A documentation theme for Stackbit. Live Demo
Stackbit provisions your theme's content model with a growing selection of headless CMS and pulls the content for you in the format your static site generator expects it. This is powered by a single config file, stackbit.yaml, which defines a Uniform theme model and enables integration with CMS like Contentful, DatoCMS, Forestry, NetlifyCMS, etc.
This theme in particular is written in Unibit, a superset of static site generators. Unibit's powerful transpiling engine enables you to write once and stay SSG agnostic. Themes will automatically work with new generators as they are added and can currently convert to Jekyll, Hugo & Gatsby.
Develop locally using the Unibit CLI.
npm install -g @stackbit/unibit
Start the local development server.
unibit develop
Compile a production build into the public
unibit build
Develop this theme in the browser using CodeSandbox.
All documentation pages must be located inside the content/docs
folder. You can create folders inside this folder 1 level deep. For example:
- Documentation root page:
- Parent section pages:
- Child section pages:
Documentation pages should contain the following front matter. title
and layout
are required.
- `title`: apart from defining the page title, docs layout use this field to
label navigation menu items.
- `weight`: defines the order of the child section page. This field is ignored
for parent section pages.
- `layout`: docs
- `excerpt`: Can be defined on a parent section pages to render the description
of the section in the Overview page (`overview.html`). This field is ignored
for child section pages.
All page inside the content/docs
folder should use the docs
layout (layouts/docs.html
This layout is responsible for rendering the documentation navigation menu and
uses several properties to control its appearance:
For sections to appear in the docs sidebar menu they must be defined in doc_sections.yml
inside the data
folder. The order of section in this list will define the appearance order in navigation menu.
root_folder: /docs/
- about
- getting-started
- ui-components
- manage-content
- tools
- faq
- community
Here is an example to a folder structure, several documentation pages and documentation sections:
├── data
│ ├── doc_sections.yml
│ └── ...
├── content
│ ├── docs
│ │ ├── getting-started
│ │ │ ├── index.md [section parent page]
│ │ │ ├── installation.md [section child page]
│ │ │ └── quick-start.md [section child page]
│ │ ├── guides
│ │ │ ├── index.md [section parent page]
│ │ │ ├── features.md [section child page]
│ │ │ └── overview.md [section child page]
│ │ ├── faq
│ │ │ └── index.md [section parent page]
│ │ └── index.md [documentation root page]
│ └── ...
└── ...
title: Overview
weight: 1 # position guides/overview first
layout: docs
title: Features
weight: 2 # position guides/features second
layout: docs
root_folder: /docs/
- getting-started
- guides
- faq
To add a callout to your documentation, simply use the following html markup:
<div class="important">
This is the "Important" callout block of text. It indicates a warning or caution.
Use it for an important message.
<div class="note">
This is the "Note" callout block of text. It signifies a general note.
To enable syntax highlighting in your code blocks, add a language identifier. For example, to syntax highlight JavaScript code, specify javascript
next to the tick marks before the fenced code block:
if (condition) {
code to run if condition is true
} else {
run some other code instead
The homepage content uses content/index.md
. You can edit all of the homepage sections by editing this files front matter.
The items of the main menu located at the top can be defined inside the config.yml
To add a menu item, you should define it inside the nav_links
field. For instance:
- label: Home
url: /
type: link
has_subnav: false
Besides the usual layouts (blog
, page
, post
) and documentation layout mentioned above (docs
), there is an additional layout advanced
that can be used for pages.
To display social icons in the footer, define them inside the social_links
field inside the config.yml
file. You can use any icon supported by Font Awesome and just need to specify the appropriate Font Awesome class name as the icon_class
Libris supports the following color palettes:
- blue (default)
- green
- navy
- violet
To change the color palette, update the palette
variable in config.yml.
- Lato. Licensed under the Open Font License.
- Font Awesome icons. Licensed under the Font Awesome Free License.
- Unsplash images. Licensed under the (Unsplash License)[https://unsplash.com/license].
- Prism syntax highlighter. Licensed under the (MIT License)[https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT].
- Reframe.js. Licensed under the (MIT License)[https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT].
- Smooth Scroll. Licensed under the (MIT License)[https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT].
- Gumshoe. Licensed under the (MIT License)[https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT].
- clipboard.js. Licensed under the (MIT License)[https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT].