Estimated Time: 20 minutes
Topics Covered:
- Issue Verification as a branch protection rule (should be preset on the repo, will turn it off later)
- Lightbulb build status
- Concurrency
- CodeQL
- Can keep fail commented out but point it out as to how you do it. Using Verify issue to cause failure
- Workflow disabled at start
- Set initial candel in progress to false for start of demo
- workflow disabled at start
- branch protection rul for this initially
- turned on for PR
Before Demo
- Make sure lightbulb is connected to wifi and set to White
- make sure all workflows listed above are disabled
- make sure verify linked issue is set as a branch protection rule
Demo Steps
On slide, give an overview of what we are doing
- MVC App. .net core
- On PR, we want to verify several things
- Linked to issue
- code builds/tests/upload artifacs
- CodeQL scanning
- Set color of lightbulb to green/red
- On Push to Main
- We will use new keyword concurrency to ensure we don't run multiple deploys at the same time, and to ensure we are deploying the latest
- Build/Test/Upload Artifacts
- set color of light bulb to green/red
- Deploy to DEV/QA/PROD using environments
- GH CLI and how it interacts with actions
- gh workflow list/view/enable/disable/run
- gh run list/view/watch
- Show list of workflows in repo
- enable the two demo01 workflows that are currently disabled
Create a change to the layout, create a PR
- Notice how PR has checks, some required, some not
- PR will fail because it isn't associated with issue
Update the PR with an issue tag, that check should restart and pass correctly
Review demo-01-pr, verify workflow, codeql workflow and explain what is happening
view final results of workflows. PR should be ready to push to main
Review CodeQL alerts
Merge the PR to main. Go to Action tab and you can see it running
- Watch the workflow run from the command line
Open push workflow and review what it does. Point out the keyword concurrency. We will come back to that.
Show environments and how you created them
Concurrency keyword
- by default, I can start multiple versions of the workflow that run at the same time
- Concurrency allows me to control that better, to ensure I don't have multiple worflows trying to deploy at the same time
- Right now, they way this is configured is if I start a new workflow run that has the same concurrency keyword, it goes into a wait state.
- Start one and show it
- Start another and show how it becomes the latest pending.
- Or, I can make it where it kills the one currently running and starts the new one.
Approve the deployment to prod, show the deployment happened
Show PR and Push workflows again, and show how long they are
- Show results of the watch
- Disable the demo01 workflows, and codeql workflows, and the verify workflows
Demo 1 summary slide of what we covered, including
- Concurrncy
- CodeQL and GHAS