- DSG-5731 Help improvements
- DSG-5640 Clean up unused pyedbglib dependencies / requirements
- DSG-5714 pyawsutils clean action should also delete MCHPStack
- DSG-5722 Profile not taken into account when doing cloud formation
- DSG-5729 Bug/typo in usage example for pyawsutils create-policy
- DSG-6131 PEP-0440 compliance for pyawsutils
- DSG-5683 Updated AWS JITR Lambda Python runtime 3.6 -> 3.9
- DSG-5013 Added Amazon root CA bundle as recommended by Amazon
- DSG-4397 Added readme link
- DSG-4471 Added changelog link
- DSG-4361 Clean action does not delete any policies
- DSG-5023 Replaced find_packages with find_namespace_packages
- DSG-4071 Publication to GitHub
- DSG-4192 Sphinx documentation
- First public release to PyPi