MTC has several APIs which are needed to carry out migrations. This document explains specs for each API used in migrations.
kind: DirectImageMigration
labels: "1.0"
name: directimagemigration-sample
name: migcluster-local
namespace: openshift-migration
name: migcluster-remote
namespace: openshift-migration
- nginx-example
spec.destMigClusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. Contains name and namespace of the destination mig cluster where the operator is installed.
spec.namespaces: A list of all namespaces to run DIM to get all the imagestreams in these namespaces.
spec.srcMigClusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. Contains name and namespace of the source mig cluster where the operator is installed.
kind: DirectImageStreamMigration
labels: "1.0"
name: directimagestreammigration-sample
name: migcluster-local
namespace: openshift-migration
name: migcluster-remote
namespace: openshift-migration
name: nginx
namespace: nginx-example
destNamespace: new-namespace
spec.destMigClusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. Contains name and namespace of the destination mig cluster where the operator is installed.
spec.destNamespace: A string holding the name of the namespace on destination cluster where imagestreams should be migrated.
spec.imageStreamRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. Contains name and namespace of the source mig cluster where the imagesstream is present.
spec.srcMigClusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. Contains name and namespace of the source mig cluster where the operator is installed.
kind: DirectVolumeMigration
name: direct1
namespace: openshift-migration
createDestinationNamespaces: false
deleteProgressReportingCRs: false
name: host
namespace: openshift-migration
- name: pvc-0
namespace: pvc-migrate-bmark-1
- name: pvc-0
namespace: pvc-migrate-bmark-2
- name: pvc-0
namespace: pvc-migrate-bmark-3
- name: pvc-1
namespace: pvc-migrate-bmark-3
name: ocp3
namespace: openshift-migration
spec.createDestinationNamespaces: A boolean flag that is set True to create namespaces in destination cluster.
spec.deleteProgressReportingCRs: A boolean flag to specify if progress reporting CRs needs to be deleted or not.
spec.destMigClusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. Contains name and namespace of the destination mig cluster where the operator is installed.
spec.persistentVolumeClaims: A list of all the PVCs that are to be migrated with direct volume migration.
spec.srcMigClusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. Contains name and namespace of the source mig cluster where the operator is installed.
kind: DirectVolumeMigrationProgress
labels: "1.0"
name: directvolumemigrationprogress-sample
# [!] Change clusterRef to point to the cluster where the pod is running
name: sample-source-3110
namespace: openshift-migration
# [!] Change podRef to point to the name and namespace of the running pod
name: directmigration-sample-pod-0
namespace: openshift-migration
spec.clusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
spec.podRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
kind: MigAnalytic
migplan: test
name: mtest
namespace: openshift-migration
migplan: test
analyzeImageCount: true
analyzeK8SResources: true
analyzePVCapacity: true
name: test
namespace: openshift-migration
spec.analyzeImageCount: A boolean flag to enable analysis of image count. This is a required field.
spec.analyzeK8SResources: A boolean flag to enable analysis of k8s resources. This is a required field.
spec.analyzePVCapacity: A boolean flag to enable analysis of persistent volume capacity. This is a required field.
spec.listImages: A boolean flag to enable used in analysis of image count.
spec.listImagesLimit: An integer representing limit on image counts.
spec.migPlanRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object. This is a required field.
Local Mig cluster:
kind: MigCluster
labels: "1.0"
name: migcluster-local
namespace: openshift-migration
# [!] Change isHostCluster to 'false' if you want to use a clusterRef and serviceAccountSecretRef
# instead of using the mig-controller detected kubeconfig. Refer to mig-cluster-aws.yaml for an example.
isHostCluster: true
# [!] Change refresh to 'true' to force a manual reconcile
refresh: false
Remote Mig cluster:
kind: MigCluster
labels: "1.0"
name: migcluster-remote
namespace: openshift-config
# [!] Change isHostCluster to 'true' if you'll be running the controller on this cluster.
# Setting 'isHostCluster' to true will bypass using the clusterRef and serviceAccountSecretRef below.
isHostCluster: false
url: ""
name: sa-token-remote
namespace: openshift-config
# [!] Change refresh to 'true' to force a manual reconcile
refresh: false
spec.azureResourceGroup: For azure clusters -- it's the resource group that in-cluster volumes use.
spec.caBundle: If the migcluster needs SSL verification for connections a user can supply a custom CA bundle. This field is required only when spec.Insecure is set false.
spec.exposedRegistryPath: Stores the path of registry route when using direct migration.
spec.insecure: If set false, user will need to provide CA bundle for TLS connection to the remote cluster.
spec.isHostCluster: Specifies if the cluster is host (where the controller is installed) or not. This is a required field.
spec.refresh: If set True, forces the controller to run a full suite of validations on migcluster.
spec.restartRestic: An override setting to tell the controller that the source cluster restic needs to be restarted after stage pod creation.
spec.serviceAccountSecretRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
spec.url: Stores the url of the remote cluster. The field is only required for the source cluster object.
kind: MigHook
generateName: test-
name: test-btmv5
namespace: openshift-migration
custom: false
image: ''
playbook: >-
targetCluster: source
spec.activeDeadlineSeconds: Specifies the highest amount of time for which the hook will run.
spec.custom: Specifies whether the hook is a custom Ansible playbook or a pre-built image. This is a required field.
spec.image: Specifies the image of the hook to be executed. This is a required field.
spec.playbook: Specifies the contents of the custom Ansible playbook in base64 format, it is used in conjunction with the custom boolean flag.
spec.targetCluster: Specifies the cluster on which the hook is to be executed. This is a required field.
kind: MigMigration
labels: "1.0"
name: migmigration-sample
namespace: openshift-migration
# [!] Set 'canceled: true' will cancel the migration
canceled: false
# [!] Set 'rollback: true' will rollback the migration's plan
rollback: true
# [!] Set 'stage: true' to run a 'Stage Migration' and skip quiescing of Pods on the source cluster.
stage: false
# [!] Set 'quiescePods: true' to scale down Pods on the source cluster after the 'Backup' stage of a migration has finished
quiescePods: false
# [!] Set 'keepAnnotations: true' to retain labels and annotations applied by the migration
keepAnnotations: false
name: migplan-sample
namespace: openshift-migration
spec.canceled: Invokes the cancel migration operation, when set to true the migration controller switches to cancel itinerary. This field can be used on-demand to cancel the running migration.
spec.keepAnnotations: Specifies whether to retain the annotations set by the migration controller or not.
spec.migPlanRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
spec.quiescePods: Specifies whether to quiesce the application pods before migration or not.
spec.rollback: Invokes the rollback migration operation, when set to true the migration controller switches to rollback itinerary. This field needs to be set prior to creation of a MigMigration.
spec.stage: Invokes the stage operation, when set to true the migration controller switches to stage itinerary. This is a required field.
spec.verify: Specifies whether to verify the health of the migrated pods or not.
kind: MigPlan
labels: "1.0"
name: migplan-sample
namespace: openshift-migration
name: migcluster-local
namespace: openshift-migration
name: migcluster-remote
namespace: openshift-migration
- executionNamespace: openshift-migration
phase: PreBackup
name: test-6h58j
namespace: openshift-migration
serviceAccount: migration-controller
indirectImageMigration: true
indirectVolumeMigration: false
name: migstorage-sample
namespace: openshift-migration
# [!] Change namespaces to adjust which OpenShift namespaces should be migrated from source to destination cluster
- nginx-example
# [!] Change refresh to 'true' to force a manual reconcile
refresh: false
spec.closed: If the migration was successful for a migplan, this value can be set True indicating that after one successful migration no new migrations can be carried out for this migplan.
spec.destMigClusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
spec.hooks: Holds a reference to a MigHook along with the desired phase to run it in.
- spec.hooks.executionNamespace: Holds the name of the namespace where hooks should be implemented.
- spec.hooks.phase: Indicates the phase when the hooks will be executed. Acceptable values are: PreBackup, PostBackup, PreRestore, and PostRestore.
- spec.hooks.serviceAccount: Holds the name of the service account to be used for running hooks.
- spec.hooks.reference: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
spec.indirectImageMigration: If set True, disables direct image migrations.
spec.indirectVolumeMigration: If set True, disables direct volume migrations.
spec.migStorageRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
spec.namespaces: A list of string of all the namespaces to be included in migration.
spec.persistentVolumes: Holds list of all the persistent volumes found for the namespaces included in migplan. Each entry in the list is a persistent volume with the information. Name - The PV name. Capacity - The PV storage capacity. StorageClass - The PV storage class name. Supported - Lists of what is supported. Selection - Choices made from supported. PVC - Associated PVC. NFS - NFS properties. staged - A PV has been explicitly added/updated.
spec.refresh: If set True, the controller is forces to check if the migplan is in Ready state or not.
spec.srcMigClusterRef: ObjectReference contains enough information to let you inspect or modify the referred object.
kind: MigStorage
labels: "1.0"
name: migstorage-sample
namespace: openshift-migration
backupStorageProvider: aws
volumeSnapshotProvider: aws
# [!] Change awsBucketName to contain the S3 bucket name to be used for migration
awsBucketName: foo
# [!] Change awsRegion to contain the region name (e.g. 'us-east-1') where the S3 bucket presides
awsRegion: foo
namespace: openshift-config
name: migstorage-creds
# Optional backupStorageConfig parameters
#awsKmsKeyId: foo
#awsPublicUrl: foo
#awsSignatureVersion: "4"
# [!] Change awsRegion to contain the region name (e.g. 'us-east-1') where Volume Snapshots should take place
awsRegion: foo
namespace: openshift-config
name: migstorage-creds
# [!] Change refresh to 'true' to force a manual reconcile
refresh: false
spec.backupStorageConfig: Defines config for creating and storing Backups. This is a required field.
spec.backupStorageProvider: Holds the provider name whose object storage is used for backup storage location. This is a required field.
spec.refresh: A boolean used to trigger a reconcile for the MigStorage CRD.
spec.volumeSnapshotConfig: Defines config for taking Volume Snapshots.
spec.volumeSnapshotProvider: Holds the provider name whose object storage is used for backup storage location.