diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 839b785c..5ef23b28 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -640,6 +640,145 @@ If `topic` is something else then `payload` must be an object and tells both the
online: true
+#### - Audio/Video Receiver
+#### - Remote Control
+#### - Set-Top Box
+#### - Sound Bar
+#### - Speaker
+#### - Streaming Box
+#### - Streaming Sound Bar
+#### - Streaming Stick
+#### - Television
+`topic` can be `currentApplication`, `currentInput`, `activityState`, `playbackState`,
+`on`, `currentVolume`, `isMuted`, `toggles`, `modes` or something else.
+If `topic` is `currentApplication` then `payload` must be a string and indicates the current application running.
+ msg.topic = 'currentApplication'
+ msg.payload = 'yourube'
+If `topic` is `currentInput` then `payload` must be a string and indicates the current input selected.
+ msg.topic = 'currentInput'
+ msg.payload = 'hdmi_1'
+If `topic` is `activityState` then `payload` must be a string and indicates the active state of the media device. Supported values are `INACTIVE`, `STANDBY`, `ACTIVE`.
+ msg.topic = 'activityState'
+ msg.payload = 'ACTIVE'
+If `topic` is `playbackState` then `payload` must be a string and indicates the playback state of the media device. Supported values are `PAUSED`, `PLAYING`, `FAST_FORWARDING`, `REWINDING`, `BUFFERING`, `STOPPED`.
+ msg.topic = 'playbackState'
+ msg.payload = 'PAUSED'
+If `topic` is `on` then `payload` must be boolean and tells the state of the media devices.
+ msg.topic = 'on'
+ msg.payload = true
+If `topic` is `currentVolume` then `payload` must be an integer and indicates the current volume level.
+ msg.topic = 'currentVolume'
+ msg.payload = 5
+If `topic` is `isMuted` then `payload` must be boolean and tells the mute state of the media devices.
+ msg.topic = 'isMuted'
+ msg.payload = true
+If `topic` is `currentModeSettings` then `payload` must be an object and indicates the modes state of the media device.
+ msg.topic = 'currentModeSettings'
+ msg.payload = {
+ "load_mode": "small_load",
+ "temp_mode": "cold_temp"
+ }
+If `topic` is `currentToggleSettings` then `payload` must be an object and indicates the toggles state of the media device.
+ msg.topic = 'currentToggleSettings'
+ msg.payload = {
+ "sterilization_toggle": true,
+ "energysaving_toggle": false
+ }
+If `topic` is `applications` then `payload` must be json string, json object and tells the available applications of the media devices. The available applications will be saved on the applications file.
+ msg.topic = 'applications'
+ msg.payload = {....}
+If `topic` is `applications` then `payload` is undefined the available applications will be loaded from the applications file.
+ msg.topic = 'applications'
+If `topic` is `channels` then `payload` must be json string, json object and tells the available channels of the media devices. The available channels will be saved on the channels file.
+ msg.topic = 'channels'
+ msg.payload = {....}
+If `topic` is `channels` then `payload` is undefined the available channels will be loaded from the channels file.
+ msg.topic = 'channels'
+If `topic` is `inputs` then `payload` must be json string, json object and tells the available inputs of the media devices. The available inputs will be saved on the inputs file.
+ msg.topic = 'inputs'
+ msg.payload = {....}
+If `topic` is `inputs` then `payload` is undefined the available inputs will be loaded from the inputs file.
+ msg.topic = 'inputs'
+If `topic` is `modes` then `payload` must be json string, json object and tells the available modes of the media devices. The available modes will be saved on the modes file.
+ msg.topic = 'modes'
+ msg.payload = {....}
+If `topic` is `modes` then `payload` is undefined the available modes will be loaded from the modes file.
+ msg.topic = 'modes'
+If `topic` is `toggles` then `payload` must be json string, json object and tells the available toggles of the media devices. The available toggles will be saved on the toggles file.
+ msg.topic = 'toggles'
+ msg.payload = {....}
+If `topic` is `toggles` then `payload` is undefined the available toggles will be loaded from the toggles file.
+ msg.topic = 'toggles'
+If `topic` is `online` then `payload` must be boolean and tells the online state of the media devices.
+ msg.topic = 'online'
+ msg.payload = true
+If `topic` is something else then `payload` must be an object and tells the online state, ambient and target temperature of the thermostate.
+ msg.topic = 'set'
+ msg.payload = {
+ currentApplication: 'youtube',
+ currentInput: 'hdmi_1',
+ activityState: 'ACTIVE',
+ playbackState: 'PAUSED',
+ on: true,
+ currentVolume: 5,
+ isMuted: false,
+ currentToggleSettings:{
+ "sterilization_toggle": true,
+ "energysaving_toggle": false
+ },
+ currentModeSettings: {
+ "load_mode": "small_load",
+ "temp_mode": "cold_temp"
+ },
+ online: true
+ }
+Example flow:
+ [{"id":"985701ca.58de9","type":"google-media","z":"dfd6855a.a9da98","client":"","name":"Example Television","topic":"tv","device_type":"TV","has_apps":false,"has_channels":false,"has_inputs":false,"has_media_state":false,"has_on_off":false,"has_transport_control":false,"has_modes":false,"has_toggles":false,"available_applications_file":"applications.json","available_channels_file":"channels.json","available_inputs_file":"inputs.json","command_only_input_selector":"","ordered_inputs":"","support_activity_state":false,"support_playback_state":false,"command_only_on_off":false,"query_only_on_off":false,"supported_commands":[],"volume_max_level":"50","can_mute_and_unmute":"","volume_default_percentage":40,"level_step_size":1,"command_only_volume":false,"available_modes_file":"modes.json","command_only_modes":false,"query_only_modes":false,"available_toggles_file":"toggles.json","command_only_toggles":false,"query_only_toggles":false,"passthru":false,"x":530,"y":40,"wires":[["48723761.d78bb8"]]},{"id":"6637f52f.da97cc","type":"change","z":"dfd6855a.a9da98","name":"topic = online","rules":[{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"online","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":320,"y":40,"wires":[["985701ca.58de9"]]},{"id":"48723761.d78bb8","type":"function","z":"dfd6855a.a9da98","name":"Split","func":"return [\n { payload: msg.payload.online },\n];","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":710,"y":40,"wires":[["6f5daaf0.f5dce4"]],"outputLabels":["online"]},{"id":"980e90e8.c7796","type":"mqtt in","z":"dfd6855a.a9da98","name":"","topic":"home/tv/power","qos":"2","datatype":"auto","broker":"","x":100,"y":40,"wires":[["6637f52f.da97cc"]]},{"id":"6f5daaf0.f5dce4","type":"mqtt out","z":"dfd6855a.a9da98","name":"","topic":"home/tv/set-power","qos":"","retain":"","broker":"","x":900,"y":40,"wires":[]}]
#### - Management
`topic` can be `restart_server`, `report_state` or `request_sync`.
diff --git a/devices/locales/en-US/media.json b/devices/locales/en-US/media.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..598e4c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devices/locales/en-US/media.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "media": {
+ "label": {
+ "name": "Name",
+ "topic": "Out topic",
+ "device_type": "Device Type",
+ "transport_control": "Transport control",
+ "supported_commands": "Supported Commands",
+ "audio_video_receiver": "Audio Video Receiver",
+ "remotecontrol": "Remote Control",
+ "settop": "Set-Top Box",
+ "soundbar": "Sound Bar",
+ "speaker": "Speaker",
+ "streaming_box": "Streaming Box",
+ "streaming_soundbar": "Streaming Sound Bar",
+ "streaming_stick": "Streaming Stick",
+ "tv": "Television",
+ "caption_control": "Caption control",
+ "next": "Next",
+ "pause": "Pause",
+ "previous": "Previous",
+ "resume": "Resume",
+ "seek_relative": "Seek relative",
+ "seek_to_position": "Seek to position",
+ "set_repeat": "Set repeat",
+ "shuffle": "Shuffle",
+ "stop": "Stop",
+ "volume": "Volume",
+ "volume_max_level": "Volume max level",
+ "can_mute_and_unmute": "Can mute and unmute",
+ "volume_default_percentage": "Volume default percentage",
+ "level_step_size": "Level step size",
+ "command_only_volume": "Command only volume",
+ "on_off": "On/Off",
+ "command_only_on_off": "Command only On/Off",
+ "query_only_on_off": "Query only On/Off",
+ "media_state": "Media state",
+ "support_activity_state": "Support activity state",
+ "support_playback_state": "Support playback state",
+ "apps": "Apps",
+ "available_applications_file": "Available applications file",
+ "channels": "Channels",
+ "available_channels_file": "Available channels file",
+ "inputs": "Inputs",
+ "available_inputs_file": "Available inputs file",
+ "command_only_input_selector": "Command only input selector",
+ "ordered_inputs": "Ordered inputs",
+ "modes": "Modes",
+ "available_modes_file": "Available modes file",
+ "command_only_modes": "Command only modes",
+ "query_only_modes": "Query only modes",
+ "toggles": "Toggles",
+ "available_toggles_file": "Available toggles file",
+ "command_only_toggles": "Command only toggles",
+ "query_only_toggles": "Query only toggles"
+ },
+ "placeholder": {
+ "name": "Name",
+ "topic": "Outgoing topic",
+ "volume_max_level": "Volume max level",
+ "can_mute_and_unmute": "Can mute and unmute",
+ "volume_default_percentage": "Volume default percentage",
+ "level_step_size": "Level step size",
+ "command_only_volume": "Command only volume",
+ "support_activity_state": "Support activity state",
+ "support_playback_state": "Support playback state",
+ "available_channels_file": "Available channels file",
+ "available_inputs_file": "Available inputs file",
+ "available_applications_file": "Available applications file",
+ "available_modes_file": "Available modes file",
+ "available_toggles_file": "Available toggles file"
+ },
+ "errors": {
+ "missing-config": "Missing SmartHome configuration",
+ "missing-bridge": "Missing SmartHome"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/devices/locales/it_IT/media.json b/devices/locales/it_IT/media.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c03514f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devices/locales/it_IT/media.json
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ "media": {
+ "label": {
+ "name": "Nome",
+ "topic": "Oggetto in uscita",
+ "device_type": "Tipo dispositivo",
+ "volume": "Volume",
+ "transport_control": "Controlli",
+ "supported_commands": "Comandi supportati",
+ "audio_video_receiver": "Ricevitore Audio/Video",
+ "remotecontrol": "Controllo remoto",
+ "settop": "Set-Top Box",
+ "soundbar": "Sound Bar",
+ "speaker": "Altoparlanti",
+ "streaming_box": "Streaming Box",
+ "streaming_soundbar": "Streaming Sound Bar",
+ "streaming_stick": "Streaming Stick",
+ "tv": "Televisore",
+ "caption_control": "Controllo didascalia",
+ "next": "Prossimo",
+ "pause": "Pausa",
+ "previous": "Precedente",
+ "resume": "Riprendi",
+ "seek_relative": "Posizione relativa",
+ "seek_to_position": "Vai a posizione",
+ "set_repeat": "Imposta ripetizione",
+ "shuffle": "Casuale",
+ "stop": "Stop",
+ "volume_max_level": "Massimo livello del volume",
+ "can_mute_and_unmute": "Puoi attivare e disattivare il muto",
+ "volume_default_percentage": "Percentuale del volume all'avvio",
+ "level_step_size": "Quantità di incremento del volume",
+ "command_only_volume": "Notifica soltanto il volume",
+ "on_off": "On/Off",
+ "command_only_on_off": "Notifica soltanto lo stato On/Off",
+ "query_only_on_off": "Legge soltanto lo stato On/Off",
+ "media_state": "Stato media",
+ "support_activity_state": "Supporta stato attività",
+ "support_playback_state": "Supporta stato riproduzione",
+ "apps": "Apps",
+ "available_applications_file": "File delle applicazioni disponibili",
+ "channels": "Canali",
+ "available_channels_file": "File dei canali disponibili",
+ "inputs": "Ingressi",
+ "available_inputs_file": "File degli ingressi disponibili",
+ "command_only_input_selector": "Comanda soltanto il selettore degli ingressi",
+ "ordered_inputs": "Ingressi ordinati",
+ "modes": "Modalità",
+ "available_modes_file": "File delle modalità disponibili",
+ "command_only_modes": "Notifica soltanto le modalità",
+ "query_only_modes": "Legge soltanto le modalità",
+ "toggles": "Impostazioni",
+ "available_toggles_file": "File delle impostazioni disponibili",
+ "command_only_toggles": "Notifica soltanto le impostazioni",
+ "query_only_toggles": "Legge soltanto le impostazioni"
+ },
+ "placeholder": {
+ "name": "Nome",
+ "topic": "Oggetto corrente",
+ "volume_max_level": "Massimo livello del volume",
+ "can_mute_and_unmute": "Puoi attivare e disattivare il muto",
+ "volume_default_percentage": "Percentuale del volume all'avvio",
+ "level_step_size": "Quantità di incremento del volume",
+ "command_only_volume": "Commanda soltanto il volume",
+ "support_activity_state": "Supporta stato attività",
+ "support_playback_state": "Supporta stato riproduzione",
+ "available_channels_file": "File dei canali disponibili",
+ "available_inputs_file": "File degli ingressi disponibili",
+ "available_applications_file": "File delle applicazioni disponibili"
+ },
+ "errors": {
+ "missing-config": "La configurazione di SmartHome non è disponibile",
+ "missing-bridge": "SmartHome non disponibile"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/devices/media.html b/devices/media.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..570db177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devices/media.html
@@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
diff --git a/devices/media.js b/devices/media.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..05be60e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devices/media.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@
+ * NodeRED Google SmartHome
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 Claudio Chimera.
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see .
+ **/
+const { ok } = require('assert');
+module.exports = function(RED) {
+ "use strict";
+ const formats = require('../formatvalues.js');
+ const fs = require('fs');
+ const path = require('path');
+ /******************************************************************************************************************
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ class MediaNode {
+ constructor(config) {
+ RED.nodes.createNode(this, config);
+ this.client = config.client;
+ this.clientConn = RED.nodes.getNode(this.client);
+ this.topicOut = config.topic;
+ this.device_type = config.device_type;
+ this.has_apps = config.has_apps;
+ this.available_applications_file = config.available_applications_file;
+ this.available_applications = [];
+ this.has_channels = config.has_channels;
+ this.available_channels_file = config.available_channels_file;
+ this.available_channels = [];
+ this.has_inputs = config.has_inputs;
+ this.available_inputs_file = config.available_inputs_file;
+ this.available_inputs = [];
+ this.command_only_input_selector = config.command_only_input_selector;
+ this.ordered_inputs = config.ordered_inputs;
+ this.has_media_state = config.has_media_state;
+ this.support_activity_state = config.support_activity_state;
+ this.support_playback_state = config.support_playback_state;
+ this.has_on_off = config.has_on_off;
+ this.command_only_on_off = config.command_only_on_off;
+ this.query_only_on_off = config.query_only_on_off;
+ this.has_transport_control = config.has_transport_control;
+ this.supported_commands = config.supported_commands;
+ this.has_volume = true; // config.has_volume;
+ this.volume_max_level = parseInt(config.volume_max_level) || 100;
+ this.can_mute_and_unmute = config.can_mute_and_unmute;
+ this.volume_default_percentage = parseInt(config.volume_default_percentage) || 40;
+ this.level_step_size = parseInt(config.level_step_size) || 1;
+ this.command_only_volume = config.command_only_volume;
+ this.has_modes = config.has_modes;
+ this.available_modes_file = config.available_modes_file;
+ this.available_modes = [];
+ this.command_only_modes = config.command_only_modes;
+ this.query_only_modes = config.query_only_modes;
+ this.has_toggles = config.has_toggles;
+ this.available_toggles_file = config.available_toggles_file;
+ this.available_toggles = [];
+ this.command_only_toggles = config.command_only_toggles;
+ this.query_only_toggles = config.query_only_toggles;
+ this.last_channel_index = '';
+ this.current_channel_index = -1;
+ this.current_input_index = -1;
+ if (!this.clientConn) {
+ this.error(RED._("media.errors.missing-config"));
+ this.status({fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: "Missing config"});
+ return;
+ } else if (typeof this.clientConn.register !== 'function') {
+ this.error(RED._("media.errors.missing-bridge"));
+ this.status({fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: "Missing SmartHome"});
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (this.device_type) {
+ // this.has_apps = true;
+ this.has_channels = false;
+ this.has_inputs = true;
+ // this.has_media_state = true;
+ this.has_on_off = true;
+ // this.has_transport_control = true;
+ this.has_volume = true;
+ this.has_modes = false;
+ this.has_toggles = false;
+ break;
+ this.has_apps = true;
+ //this.has_channels = true;
+ this.has_inputs = true;
+ this.has_media_state = true;
+ this.has_on_off = true;
+ this.has_transport_control = true;
+ this.has_volume = true;
+ // this.has_modes = true;
+ // this.has_toggles = true;
+ break;
+ case "SETTOP":
+ this.has_apps = true;
+ //this.has_channels = true;
+ this.has_inputs = true;
+ this.has_media_state = true;
+ this.has_on_off = true;
+ this.has_transport_control = true;
+ this.has_volume = true;
+ this.has_modes = false;
+ this.has_toggles = false;
+ break;
+ case "SOUNDBAR":
+ case "SPEAKER":
+ // this.has_apps = true;
+ this.has_channels = false;
+ //this.has_inputs = true;
+ this.has_media_state = true;
+ //this.has_on_off = true;
+ this.has_transport_control = true;
+ this.has_volume = true;
+ this.has_modes = false;
+ this.has_toggles = false;
+ break;
+ this.has_apps = true;
+ this.has_channels = false;
+ //this.has_inputs = true;
+ this.has_media_state = true;
+ //this.has_on_off = true;
+ this.has_transport_control = true;
+ this.has_volume = true;
+ this.has_modes = false;
+ this.has_toggles = false;
+ break;
+ case "TV":
+ this.has_apps = true;
+ //this.has_channels = true;
+ this.has_inputs = true;
+ this.has_media_state = true;
+ this.has_on_off = true;
+ this.has_transport_control = true;
+ this.has_volume = true;
+ //this.has_modes = true;
+ //this.has_toggles = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ let error_msg = '';
+ if (this.has_apps) {
+ this.available_applications = this.loadJson(this.available_applications_file, []);
+ if (this.available_applications === undefined) {
+ error_msg += ' Applications file error.';
+ RED.log.error("Applications " + this.available_applications_file + "file error.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_applications = undefined;
+ RED.log.debug("Applications disabled");
+ }
+ if (this.has_channels) {
+ this.available_channels = this.loadJson(this.available_channels_file, []);
+ if (this.available_channels === undefined) {
+ error_msg += ' Channels file error.';
+ RED.log.error("Channels " + this.available_channels_file + "file error.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_channels = undefined;
+ RED.log.debug("Channels disabled");
+ }
+ if (this.has_inputs) {
+ this.available_inputs = this.loadJson(this.available_inputs_file, []);
+ if (this.available_inputs === undefined) {
+ error_msg += ' Inputs file error.';
+ RED.log.error("Inputs " + this.available_inputs_file + "file error.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_inputs = undefined;
+ RED.log.debug("Inputs disabled");
+ }
+ if (this.has_modes) {
+ this.available_modes = this.loadJson(this.available_modes_file, []);
+ if (this.available_modes === undefined) {
+ error_msg += ' Modes file error.';
+ RED.log.error("Modes " + this.available_modes_file + "file error.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_modes = undefined;
+ RED.log.debug("Modes disabled");
+ }
+ if (this.has_toggles) {
+ this.available_toggles = this.loadJson(this.available_toggles_file, []);
+ if (this.available_toggles === undefined) {
+ error_msg += ' Toggles file error.';
+ RED.log.error("Toggles " + this.available_toggles_file + "file error.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_toggles = undefined;
+ RED.log.debug("Toggles disabled");
+ }
+ this.states = this.clientConn.register(this, 'media', config.name, this);
+ if (error_msg.length == 0) {
+ this.status({fill: "yellow", shape: "dot", text: "Ready"});
+ } else {
+ this.status({fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: error_msg});
+ }
+ this.on('input', this.onInput);
+ this.on('close', this.onClose);
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************************************************
+ * called to register device
+ *
+ */
+ registerDevice(client, name, me) {
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(registerDevice) device_type " + me.device_type);
+ let states = {
+ online: true
+ };
+ const default_name = me.getDefaultName(me.device_type);
+ const default_name_type = default_name.replace(/\s+/g, '-').toLowerCase();
+ let device = {
+ id: client.id,
+ properties: {
+ type: 'action.devices.types.' + me.device_type,
+ traits: me.getTraits(me.device_type),
+ name: {
+ defaultNames: ["Node-RED " + default_name],
+ name: name
+ },
+ willReportState: true,
+ attributes: {
+ },
+ deviceInfo: {
+ manufacturer: 'Node-RED',
+ model: 'nr-' + default_name_type + '-v1',
+ swVersion: '1.0',
+ hwVersion: '1.0'
+ },
+ customData: {
+ "nodeid": client.id,
+ "type": default_name_type
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ device.states = states;
+ this.updateAttributesForTraits(me, device);
+ this.updateStatesForTraits(me, device);
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(updated): device = " + JSON.stringify(device));
+ return device;
+ }
+ updateAttributesForTraits(me, device) {
+ let attributes = device.properties.attributes;
+ if (me.has_apps) {
+ attributes['availableApplications'] = me.available_applications;
+ }
+ if (me.has_inputs) {
+ attributes['availableInputs'] = me.available_inputs;
+ attributes['commandOnlyInputSelector'] = me.command_only_input_selector;
+ attributes['orderedInputs'] = me.ordered_inputs;
+ }
+ if (me.has_media_state) {
+ attributes['supportActivityState'] = me.support_activity_state;
+ attributes['supportPlaybackState'] = me.support_playback_state;
+ }
+ if (me.has_on_off) {
+ attributes['commandOnlyOnOff'] = me.command_only_on_off;
+ attributes['queryOnlyOnOff'] = me.query_only_on_off;
+ }
+ if (me.has_transport_control) {
+ attributes['transportControlSupportedCommands'] = me.supported_commands;
+ }
+ if (me.has_volume) {
+ attributes['volumeMaxLevel'] = me.volume_max_level;
+ attributes['volumeCanMuteAndUnmute'] = me.can_mute_and_unmute;
+ attributes['volumeDefaultPercentage'] = me.volume_default_percentage;
+ attributes['levelStepSize'] = me.level_step_size;
+ attributes['commandOnlyVolume'] = me.command_only_volume;
+ }
+ if (me.has_toggles) {
+ attributes['availableToggles'] = me.available_toggles;
+ attributes['commandOnlyToggles'] = me.command_only_toggles;
+ attributes['queryOnlyToggles'] = me.query_only_toggles;
+ }
+ if (me.has_modes) {
+ attributes['availableModes'] = me.available_modes;
+ attributes['commandOnlyModes'] = me.command_only_modes;
+ attributes['queryOnlyModes'] = me.query_only_modees;
+ }
+ if (me.has_channels) {
+ attributes['availableChannels'] = me.available_channels;
+ }
+ }
+ updateStatesForTraits(me, device) {
+ let states = device.states;
+ if (me.has_apps) {
+ states['currentApplication'] = '';
+ }
+ if (me.has_inputs) {
+ states['currentInput'] = '';
+ }
+ if (me.has_media_state) {
+ states['activityState'] = 'INACTIVE';
+ states['playbackState'] = 'STOPPED';
+ }
+ if (me.has_on_off) {
+ states['on'] = false;
+ }
+ // if (me.has_transport_control) {
+ // }
+ if (me.has_volume) {
+ states['currentVolume'] = me.volume_default_percentage;
+ states['isMuted'] = false;
+ }
+ if (me.has_toggles) {
+ states['currentToggleSettings'] = {};
+ this.updateTogglesState(me, device);
+ }
+ if (me.has_modes) {
+ states['currentModeSettings'] = {};
+ this.updateModesState(me, device);
+ }
+ // if (me.has_channels) {
+ // }
+ }
+ updateStatusIcon() {
+ if (this.states.on) {
+ this.status({fill: "green", shape: "dot", text: "ON"});
+ } else {
+ this.status({fill: "red", shape: "dot", text: "OFF"});
+ }
+ }
+ /******************************************************************************************************************
+ * called when state is updated from Google Assistant
+ *
+ */
+ updated(device) {
+ let states = device.states;
+ let command = device.command;
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(updated): states = " + JSON.stringify(states));
+ Object.assign(this.states, states);
+ this.updateStatusIcon();
+ let msg = {
+ topic: this.topicOut,
+ device_name: device.properties.name.name,
+ command: command,
+ payload: {
+ online: states.online
+ },
+ };
+ Object.keys(states).forEach(function (key) {
+ msg.payload[key] = states[key];
+ });
+ this.send(msg);
+ };
+ /******************************************************************************************************************
+ * respond to inputs from NodeRED
+ *
+ */
+ onInput(msg) {
+ const me = this;
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(input)");
+ let topicArr = String(msg.topic).split(this.topicDelim);
+ let topic = topicArr[topicArr.length - 1]; // get last part of topic
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(input): topic = " + topic);
+ try {
+ if (topic.toUpperCase() === 'APPLICATIONS') {
+ if (this.has_apps) {
+ if (typeof msg.payload === undefined) {
+ this.available_applications = this.loadJson(this.available_applications_file, []);
+ if (this.available_applications === undefined) {
+ RED.log.error("Applications " + this.available_applications_file + "file not found.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!this.writeJson(this.available_applications_file, msg.payload)) {
+ RED.log.error("Error saving Applications to file " + this.available_applications_file);
+ } else {
+ this.available_applications = msg.payload;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_applications = [];
+ RED.log.error("Applications disabled");
+ }
+ } else if (topic.toUpperCase() === 'CHANNELS') {
+ if (this.has_channels) {
+ if (typeof msg.payload === undefined) {
+ this.available_channels = this.loadJson(this.available_channels_file, []);
+ if (this.available_channels === undefined) {
+ RED.log.error("Channels " + this.available_channels_file + "file not found.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!this.writeJson(this.available_channels_file, msg.payload)) {
+ RED.log.error("Error saving Channels to file " + this.available_channels_file);
+ } else {
+ this.available_channels = msg.payload;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_channels = [];
+ RED.log.error("Channels disabled");
+ }
+ } else if (topic.toUpperCase() === 'INPUTS') {
+ if (this.has_inputs) {
+ if (typeof msg.payload === undefined) {
+ this.available_inputs = this.loadJson(this.available_inputs_file, []);
+ if (this.available_inputs === undefined) {
+ RED.log.error("Inputs " + this.available_inputs_file + "file not found.")
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!this.writeJson(this.available_inputs_file, msg.payload)) {
+ RED.log.error("Error saving Inputs to file " + this.available_inputs_file);
+ } else {
+ this.available_inputs = msg.payload;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_inputs = [];
+ RED.log.error("Inputs disabled");
+ }
+ } else if (topic.toUpperCase() === 'MODES') {
+ if (this.has_modes) {
+ if (typeof msg.payload === undefined) {
+ this.available_modes = this.loadJson(this.available_modes_file, []);
+ if (this.available_modes === undefined) {
+ RED.log.error("Modes " + this.available_modes_file + "file not found.")
+ } else {
+ this.updateModesState(me, me);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!this.writeJson(this.available_modes_file, msg.payload)) {
+ RED.log.error("Error saving Modes to file " + this.available_modes_file);
+ } else {
+ this.available_modes = msg.payload;
+ this.updateModesState(me, me);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_modes = [];
+ RED.log.error("Modes disabled");
+ }
+ } else if (topic.toUpperCase() === 'TOGGLES') {
+ if (this.has_toggles) {
+ if (typeof msg.payload === undefined) {
+ this.available_toggles = this.loadJson(this.available_toggles_file, []);
+ if (this.available_toggles === undefined) {
+ RED.log.error("Toggles " + this.available_toggles_file + "file not found.")
+ } else {
+ this.updateTogglesState(me, me);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!this.writeJson(this.available_toggles_file, msg.payload)) {
+ RED.log.error("Error saving Toggles to file " + this.available_toggles_file);
+ } else {
+ this.available_toggles = msg.payload;
+ this.updateTogglesState(me, me);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.available_toggles = [];
+ RED.log.error("Toggles disabled");
+ }
+ } else {
+ let state_key = '';
+ Object.keys(this.states).forEach(function (key) {
+ if (topic.toUpperCase() == key.toUpperCase()) {
+ state_key = key;
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(input): found state " + key);
+ }
+ });
+ if (state_key !== '') {
+ const differs = me.setState(state_key, msg.payload, this.states);
+ if (differs) {
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(input): " + state_key + ' ' + msg.payload);
+ this.clientConn.setState(this, this.states); // tell Google ...
+ if (this.passthru) {
+ msg.payload = this.states[state_key];
+ this.send(msg);
+ }
+ this.updateStatusIcon();
+ }
+ } else {
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(input): some other topic");
+ let differs = false;
+ Object.keys(this.states).forEach(function (key) {
+ if (msg.payload.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode(input): set state " + key + ' to ' + msg.payload[key]);
+ if (me.setState(key, msg.payload[key], me.states)) {
+ differs = true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (differs) {
+ this.clientConn.setState(this, this.states); // tell Google ...
+ if (this.passthru) {
+ msg.payload = this.states;
+ this.send(msg);
+ }
+ this.updateStatusIcon();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ RED.log.error(err);
+ }
+ }
+ onClose(removed, done) {
+ if (removed) {
+ // this node has been deleted
+ this.clientConn.remove(this, 'media');
+ } else {
+ // this node is being restarted
+ this.clientConn.deregister(this, 'media');
+ }
+ done();
+ }
+ updateTogglesState(me, device) {
+ // Key/value pair with the toggle name of the device as the key, and the current state as the value.
+ let states = device.states || {};
+ const currentToggleSettings = states['currentToggleSettings']
+ let new_toggles = {};
+ me.available_toggles.forEach(function (toggle) {
+ let value = false;
+ if (typeof currentToggleSettings[toggle.name] === 'boolean') {
+ value = currentToggleSettings[toggle.name];
+ }
+ new_toggles[toggle.name] = value;
+ });
+ states['currentToggleSettings'] = new_toggles;
+ }
+ updateModesState(me, device) {
+ // Key/value pair with the mode name of the device as the key, and the current setting_name as the value.
+ RED.log.debug("Update Modes device");
+ let states = device.states || {};
+ const currentModeSettings = states['currentModeSettings']
+ let new_modes = {};
+ me.available_modes.forEach(function (mode) {
+ let value = '';
+ if (typeof currentModeSettings[mode.name] === 'string') {
+ value = currentModeSettings[mode.name];
+ }
+ new_modes[mode.name] = value;
+ });
+ states['currentModeSettings'] = new_modes;
+ }
+ getDefaultName(device_type) {
+ switch(device_type) {
+ return "Audio-Video Receiver";
+ return "Media Remote";
+ case 'SETTOP':
+ return "Set-top Box";
+ case 'SOUNDBAR':
+ return "Soundbar";
+ case 'SPEAKER':
+ return "Speaker";
+ return "Streaming Box";
+ return "Streaming Soundbar";
+ return "Streaming Stick";
+ case 'TV':
+ return "Television";
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ getTraits(device_type) {
+ let traits=[
+ "action.devices.traits.AppSelector",
+ "action.devices.traits.InputSelector",
+ "action.devices.traits.MediaState",
+ "action.devices.traits.OnOff",
+ "action.devices.traits.TransportControl",
+ "action.devices.traits.Volume"
+ ];
+ if ((device_type === "REMOTECONTROL") ||
+ (device_type === "SETTOP") ||
+ (device_type === "TV")) {
+ traits.push("action.devices.traits.Channel");
+ }
+ if ((device_type === "REMOTECONTROL") ||
+ (device_type === "TV")) {
+ traits.push("action.devices.traits.Modes");
+ traits.push("action.devices.traits.Toggles");
+ }
+ return traits;
+ }
+ setState(key, value, states) {
+ const me = this;
+ let differs = false;
+ const old_state = states[key];
+ let val_type = typeof old_state;
+ let new_state = undefined;
+ if (val_type === 'number') {
+ if (value % 1 === 0) {
+ new_state = formats.FormatValue(formats.Formats.INT, key, value);
+ } else {
+ new_state = formats.FormatValue(formats.Formats.FLOAT, key, value);
+ }
+ } else if (val_type === 'string') {
+ new_state = formats.FormatValue(formats.Formats.STRING, key, value);
+ } else if (val_type === 'boolean') {
+ new_state = formats.FormatValue(formats.Formats.BOOL, key, value);
+ } else if (val_type === 'object') {
+ Object.keys(old_state).forEach(function (key) {
+ if (typeof new_state[key] !== undefined) {
+ if (me.setState(key, new_state[key], old_State)) {
+ differs = true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ if (val_type !== 'object') {
+ if (new_state !== undefined) {
+ differs = old_state !== new_state;
+ states[key] = new_state;
+ }
+ }
+ return differs;
+ }
+ loadJson(filename, defaultValue) {
+ if (!filename.startsWith(path.sep)) {
+ const userDir = RED.settings.userDir;
+ filename = path.join(userDir, filename);
+ }
+ RED.log.debug('MediaNode:loadJson(): loading ' + filename);
+ try {
+ let jsonFile = fs.readFileSync(
+ filename,
+ {
+ 'encoding': 'utf8',
+ 'flag': fs.constants.R_OK | fs.constants.W_OK | fs.constants.O_CREAT
+ });
+ if (jsonFile === '') {
+ RED.log.debug('MediaNode:loadJson(): empty data');
+ return defaultValue;
+ } else {
+ RED.log.debug('MediaNode:loadJson(): data loaded');
+ const json = JSON.parse(jsonFile);
+ RED.log.debug('MediaNode:loadAuth(): json = ' + JSON.stringify(json));
+ return json;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ RED.log.error('Error on loading ' + filename + ': ' + err.toString());
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ writeJson(filename, value) {
+ if (!filename.startsWith(path.sep)) {
+ const userDir = RED.settings.userDir;
+ filename = path.join(userDir, filename);
+ }
+ RED.log.debug('MediaNode:writeJson(): loading ' + filename);
+ if (typeof value === 'object') {
+ value = JSON.stringify(value);
+ }
+ try {
+ fs.writeFileSync(
+ filename,
+ value,
+ {
+ 'encoding': 'utf8',
+ 'flag': fs.constants.W_OK | fs.constants.O_CREAT
+ });
+ RED.log.debug('MediaNode:writeJson(): data saved');
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ RED.log.error('Error on saving ' + filename + ': ' + err.toString());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ execCommand(device, command) {
+ let me = this;
+ let params = {};
+ let executionStates = [];
+ const ok_result = {
+ 'params' : params,
+ 'executionStates': executionStates
+ };
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode:execCommand(command) " + JSON.stringify(command));
+ RED.log.debug("MediaNode:execCommand(states) " + JSON.stringify(this.states));
+ // RED.log.debug("MediaNode:execCommand(device) " + JSON.stringify(device));
+ if (!command.hasOwnProperty('params')) {
+ // TransportControl
+ if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaClosedCaptioningOff') {
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Applications
+ if ((command.command == 'action.devices.commands.appInstall') ||
+ (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.appSearch') ||
+ (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.appSelect')) {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('newApplication')) {
+ const newApplication = command.params['newApplication'];
+ let application_index = -1;
+ this.available_applications.forEach(function(application, index) {
+ if (application.key === newApplication) {
+ application_index = index;
+ }
+ });
+ if (application_index < 0) {
+ return {
+ status: 'ERROR',
+ errorCode: 'noAvailableApp'
+ };
+ }
+ executionStates.push('online', 'currentApplication');
+ params['currentApplication'] = newApplication;
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('newApplicationName')) {
+ const newApplicationName = command.params['newApplicationName'];
+ let application_key = '';
+ this.available_applications.forEach(function(application, index) {
+ application.names.forEach(function(name) {
+ if (name.name_synonym.includes(newApplicationName)) {
+ application_key = application.key;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ if (application_key === '') {
+ return {
+ status: 'ERROR',
+ errorCode: 'noAvailableApp'
+ };
+ }
+ params['currentApplication'] = application_key;
+ executionStates.push('online', 'currentApplication');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ // Inputs
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.SetInput') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('newInput')) {
+ const newInput = command.params['newInput'];
+ let current_input_index = -1;
+ this.available_inputs.forEach(function(input_element, index) {
+ if (input_element.key === newInput) {
+ current_input_index = index;
+ }
+ });
+ if (current_input_index < 0) {
+ return {
+ status: 'ERROR',
+ errorCode: 'unsupportedInput'
+ };
+ }
+ params['currentInput'] = newInput;
+ executionStates.push('online', 'currentInput');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.NextInput') {
+ this.current_input_index++;
+ if (this.current_input_index >= this.available_inputs.length) {
+ this.current_input_index = 0;
+ }
+ executionStates.push('online', 'currentInput');
+ params['currentInput'] = this.available_inputs[this.current_input_index].names[0].name_synonym[0]; // Ignore Language?
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.PreviousInput') {
+ if (this.current_input_index <= 0) {
+ this.current_input_index = this.available_inputs.length;
+ }
+ this.current_input_index --;
+ executionStates.push('online', 'currentInput');
+ params['currentInput'] = this.available_inputs[this.current_input_index].names[0].name_synonym[0]; // Ignore Language?
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ // On/Off
+ /*else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.OnOff') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('on')) {
+ const on_param = command.params['on'];
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }*/
+ // TransportControl
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaStop') {
+ params['playbackState'] = 'STOPPED';
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaNext') {
+ params['playbackState'] = 'FAST_FORWARDING';
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaPrevious') {
+ params['playbackState'] = 'REWINDING';
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaPause') {
+ params['playbackState'] = 'PAUSED';
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaResume') {
+ params['playbackState'] = 'PLAYING';
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaSeekRelative') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('relativePositionMs')) {
+ const relative_position_ms = command.params['relativePositionMs'];
+ params['playbackState'] = 'PLAYING';
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaSeekToPosition') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('absPositionMs')) {
+ const abs_position_ms = command.params['absPositionMs'];
+ params['playbackState'] = 'PLAYING';
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaRepeatMode') {
+ // TODO
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('isOn')) {
+ const is_on = command.params['isOn'];
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('isSingle')) {
+ const is_single = command.params['isSingle'];
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaShuffle') {
+ // TODO
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mediaClosedCaptioningOn') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('closedCaptioningLanguage')) {
+ const closedCaptioningLanguage = command.params['closedCaptioningLanguage'];
+ params['playbackState'] = this.states['playbackState'];
+ }
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('userQueryLanguage')) {
+ const userQueryLanguage = command.params['userQueryLanguage'];
+ params['playbackState'] = this.states['playbackState'];
+ }
+ executionStates.push('online', 'playbackState');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ // Volume
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.mute') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('mute')) {
+ const mute = command.params['mute'];
+ params['isMuted'] = mute;
+ executionStates.push('online', 'isMuted', 'currentVolume');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.setVolume') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('volumeLevel')) {
+ let volumeLevel = command.params['volumeLevel'];
+ if (volumeLevel > this.volumeMaxLevel) {
+ volumeLevel = this.volumeMaxLevel;
+ }
+ params['currentVolume'] = volumeLevel;
+ executionStates.push('online', 'isMuted', 'currentVolume');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.volumeRelative') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('relativeSteps')) {
+ const relativeSteps = command.params['relativeSteps'];
+ let current_volume = this.states['currentVolume'];
+ if (current_volume >= this.volumeMaxLevel && relativeSteps > 0) {
+ return {
+ status: 'ERROR',
+ errorCode: 'volumeAlreadyMax'
+ };
+ } else if (current_volume <= 0 && relativeSteps < 0) {
+ return {
+ status: 'ERROR',
+ errorCode: 'volumeAlreadyMin'
+ };
+ }
+ current_volume += relativeSteps;
+ if (current_volume > this.volumeMaxLevel) {
+ current_volume = volumeMaxLevel;
+ } else if (current_volume < 0) {
+ current_volume = 0;
+ }
+ params['currentVolume'] = current_volume;
+ executionStates.push('online', 'currentVolume');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ // Channels
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.selectChannel') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('channelCode')) {
+ const channelCode = command.params['channelCode'];
+ let new_channel_index = -1;
+ let new_channel_key = '';
+ this.available_channels.forEach(function(channel, index) {
+ if (channel.key === channelCode) {
+ new_channel_index = index;
+ new_channel_key = channel.key;
+ }
+ });
+ if (new_channel_index < 0) {
+ return {
+ status: 'ERROR',
+ errorCode: 'noAvailableChannel'
+ };
+ }
+ this.current_channel_index = new_channel_index;
+ params['currentChannel'] = new_channel_key;
+ // executionStates.push('online', 'currentChannel');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ /*if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('channelName')) {
+ const channelName = command.params['channelName'];
+ }*/
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('channelNumber')) {
+ const channelNumber = command.params['channelNumber'];
+ let new_channel_index = -1;
+ let new_channel_key = '';
+ this.available_channels.forEach(function(channel, index) {
+ if (channel.number === channelNumber) {
+ new_channel_index = index;
+ new_channel_key = channel.key;
+ }
+ });
+ if (new_channel_index < 0) {
+ return {
+ status: 'ERROR',
+ errorCode: 'noAvailableChannel'
+ };
+ }
+ me.current_channel_index = new_channel_index;
+ params['currentChannel'] = new_channel_key;
+ // executionStates.push('online', 'currentChannel');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.relativeChannel') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('relativeChannelChange')) {
+ const relativeChannelChange = command.params['relativeChannelChange'];
+ let current_channel_index = this.current_channel_index;
+ if (current_channel_index < 0) {
+ current_channel_index = 0;
+ }
+ current_channel_index += relativeChannelChange;
+ const channels_num = this.available_channels.length;
+ if (current_channel_index < 0) {
+ current_channel_index += channels_num;
+ } else if (current_channel_index >= channels_num) {
+ current_channel_index -= channels_num;
+ }
+ if (this.current_channel_index != current_channel_index) {
+ this.last_channel_index = this.current_channel_index;
+ this.current_channel_index = current_channel_index;
+ }
+ params['currentChannel'] = this.available_channels[current_channel_index].key;
+ // executionStates.push('online', 'currentChannel');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.returnChannel') {
+ if (this.last_channel_index >= 0) {
+ const current_channel_index = this.current_channel_index;
+ this.current_channel_index = this.last_channel_index;
+ this.last_channel_index = current_channel_index;
+ }
+ if (this.current_channel_index < 0) {
+ this.current_channel_index = 0;
+ }
+ params['currentChannel'] = this.available_channels[this.current_channel_index].key;
+ // executionStates.push('online', 'currentChannel');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ // Modes
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.SetModes') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('updateModeSettings')) {
+ const updateModeSettings = command.params['updateModeSettings'];
+ let modes = this.states['currentModeSettings'];
+ this.available_modes.forEach(function (mode) {
+ if (typeof updateModeSettings[mode.name] === 'string') {
+ modes[mode.name] = updateModeSettings[mode];
+ }
+ });
+ params['currentModeSettings'] = modes;
+ executionStates.push('online', 'currentModeSettings');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ // Traits
+ else if (command.command == 'action.devices.commands.SetToggles') {
+ if (command.params.hasOwnProperty('updateToggleSettings')) {
+ const updateToggleSettings = command.params['updateToggleSettings'];
+ let toggles = this.states['currentToggleSettings'];
+ this.available_toggles.forEach(function (toggle) {
+ if (typeof updateToggleSettings[toggle].name === 'boolean') {
+ toggles[toggle.name] = updateToggleSettings[toggle.name];
+ }
+ });
+ params['currentToggleSettings'] = toggles;
+ executionStates.push('online', 'currentToggleSettings');
+ return ok_result;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ RED.nodes.registerType("google-media", MediaNode);
diff --git a/lib/Devices.js b/lib/Devices.js
index 5c3269b3..b5c32e59 100755
--- a/lib/Devices.js
+++ b/lib/Devices.js
@@ -116,7 +116,12 @@ class Devices {
if (typeof this._nodes[device.id].execCommand === 'function') {
- return this._nodes[device.id].execCommand(device, command);
+ try {
+ return this._nodes[device.id].execCommand(device, command);
+ } catch (err) {
+ RED.log.error(err);
+ return false;
+ }
me.debug('Device:execCommand(): device has no execCommand');
return false;
diff --git a/lib/HttpActions.js b/lib/HttpActions.js
index eb14aa2b..a0f8ddc1 100755
--- a/lib/HttpActions.js
+++ b/lib/HttpActions.js
@@ -381,12 +381,18 @@ class HttpActions {
states: {},
+ let result = {};
if (command.hasOwnProperty('command')) {
curDevice.command = command.command;
- const result = this.execCommand(curDevice, command);
+ result = this.execCommand(curDevice, command);
this.debug('HttpActions:execCommand(): result = ' + JSON.stringify(result));
if (result) {
- return result;
+ if (result.hasOwnProperty('status')) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (result.hasOwnProperty("params") && Object.keys(result.params).length > 0) {
+ command.params = result.params;
+ }
@@ -457,10 +463,15 @@ class HttpActions {
me.reportState(id, s[id]);
+ let executionStates = execDevice.executionStates;
+ if (result.hasOwnProperty('executionStates') && Object.keys(result.executionStates).length > 0) {
+ executionStates = result['executionStates'];
+ }
return {
status: 'SUCCESS',
states: execDevice.states,
- executionStates: execDevice.executionStates,
+ executionStates: executionStates,
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index f3549ae6..df4ad625 100755
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
"light": "devices/light.js",
"outlet": "devices/outlet.js",
"camera": "devices/camera.js",
+ "media": "devices/media.js",
"scene": "devices/scene.js",
"shutter": "devices/shutter.js",
"thermostat": "devices/thermostat.js",