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Spring Data Gremlin Design


Gremlin is a functional, data-flow language that enables users to succinctly express complex traversals on (or queries of) their application's property graph. It hides the details of backend database implementation (like azure cosmosdb support Graph API).

Apache Tinkerpop gremlin java driver allows you to launch gremlin query, but it is not easy to get familiar with gremlin syntax. You have to generate all gremlin queries by yourself as following.

    static final String[] gremlinQueries = new String[] {
        "g.addV('person').property('id', '1').property('name', 'pli').property('age', 31)",
        "g.addV('person').property('id', '4').property('name', 'incarnation').property('age', 27)",
        "g.addV('software').property('id', '2').property('name', 'spring-boot-sample').property('lang', 'java')",
        "g.V('1').addE('created').to(g.V('2')).property('weight', 0.8)",
        "g.V('1').addE('contributed').to(g.V('2')).property('weight', 0.1)",
        "g.V('4').addE('contributed').to(g.V('2')).property('weight', 0.4)"

We'd like to make things easier by hiding the process of mapping Java instance to graph database persistent entity, with the help of spring-data-commons.

From Users' View

How do users use graph db? They can use gremlin driver to generate the query literal in Java class instance. It's not impossible but yet isn't easy. We want to figure out a more Spring natural way by leveraging Spring annotations to map Java instance to database entity.

From Graph database View

As we know, there may be some concept like Vertex, Edge and Graph when we talk about graph. Naturally the object instance needs to be mapped to one and the only one of these element in graph. Simply we add some annotations to reach this.

  @Vertex    // maps an Object to a Vertex
  @VertexSet // maps a set of Vertex in Graph
  @Edge      // maps an Object to an Edge
  @EdgeSet   // maps to a set of Edge in Graph
  @EdgeFrom  // maps to the head Vertex of an Edge
  @EdgeTo    // maps to the tail Vertex of an Edge
  @Graph     // maps to an Object to a Graph

CRUD based query

The @GremlinRepository extends @CrudReposiotry is providing basic queries, like insert, save, find, delete and count. Let's take insert as example to the details of implementation.

Some Constrictions
  • Gremlin describes the Vertex and Edge in a flat layout, with fixed property id, label, and any other properties organized as key-value pair.
  • Gremlin properties name must be String, and values can be Number, Boolean and String.
  • No nested structure in Vertex and Edge.
  • Edge is directed.

Before we start to insert a Vertex instance to database, we need one abstract layer into isolate the dependency between instance and entity in database. We define one class to represent all instance stored in database. This class not only needs to hold all information from instance object, but also has the flat structure like entity in database. It is the bridge between instance in java and persistent entity in database. Here we call it GremlinSource.

With the above constriction of gremlin, GremlinSource has field id and label for mapping, and keep all other fields into one Map<String, Object>. When we try to insert a instance from java to GremlinSource, we perform a WRITE operation and convert the instance to a GremlinSource. Operation WRITE will convert all the data of one instance to GremlinSource, and take care of id or @Id field.

The GremlinSourceWriter converts Java instance to GremlinSource.


There must be one READ operation for retrieving instance from database entity. For example, the find query will return the persistent data from database with the type Result, provided by apache SDK. For insulating the dependency between instance and Result, just like what we do in WRITE. We also use GremlinSource as the bridge from Result to instance. Simply there are two steps after query from database. First the Result from database will be converted to GremlinSource. And then the GremlinSource will be converted to Java instance, just like what we do in WRITE operation.

The GremlinResultReader converts Result to GremlinSource.
The GremlinSourceReader converts GremlinSource to Java instance.


GremlinScript will generate the query based on GremlinSource. It converts the data like id, label and properites into gremlin query literal Strings. For type String, Number and Boolean, the query will store them as primitive types (supported by gremlin). And any other type of instance field will be converted to Json-like String except type Date, it will be converted to milliSeconds and stored as Number. Then the gremlin client will execute the query to access database.

The GremlinScriptLiteral generates literal query based on GremlinSource.