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106 lines (80 loc) · 3.31 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (80 loc) · 3.31 KB


(I have to find time and rewrite the entinre package, because it doesn't work well with newer versions of Meteor.)

A set of useful widgets for display and enter data. Plays nicely with AutoForm, but I'm thinking as well in SCADA like widgets.

Important: It's in fase beta.

See the example.

To run with tests just export METEOR_MOCHA_TEST_DIRS=tests and then meteor.

Any help is welcomed. Tell me if you want and I will make you a contributor.

  • o - O - o -

Let's see a simple guide on how to make a xwidget. In this case the xboolean, wich consist in a svg circle with color red or green. To use the widget just:

{{> xboolean name="isBig" value=this.isBig}}

or inside AutoForm:

{{> afFieldInput name='isBig' template='circle'}}

The templates are:

<template name='afCheckbox_circle'>
    {{> xboolean value=this.value}}

<template name="xboolean"> <!--prefix=x; I want prefix to be xw- xw_ and xwCapital  -->
  {{#with includeFormContext .. ../.. ../../.. ../../../.. ../../../../.. }}
      <div class="xwidget xboolean" name="{{getName}}" data-schema-key="{{}}"> <!--class is always xwidget -->
        {{setInitial getName this.value}}  <!-- see below -->
        <svg height="10" width="10">
            <circle name="{{getName}}" cx="5" cy="5" r="5" fill="{{getColor getName}}" />  <!-- set name here as well for easy access to this important property. See that for the color we use a helper, instead of setting the attribute fill from code (jquery way of .val(value)). I think this is the Meteor way -->
    setInitial: (name, value)->
        if value == 'true' then value = true else value = false
        el = $('div.xwidget[name='+name+']')
        el.val(value)  # and, how do we set to a div? See below
        null   # return null so nothing is printed in the template where the *{{setInitial ...}}* is

    getColor: (name) ->
        item = xdata.findOne(name:name)
        if item
            if item.value then 'green' else 'red'
    getName: ->
        if this.formContext
            prefix = this.formContext._af.formId
            prefix = ''
        prefix + '#' +

jquery stuff:

$.valHooks['xboolean'] =
    get: (el)-> # *el* is the main div
        name = $(el).attr('name')
        xdata.findOne(name:name).value # xdata is a local collection where we save an item per widget instance. The instance is recognized by the name
    set: (el, value)->   
        name = $(el).attr('name')
        if not xdata.findOne(name:name) # the first time the widget is created we must do an insert
            xdata.insert({name:name, value:value})
            xdata.update({name:name}, {$set:{value: value}}) # next times we must do updates

$.fn.xboolean = ->
    this.each -> 
        this.type = 'xboolean'

Template.xboolean.rendered = ->
    $(this.find('.xboolean')).xboolean() # we do the association at the main div

What is missing:, the principal thing, the local collection :)

xdata = new Meteor.Collection null # we pass null to ensure this is a local collection

See the full code in and xboolean.html.