apply more consistent formatting for filenames, package names, etc.
apply more consistent formatting for filenames, package names, etc.
clarify references/bibliography
clarify references/bibliography
correct grammar on sample output description
correct grammar on sample output description
add mentions of nsf-demo-content.tex
add mentions of nsf-demo-content.tex
link .tex and .bib files in readme
link .tex and .bib files in readme
test out format of more compact table of PDFs
test out format of more compact table of PDFs
remove outdated mention of metalogo
remove outdated mention of metalogo
reorganize description of output
reorganize description of output
clean up bbl and run.xml files after build
clean up bbl and run.xml files after build
add link to memoir, plus mention of palatino-linotype
add link to memoir, plus mention of palatino-linotype
avoid short headers with breaking spaces
avoid short headers with breaking spaces
add all the permutations of font face, size, engine PDF output
add all the permutations of font face, size, engine PDF output