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Lua binding for libcrun

Bare libcrun interface for Lua.

There are some problems still and the API is a subject to change.


Only build static archive, to be bundled with another program:

./configure --with-lua-bindings
make && make install

Since the final product bundle libcrun, you don't need to link libcrun at runtime.

For the library using at runtime, add option --enable-shared:

./configure --with-lua-bindings --enable-shared
make && make install

Other options to build libcrun may affect the bundled libcrun.



Works with your LuaRocks project

You can build rocks (in luarocks) if lua bindings is enabled.

./configure --with-lua-bindings
make dist-luarock

The options here for ./configure won't affect the final output, see luacrun.rockspec for the building options.

dist-luarock target packs a source rock. You can use luarocks build luacrun-xxx.src.rock --pack-binary-rock to pack binary rocks.

# Assume the filename is luacrun-1.8.4-0.src.rock
luarocks build luacrun-1.8.4-0.src.rock --pack-binary-rock

Another way is, configure the prefix to your lua_modules to access this library in your project.

./configure --with-lua-bindings --enable-shared --prefix $(pwd)/lua_modules
make && make install

Interpreter may restart?

Related issue: #695: [Python bindings] Python interpreter restarts (?) after first import of python_crun

The lua interpreter may restart at the first open of the library (may not happen if statically linked into your program). It's side effect of a protection (click for the code) to avoid attacks like CVE-2019-5736.

To ease the hurt, always place the require call at the start of your program:

-- entry point module for luabundler
require "luacrun"

return function(...) -- the entry point
    print("Hello World!")

It's not required to use the library at the moment. Since it is cached, the require() will not open the library again.

If the entry point is at the C-side, you may use the luaL_requiref to open the library instead of require() call in Lua code.

#include <lua.h>
#include <lauxlib.h>

extern int luaopen_luacrun(lua_State *S);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    lua_State *S = luaL_newstate();
    // Open the library before any actual logic,
    // to make sure users will not notice the program have actually started twice
    luaL_requiref(S, "luacrun", &luaopen_luacrun, false);
    lua_pop(S, 1);
    // ...your code

The protection might cause another problem in REPL:

$ lua
Lua 5.4.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2022, PUC-Rio
> luacrun = require "luacrun"
Lua 5.4.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2022, PUC-Rio
> luacrun

When you call require "luacrun" at the first time, the REPL restarted and the state have been reset.

The workaround is require "luacrun" again and you get the library this time. The protection will not apply again if it's already applied.

$ lua
Lua 5.4.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2022, PUC-Rio
> luacrun = require "luacrun"
Lua 5.4.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2022, PUC-Rio
> luacrun
> luacrun = require "luacrun"
> luacrun
table: 0x561edad470d0

It's safe to use luacrun in multi-state usage, the program restarts only once.


You need busted and below dependencies to run tests:

luarocks install busted dkjson luaposix

The tests assume environment variable INIT exists. It's the init program compiled in tests.

INIT=$(pwd)/tests/init lua_modules/bin/busted lua