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I am a Senior Researcher at the VATT Institute for Economic Research.
I work on topics in Labor, Public, and Health Economics.

I received my PhD in Economics from Stockholm University in October 2024.

Email: [email protected]
CV, Google Scholar, Twitter/X, GitHub


"Essays in Labor, Public, and Health Economics" (Doctoral dissertation)
Dissertations in Economics 2024:4. Stockholm, Sweden: Department of Economics, Stockholm University. September 2024.

"Labor Market Returns and the Evolution of Cognitive Skills: Theory and Evidence" (with Santiago Hermo, David Seim, and Jesse M. Shapiro)
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2022, 137(4): 2309–2361.
Pre-print, Replication package, LaroplanOCR
Coverage: The Guardian,, Marginal Revolution, VoxEU, WEF, Talous & Yhteiskunta

Work in Progress

"Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills in General Equilibrium: Theory and Evidence"

"Skills and Urban Wage-Premia"
(with Mikko Silliman and Pablo Warnes)

"Disability Insurance and Healthcare Use: Evidence and Implications"
(with Jens Wikström)

"Unemployment Insurance Generosity and Health: Evidence from Sweden"
(with Arash Nekoei and David Seim)

"Adoption of Medical Innovations Across Hospitals and Socioeconomic Groups: Evidence from Sweden"
(with Fabian Sinn)

"Family-Level Stress and Children’s Educational Choice: Evidence from Parent Layoffs"
(with Julia Tanndal)

Policy Work (in Finnish)

"Työvoimapalvelujen vaikuttavuus taloustieteellisessä tutkimuskirjallisuudessa" ("The Effectiveness of Active Labor Market Policies in the Economics Literature")
Report commissioned by the National Audit Office of Finland, 2020.

"Palkkatuen vaikuttavuus – palkkatukijärjestelmän ja sen uudistuksien arviointi" ("The Impact of Wage Subsidies – An Evaluation of the Wage Subsidy System and Its Reforms")
(with Rita Asplund, Antti Kauhanen, and Pekka Vanhala)
Publications of the Government’s Analysis, Assessment and Research Activities, 75/2018.

Pre-Doctoral Research

"The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Graduating During a Recession: Evidence from Finland"
VATT Working Papers 96, 2017. Adapted from Master's thesis.
Coverage: Helsingin Sanomat, Uutissuomalainen, Työelämän tutkimus


su-econ-dissertation-template ---
Template for doctoral dissertation in Economics at Stockholm University.
Creator. Available on GitHub.

LaroplanOCR --- Swedish primary school curricula in digital format.
Contributor. Available on GitHub and Harvard Dataverse.

JMSLab/Template --- Template for research projects by JMSLab.
Collaborator. Available on GitHub.