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File metadata and controls

37 lines (33 loc) · 4.31 KB


googlesheets 0.2.1

  • XML is no longer a dependency.
  • Automatic retries for Internal Server Error (HTTP 500). On or around 2016-03-11, there was a huge increase in the frequency of this error on Google Drive API calls.
    • Remedy: all HTTP GET calls in the package are automatically retried up to 5 times, with exponential backoff, for statuses 500 and higher.
  • Functions prefixed with gd_ refer to Google Drive and might eventually migrate into a separate Google Drive package. Generally there is a synonym with the gs_ prefix.
  • gd_token() is a new function to expose information about the current Google token. Some of this was migrated out of gd_user() and into gd_token(). New information includes scopes and cache path.
  • gd_user() now returns an S3 object of class drive_user, but it's really just a list with a nice print method. It exposes information about the current Google user. New information includes user's Drive permissionId and rootFolderId.

googlesheets 0.2.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • httr v1.1.0: to become compatible with this version, we now require it.
  • Dependency changes:
    • plyr is no longer required (#204)
    • purrr is a new dependency
  • gs_browse() is a new function to visit a Google Sheet in the browser.
  • gs_rename() is a new function to rename an existing Sheet (#145).
  • gs_add_row() now works for two-dimensional input, by calling itself once per row of input (#188, @jimhester).
  • Updated the scope for the Drive API. It is possible that new/updated Drive functions will require a token obtained with the new scope. This could mean that tokens stored and loaded from file in a non-interactive environment will need to be remade.
  • gs_read_listfeed() now supports parameters to manipulate data in the API call itself: reverse inverts row order, orderby selects a column to sort on, sq accepts a structured query to filter rows. (#17)
  • gs_read_listfeed() doesn't return API-mangled column names anymore. They should now be the same as those from the other read functions and what you see in the browser.
  • readr-style data ingest: We explicitly try to match the interface of readr::read_csv(). The read functions gs_read(), gs_read_csv(), and gs_read_listfeed() and the reshaper gs_reshape_cellfeed() should all return the same data frame when operating on the same worksheet. And this should match what readr::read_csv() would return on a .csv file exported from that worksheet. The type conversion arguments for gs_simplify_cellfeed() have also changed accordingly.
    • The header argument is no longer accepted. Use col_names.
    • If you're not happy with the defaults, take control via the ... arguments of gs_read* or reshape/simplify functions. Specify column_types, col_names, locale, na, trim_ws, etc. here.
    • See the sections "Controlling data ingest, theory and practice" in the the Basic Usage vignette for details and examples.
    • readr exception #1: variables that consist entirely of missing values will be NA of the logical type, not NA_character_.
    • readr exception #2: googlesheets will never return a data frame with NA as a variable name. Instead, it will create a dummy variable name, like X5.
    • readr exception #3: All read/reshape functions accept check.names, in the spirit of utils::read.table(), which defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, variable names will be run through make.names(..., unique = TRUE). (#208)
  • gs_read_cellfeed() now returns all possible definitions of cell contents:
    • value: The variable previously known as cell_text. What you see in the browser and what Sheets API returns by default.
    • input_value: What you would have typed into the cell. Will give unevaluated formulas. (#18, #19, #152)
    • numeric_value: An actual number, if such exists, unmangled by rounding or other numeric formatting. (#152, #178)
  • New argument literal = FALSE available in reading/reshaping functions that call the cell feed. Tries to be clever about using different definitions of cell contents.
  • gs_deauth() is a newly exported function that allows you to suspend the current token and, optionally, disable the .httr-oauth token cache file by renaming it to .httr-oauth-SUSPENDED.