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Machine Translation

Mika Hämäläinen edited this page Mar 8, 2019 · 8 revisions


UralicNLP provides functionality to connect to different translation services over their APIs. The main supported services are Apertium and Yandex

The translator API

Translator objects have two methods get_languages() and translate(text, source, target). Get_languages gives a dictionary consisting of language codes of the supported languages. The keys indicate the supported source language and the values the supported target languages.

>> {u'est': [u'est_estspell', u'est_estgram'], u'nob': [u'fao'], u'smn': [u'fin', u'sme'], u'fao': [u'nno', u'fao_faospell', u'fao_faogram', u'nob'], u'sme': [u'fin', u'sme_smespell', u'sma', u'sme_smegram', u'nob', u'smj', u'smn'], u'fin': [u'sme', u'smn', u'fin_fingram', u'fin_finspell'], u'sma': [u'sme', u'sma_smagram', u'nob', u'sma_smaspell'], u'smj': [u'nob', u'sme', u'smj_smjgram', u'smj_smjspell']}


from uralicNLP.translate import *
translator = ApertiumGiellateknoTranslator()
translator.translate("kissa juoksee kovaa", "fin","sme")
>> u"gáhttu viehká garrasa"
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