Takes an Appx or Bundle file, repackages and signs it using the Store test certificate
MakeAPPXForWin10S.cmd "C:\Temp\MyDesktopBridgeFile.appx"
MakeAPPXForWin10S.cmd "MyLocalfolderAPPXFile.appx"
MakeAPPXForWin10S.cmd "MyLocalfolderAPPXBUNDLEFile.appxbundle"
- Creates a new unique folder for extracting the Appx files
- Modifies the 'CN' in the extracted AppxManifest.xml
- Recreates the Appx file with the modified AppxManifest.xml
- Signs the Appx file with the AppxTestRootAgency provided by the Store team (direct link for downloading the certificate)
The signed Appx file name will be 'InitialFileNameStoreSigned.appx'
- Creates a new unique folder for extracting the Bundle files
- Modifies the 'CN' in the extracted AppxMetadata\AppxBundleManifest.xml
- Takes each internal Appx and do the same work as the one done for an unique Appx (extraction, AppxManifest.xml modification, packaging, signature)
- Recreates the Bundle file with the modified AppxMetadata\AppxBundleManifest.xml and modified packages
- Signs the Appx/Bundle file with the AppxTestRootAgency provided by the Store team (direct link for downloading the certificate)
The signed Bundle file name will be 'InitialFileNameStoreSigned.appxbundle'
Takes an Appx/Bundle folder created by MakeAPPXForWin10S.cmd (because we need to have already the the 'CN' modification done), repackages and sign it using the Store test certificate
RepackageAPPXFolderForWin10S.cmd "C:\Temp\MyDesktopBridgeFolder"
RepackageAPPXFolderForWin10S.cmd "LocalDesktopBridgeFolder"
RepackageAPPXFolderForWin10S.cmd "C:\Temp\MyDesktopBridgeBundleFolder" -IsBundle
RepackageAPPXFolderForWin10S.cmd "LocalDesktopBridgeBundleFolder" -IsBundle
- Recreates the Appx/Bundle file with the content of the DesktopBridge folder
- Signs the Appx/bundle file with the AppxTestRootAgency provided by the Store team (direct link for downloading the certificate)
The signed Appx file name will be 'FolderNameStoreSigned.appx' or 'FolderNameStoreSigned.appxbundle'