Keno is turtle power on docker! This is a nicely packaged turtlecoind service based on the minimal phusion/baseimage for ubuntu 16 (only 6mb!) and uses release builds instead of compiling (faster?? cowabunga!!!)
Call and order your pizza for deliery (NO ANCHOVIES!!), then use git to checkout the project. bin/
will start up the daemon container. bin/
will stop the running container. Cowabunga dude, you're on the network!!
Pepperoni, git, docker
The turtlecoind service will be automatically installed from a release version on github (current version is v0.2.0). There are no futher installation steps.
The version installed is set by a docker environment variable and power users can set this using TURTLECOIN_DIST_VERSION
The turtlecoin daemon exposes a port for RPC functions (this is why you are using it), 11898
by default. bin/
binds this port from the container to the host as a part of its start up. To set this to another port change to reflect your deployment use case.
master splinter, michelangelo314
How dare you? Really.
No anchovies, dude
- Rocksteady n bebop, the turtlefathers
- master splinter
- the tc gang