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File metadata and controls

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This is the summary of the REST API provided by the BackEnd. Input should be url-encoded whilst the output is in JSON format. Java classes names used in the output below mean their JSON object counterparts. The Jason Web Token "jwt" input is meant to be on the HTTP Headers while the rest input parameters are Query or HTTP body parameters depending on the method.

Symbols Meaning
name: JSON_output "name" is the field of the single JSON object returned which has the JSON_output as value
∈ { ... } to denote all the possible values of a parameter
[ ... ] ή [ ... : condition ] to denote optional parameters or parameters when a condition is met

REST API End-Points


Method Input Output Action
POST email, password jwt:login token and user: User object on success (or error) performs authentication check and returns login token and user object on success


Method Input Output Action
PUT jwt, oldpassword, newpassword success/error message updates user with uri's id password if the old password given is correct (must be the same student)


Method Input Output Action
GET jwt students: JSON array of all students returns all the students (must be admin)
POST email, password, firstname, lastname success/error message registers a new student


Method Input Output Action
GET jwt student: student JSON Object or 404 returns student with uri's id (must be the same student or admin)
PUT jwt, email, firstname, lastname success/error message updates student's info (must be the same student)
DELETE jwt success/error message deletes student with uri's id (must be the same student or admin)


Method Input Output Action
GET - courses: JSON array of all courses returns all courses
GET jwt courses: JSON array of all courses where a course has also a grade field if the student with given jwt has submitted a grade for it returns all courses and their grades if student with given jwt has submitted a grade (must be student)
POST jwt, title, semester, ects, category, type success/error message submits a new course (must be admin)


Method Input Output Action
GET - course: JSON object of Course with uri's id or 404 returns the course with uri's id
GET jwt course: JSON object of Course with uri's id and jwt's student's grade if submitted or 404 returns the course with uri's id and its grade if it exists (must be student)
POST jwt, [grade] success/error message submits given grade for course with uri's id or removes existing grade if not given or given null (must be student)
PUT jwt, title, semester, ects, category, type success/error message updates course with uri's id (must be admin)
DELETE jwt success/error message removes course with uri's id (must be admin)

In the above:
category ∈ {'core', 'A', 'B', 'optional_lab', 'free', 'general_education' }
type ∈ {'obligatory', 'obligatory-by-choice', 'basic', 'optional' }