Releases: microsoft/AdaptiveCards
AdaptiveCards v1.2.9
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features included. Please see details below.
New Bug Fixes!
Android Renderer Fixes:
#3864 Invalid value for column width not defaulting to auto in Android
iOS Renderer Fixes:
#3863 No decimal point selector for Input.Number
#3908 Crash occurs when using custom input renderer in Swift
#3939 Adaptive card with subcard only returns data from subcard
#3953 Last character of TextRun does not honour defined style
Minor Breaking Changes in iOS
- To accomondate custom rendering in swift, interface has updated input's type to NSMutableArray* from NSArray* as shown in here
- This may create compiler warnings for existing custom renderers.
JS Renderer Fixes:
#2236 Make tabIndex on root card turnoff-able
#4027 Selected state not reflected for comboboxes in WebChat
#2235 Name/ Alt-text property is not properly defined for Images
#2240 Incorrect role is define for 'View details' control
#3914 Action.OpenUrl rendered buttons should have the "link" aria role
#2236 Focus is landing on non-interactive elements after activating the 'Show a simple' Adaptive cards button
UWP Renderer Fixes:
#3950 RichTextBlock TextRun with Action should use action title as Screen Reader text
AdaptiveCards v1.2.8
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features included.
New Bug Fixes!
- [Android] Fix first element changing place with background image
- [Android] Action is rendered above images
AdaptiveCards v1.2.7
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features included.
New Bug Fixes!
[iOS][Card-Height-Rendering] [Card heights changes based on number of actions in ActionsSet]
[iOS][ChoiceSet] ["wrap":true doesn't work and text still gets clipped]
AdaptiveCards v1.2.6
New Bug Fixes!
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features included.
- [Android][Inconsistency between android and web] [Time rendering format on android is different as that of web]
- [Android][Inconsistency with desktop] [Date input component does not honour the default value]
- [Android][verticalContentAlignment for a container not being honoured]
- [Android][Input.Text element with multi line isn't vertically scrollable]
- [iOS][Code][Sample code is not working] ACRActionDelegate is not called
- [iOS][Fallback] Custom Renderer fallback handling fails
- [iOS][UI] Container background image does not cover card
- [iOS][HostConfig] Number of Actions Setting Is Not Supported
- [iOS/Android]Frictionless SDK consumption
AdaptiveCards.Xamarin.Android v0.1.0
Preview version of the Xamarin.Android rendering library. This library is based on our native android rendering library so C# developers can make use of this library on their Android applications.
You can find the nuget package here
Features for version 0.1.0
For the pre-release version the following features are included:
- Parsing json strings into AdaptiveCard objects
- Rendering AdaptiveCard objects into native views
- Feature registration for consistency with version 1.2.0
- Action handling through ICardActionHandler implementations
- All elements and actions supported in adaptivecards up to v1.2.0 are included in this prerelease
Also, all the code for the bindings and the sample application can be found here
AdaptiveCards v1.2.5
New Bug Fixes!
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features included.
- [Android][Element Rendering] [Spacing within Choice sets not rendered]
- [Android][Button Icon Rendering] [Button icons placed on the left of the title are pushed out of the button, icon size not honored]
- [Android][Rendering Discrepancy between Android and web] [For Choice sets with compact style, when no option is explicitly pre-selected, first option gets pre-selected]
- [IOS][Layout] verticalContentAlignment with "center" doesn't take effect in container
- [iOS][Dark theme: Text Color] [Text color for toggle switch in dark mode is not being set properly]
- [TS][Rendering] Column fallback broken
- [TS] Column width no longer accepts decimals as valid values
- [TS] Column default width is now 'auto' instead of 'stretch'
- [TS] Empty fact title shows up as 'Title' instead of a blank
- [JavaScript] TextRun with empty text generates an uncaught exception that prevents the card from rendering
AdaptiveCards v1.2.4
New Bug Fixes!
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features included.
- [.NET WPF] Possible race condition in ParseContext.cs; causing 100% CPU usage in Azure Bot Service
- [.NET][Unit Testing] FromJson throws exceptions when running unit tests in parallel
- [.Net WPF][Fallback] Column Fallback doesn't work properly
- [.NET] Deprecation warnings not updated for fontStyles->fontTypes rename
- [.NET] Breaking change AdditionalProperties type-change to SerializableDictionary preventing Cortana upgrade to 1.2*
- [iOS][Custom Actions] Added support for custom action parsing for selectAction types
- [iOS] Allowed default text renderer to be used inside custom text renderer
- [iOS][Action.ToggleVisibility] Changed Toggle Visibility action to call the delegate didFetchUserResponses method
AdaptiveCards v1.2.3
New Bug Fixes!
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features included.
- [.NET] Serialization is broken for XML
- Relax the minimum version number of Newtonsoft
- Deal with versionless cards
- [Shared Model] Ambiguous behaviour for set column width
- [Shared Model] There is no consistency for on and off values in Input.Toggle
- Markdown links with only numbers and special characters in link tag do not render
- [Shared Model] Ambiguous behaviour for set column width
- [Shared Model] There is no consistency for on and off values in Input.Toggle
- Markdown links with only numbers and special characters in link tag do not render
- [iOS] TextInput InlineAction with show card crashes
- [JavaScript][Parsing] string and boolean values in JSON cause parsing error when set to null
- [TS] initialized static readonly fields cause compile time errors when using TS 3.0 or earlier
- IE11 buttons are squeezed
- Number Input default value undefined when value is set to zero
AdaptiveCards v1.2.2
New Bug Fixes!
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features or breaking changes included.
- [.NET] Netstandard1.3 DLL from the latest nuget is not correctly SNK signed
- Update SignConfig.xml to use stronger cert
AdaptiveCards v1.2.1
New Bug Fixes!
This is a patch release with only bug fixes and no new features or breaking changes included. Also note this does not include updates to the TS packages which will be made upon a subsequent targeted release in the coming weeks.
- [Android] Not all renderers support fallback on Column
- [Android][Shared Model] Richtextblock crashes when Serializing
- Adaptive Cards v1.2.0 throwing NullPointerException while rendering
- Markdown links in fact sets not clickable
- [SharedModel] BaseInputElement is serializing isRequired property
- [iOS] Not all renderers support fallback on Column
- For "column" component, the UI is different when set "width" = "auto" in IOS platform
- Conflicting NSLayoutConstraints When Views Are Hidden
- [iOS] Play button configuration of Media Config in adaptive host config is not getting used
- Data URI images not loading in iOS renderer v1.2.0
- [SharedModel] BaseInputElement is serializing isRequired property
- [iOS] "auto" and "stretch" in column width properties