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Joe Mellin edited this page Jan 25, 2019 · 18 revisions


The team has a 6-month high level Roadmap which defines high-level themes and features to be addressed in this timeframe.


The work planned during an iteration is captured in the iteration plan (see Iteration Plans). The feature highlights of each iteration are highlighted in the release notes.


Before each month, we will prioritize features and changes to the service we plan to make in the next iteration. For new features, we create new issues and label them with feature request. For changes to existing functionality, we create new issues and label them with change request. For bugs, we create issues and label them with bug. Change requests, feature requests, and bugs that are assigned to a milestone encompass the planned work for the upcoming month.


Each week we will manage work items, crossing off completed features, triaging issues and publishing updates on our progress. Some changes and enhancements will then be either postponed to later iteration or moved back to the backlog.


At the end of each iteration, we will publish a recap of our progress and what was successfully shipped.

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