 1

A do..end block returns the value of the last expression inside.

The only semantic difference between the two is that global variables are persistent. This means that a global variable is never deleted, and is always reachable.

Local variables on the other hand, are temporary, and are deleted as soon as the block they were declared in ends.

> do
    let my_variable = 1
< 1

> my_variable
(repl):1:1: error: variable 'my_variable' does not exist

Pattern matching

The left-hand side of let does not accept only variable names; it actually accepts patterns, which describe the way a value should be taken apart into pieces.

The simplest pattern - an identifier - simply binds the matching scrutinee (the right-hand side of let) to a variable with the same name. Alternatively, the discard pattern (_) can be used to discard any unneeded values, without having to assign them a name. For the specifics, see tuples and records.

if expressions

if expressions allow for evaluating different branches of code based upon conditions.

if condition do
    # branch

The condition can be any expression. The branch will execute only if the condition is evaluated to be truthy. Once the branch is finished executing, no other conditions nor branches will be evaluated. Otherwise evaluation will jump over the branch, over to the next condition, until the end of the if expression is reached.

The return value of an if is the last expression evaluated inside a branch. If no branch is evaluated, the return value is nil.

More branches can be specified by using the elif keyword:

# readline function provided by host program
let x = Number.parse(readline())
if x == 1 do
elif x == 2 do
elif x == 3 do

A fallback branch can be specified by using the else keyword:

if readline() == "yes" do

Each if expression branch introduces a new scope that begins on the keyword that begins the branch. This means that variables can be declared inside the branch, which allows for easy nil checks.

if let value = do_some_stuff() do
    # value is guaranteed to be non-nil

while loops

while is an expression that can be used for looping.

while condition do
    # body

The condition will be evaluated, and if found truthy, the body will execute. Once the body is done executing, evaluation will jump back to the condition. If the condition is falsy, the entire loop will be jumped over.

By default, the result value of a while loop is nil.

A basic loop that counts up from 1 to 10:

let i = 1
while i <= 10 do
    i = i + 1

Just like in if, while introduces a new scope on the while keyword. This allows for creating "iterators":

let iterator = get_iterator_from_somewhere()
while i = do

for loops

for is a loop expression similar to while, but instead of operating on a boolean expression it allows for iterating over an iterator. The iterator is any value that implements the Iterator trait, which is defined as follows:

trait Iterator
    func has_next()
    func next()

A for loop is desugared to a while loop as follows:

for binding in iter do
    # body

# becomes

    # This _iterator variable is hidden by the compiler, and cannot be referred to.
    let _iterator = iter
    # It's also worth noting that these method calls do not involve global lookups to resolve
    # Iterator, as they would in normal Mica code.
    while Iterator.has_next(_iterator) do
        let binding =
            # body

Because the for loop binding desugars to a let, it may also be a pattern. See iterating over dicts as an example:

let metadata = [
    "track_name": "John Thomas On The Inside Is Nothing But Foam",
    "artist": "Telefon Tel Aviv",
    "album": "Fahrenheit Fair Enough",
for (key, value) in metadata.iter do
    print(key, value)

break expressions

A break expression can be used to immediately jump past a loop.

let i = 1
while true do
    let i = i + 1
    if i * i >= 100 do

In the above example, once the break expression is hit as a result of the if condition being truthy, execution will jump past the loop onto the line with print.

break can also be used to override the default nil return value of a loop:

# Find the first number whose square is greater than 100.
let i = 1
print(while true do
    i = i + 1
    if i * i > 100 do
        break i
end)  #> 11

In fact, a bare break is syntax sugar for break nil.

Function definitions

A function definition creates a new function and assigns it to a variable. The syntax is:

func name(param1, param2, param3) = expression

This syntax is almost exactly the same as:

# Introduce the variable into scope first, so that the function can be called recursively.
let name = nil
name = func (param1, param2, param3) = expression

However, the func name() = expression form is preferred as it assigns a name to the function, which is visible in stack traces. Anonymous functions have the name <anonymous>.

To create a multiline function, a do block can be used as the expression:

func say_nice_things() = do
    print("You look great today!")

Struct definitions

A struct definition creates a new user-defined type.

struct Example
print(Example)  #> <[type Example]>

Every declared type is unique, and equal only to itself:

struct Example
struct Another
assert(Example == Example)
assert(Another == Another)
assert(Example != Another)

The struct T expression returns the newly created struct after introducing it into scope.

assert(struct Example == Example)


Implementations, or impl blocks, can be used to attach data and behavior to types.

SomeStructType impl
    # functions

An impl block can contain three types of functions: static functions, constructors, and instance functions.

A static function is created by adding the static keyword after function parameters. Static functions can be used as a way of putting functions into namespaces.

# Thanks to `impl`'s infix position, it can be chained naturally after a struct declaration.
struct Greetings impl
    func get(for_whom) static =
        "Hello, ".cat(for_whom).cat("!")

assert(Greetings.get("world") == "Hello, world!")

A constructor is created by adding the constructor keyword after function parameters. The role of a constructor is to create an instance of a type. Unlike the type itself, each instance can have data attached to it, by using fields. Fields work very much like variables, albeit they use different syntax: each field is comprised of the @ symbol, followed by the field's name, eg. @greeting.

The first declared constructor is the only place where new fields can be declared. Any additional constructors or functions afterwards must only ever refer to fields declared in the first constructor. Additionally, each constructor after the first one must assign to all fields that were declared in the first one.

struct Vector impl
    func new(x, y) constructor = do
        # Declare fields that will store the X/Y coordinates of the vector.
        @x = x
        @y = y

    func zero() constructor = do
        # Additional constructors must assign to the same set of fields as the first constructor.
        @x = 0
        @y = 0

    # Now we can declare functions that operate on instances of the type.

    func len2() =
        @x * @x + @y * @y

    func len() =
        # The `self` variable may be used to refer to the instance the function was called on, ie.
        # the left-hand side of the dot.

v =, 4)
assert(v.len == 5)

As previously mentioned, there's a self variable in instance functions; the same variable is also available in constructors and static functions, albeit with different meanings:

  • In constructors, self refers to the newly created instance of the type.
  • In instance functions, self refers to the receiver, that is, the instance the function was called on.
  • In static functions, self refers to the type itself.

After impl is used on a type, that type becomes sealed, which means that it cannot be implemented anymore. This prevents monkey-patching foreign types, which is often considered bad programming practice, though the actual reason behind sealing has more to do with how dynamic Mica's impl blocks are.

If multiple impls per type were allowed, the compiler would somehow need to keep track of what fields each impl declares, which is impossible to do in a straightforward way due to the dynamic type system.

The implemented struct can be any expression, so nothing prevents you from doing this:

struct S
func obtain_struct() =

obtain_struct() impl
    # ...

Apart from this, an impl block returns the implemented struct, so eg. returning a newly implemented struct from a function is possible.

func make_me_a_struct() =
    struct TheStruct impl
        func say_hi() static =

let AStruct = make_me_a_struct()

let Another = make_me_a_struct()
assert(Another != AStruct)

Trait definitions

Traits allow for defining list of functions a type must implement. These functions are namespaced separately from other functions defined outside of traits, so it's possible to have two traits that define a function example, and no conflicts will occur between them.

This feature is commonly known as interfaces or protocols in other programming languages.

To define a trait, the trait keyword is used:

trait MyTrait
    func do_something()  # note the lack of the equals sign '='

Implementing a trait is done through introducing an as block inside an impl:

struct MyImplementer impl
    func new() constructor = nil

    as MyTrait
        func do_something() = do

Note that all trait methods are instance methods. Allowing static methods in traits or static implementations of traits wouldn't make that much sense, because Mica is a dynamically typed language - everything is a value.

To call a trait method, the usual receiver.do_something() syntax cannot be used, because it would be ambiguous - instead, the trait must be used as a "relay":

let receiver =
MyTrait.do_something(receiver)  # the first argument becomes `self`