diff --git a/api/parse_file/forms100.py b/api/parse_file/forms100.py
index 4f8af6461d..a7d5481eaf 100644
--- a/api/parse_file/forms100.py
+++ b/api/parse_file/forms100.py
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
import requests
from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbook
from contracts.models import PriceName, PriceCoast
from directory.models import Researches
diff --git a/api/parse_file/forms101.py b/api/parse_file/forms101.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd205be4e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/api/parse_file/forms101.py
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+import datetime
+import json
+from django.http import HttpRequest
+from openpyxl.reader.excel import load_workbook
+from api.models import Application
+from api.patients.views import patients_search_card
+from clients.models import Card, Individual, HarmfulFactor, PatientHarmfullFactor, CardBase
+from contracts.models import Company, CompanyDepartment, MedicalExamination
+from integration_framework.views import check_enp
+def get_background_token():
+ application = Application.objects.filter(active=True, is_background_worker=True).first()
+ if application:
+ bearer_token = f"Bearer {application.key}"
+ else:
+ new_application = Application(name="background_worker", is_background_worker=True)
+ new_application.save()
+ bearer_token = f"Bearer {new_application.key}"
+ return bearer_token
+def search_by_fio(request_obj, family, name, patronymic, birthday):
+ patient_card = None
+ params_tfoms = {
+ "enp": "",
+ "family": family,
+ "name": name,
+ "bd": birthday,
+ "check_mode": "l2-enp-full",
+ }
+ params_internal = {
+ "type": CardBase.objects.get(internal_type=True).pk,
+ "extendedSearch": True,
+ "form": {
+ "family": family,
+ "name": name,
+ "patronymic": patronymic,
+ "birthday": birthday,
+ "archive": False,
+ },
+ "limit": 1,
+ }
+ request_obj._body = params_tfoms
+ current_patient = check_enp(request_obj)
+ if current_patient.data.get("message"):
+ request_obj._body = json.dumps(params_internal)
+ data = patients_search_card(request_obj)
+ results_json = json.loads(data.content.decode("utf-8"))
+ if len(results_json["results"]) > 0:
+ patient_card_pk = results_json["results"][0]["pk"]
+ patient_card = Card.objects.filter(pk=patient_card_pk).first()
+ elif len(current_patient.data["list"]) > 1:
+ return patient_card
+ else:
+ patient_card = Individual.import_from_tfoms(current_patient.data["list"], None, None, None, True)
+ return patient_card
+def find_and_replace(text, symbol1, symbol2):
+ result = []
+ for i in range(len(text)):
+ if text[i] == symbol1:
+ current_text = text[0:i] + symbol2 + text[i + 1 :]
+ result.append(current_text)
+ elif text[i] == symbol2:
+ current_text = text[0:i] + symbol1 + text[i + 1 :]
+ result.append(current_text)
+ return result
+def search_by_possible_fio(request_obj, name, patronymic, birthday, possible_family):
+ if not possible_family:
+ return None
+ patient_card = None
+ for i in possible_family:
+ current_family = i
+ patient_card = search_by_fio(request_obj, current_family, name, patronymic, birthday)
+ if patient_card is not None:
+ break
+ return patient_card
+def search_patient(snils_data, request_user, family_data, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data):
+ patient_card = None
+ bearer_token = get_background_token()
+ params = {"enp": "", "snils": snils_data, "check_mode": "l2-snils"}
+ request_obj = HttpRequest()
+ request_obj._body = params
+ request_obj.user = request_user
+ request_obj.method = "POST"
+ request_obj.META["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = bearer_token
+ current_patient = None
+ if snils_data and snils_data != "None":
+ current_patient = check_enp(request_obj)
+ if not current_patient or current_patient.data.get("message"):
+ patient_card = search_by_fio(request_obj, family_data, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data)
+ if patient_card is None:
+ possible_family = find_and_replace(family_data, "е", "ё")
+ patient_card = search_by_possible_fio(request_obj, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data, possible_family)
+ if patient_card is None:
+ return patient_card
+ elif current_patient.data.get("patient_data") and type(current_patient.data.get("patient_data")) != list:
+ patient_card_pk = current_patient.data["patient_data"]["card"]
+ patient_card = Card.objects.filter(pk=patient_card_pk).first()
+ else:
+ patient_card = Individual.import_from_tfoms(current_patient.data["patient_data"], None, None, None, True)
+ return patient_card
+def create_patient(family_data, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data, gender_data):
+ patient_indv = Individual(
+ family=family_data,
+ name=name_data,
+ patronymic=patronymic_data,
+ birthday=birthday_data,
+ sex=gender_data,
+ )
+ patient_indv.save()
+ patient_card = Card.add_l2_card(individual=patient_indv)
+ return patient_card
+def find_factors(harmful_factors: list):
+ if not harmful_factors:
+ return None
+ incorrect_factor = []
+ harmful_factors_data = []
+ for i in harmful_factors:
+ current_code = i.replace(" ", "")
+ harmful_factor = HarmfulFactor.objects.filter(title=current_code).first()
+ if harmful_factor:
+ harmful_factors_data.append({"factorId": harmful_factor.pk})
+ else:
+ incorrect_factor.append(f"{current_code}")
+ return harmful_factors_data, incorrect_factor
+def add_factors_data(patient_card: Card, position: str, factors_data: list, exam_data: str, company_inn: str, department: str):
+ try:
+ PatientHarmfullFactor.save_card_harmful_factor(patient_card.pk, factors_data)
+ company_obj = Company.objects.filter(inn=company_inn).first()
+ department_obj = CompanyDepartment.objects.filter(company_id=company_obj.pk, title=department).first()
+ if department_obj:
+ patient_card.work_department_db_id = department_obj.pk
+ else:
+ new_department = CompanyDepartment.save_department(company_obj.pk, department)
+ patient_card.work_department_db_id = new_department.pk
+ patient_card.work_position = position.strip()
+ patient_card.work_place_db = company_obj
+ patient_card.save()
+ MedicalExamination.save_examination(patient_card, company_obj, exam_data)
+ return {"ok": True}
+ except Exception as e:
+ return {"ok": False, "message": e}
+def normalize_med_exam_data(snils: str, fio: str, birthday: str, gender: str, inn_company: str, code_harmful: str, position: str, examination_date: str, department: str):
+ result = {
+ "snils": None,
+ "fio": None,
+ "family": None,
+ "name": None,
+ "patronymic": None,
+ "birthday": None,
+ "gender": None,
+ "inn_company": None,
+ "codes_harmful": None,
+ "position": None,
+ "examination_date": None,
+ "department": None,
+ }
+ if snils and snils != "None":
+ result["snils"] = snils.replace("-", "").replace(" ", "")
+ if fio and fio != "None":
+ fio_data = fio.split(" ")
+ fio_data = [value for value in fio_data if value]
+ result["fio"] = " ".join(fio_data)
+ result["family"] = fio_data[0]
+ result["name"] = fio_data[1]
+ if len(fio_data) > 2:
+ result["patronymic"] = fio_data[2]
+ if birthday and birthday != "None":
+ result["birthday"] = birthday.split(" ")[0]
+ if gender and gender != "None":
+ result["gender"] = gender[0].lower()
+ if inn_company and inn_company != "None":
+ result["inn_company"] = inn_company
+ if code_harmful and code_harmful != "None":
+ result["codes_harmful"] = code_harmful.split(",")
+ if position and position != "None":
+ result["position"] = position
+ if examination_date and examination_date != "None":
+ result["examination_date"] = examination_date.split(" ")[0]
+ if department and department != "None":
+ result["department"] = department
+ return result
+def create_error_data(fio, snils, reason):
+ fio_local = fio if fio else snils
+ if not fio_local:
+ fio_local = "Неизвестно"
+ result = {"fio": fio_local, "reason": reason}
+ return result
+def check_date(date):
+ if not date:
+ return False
+ try:
+ datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ return True
+def validate_med_exam_data(normalize_data: dict, inn_company) -> dict:
+ result = {"ok": True, "data": {}}
+ fio = normalize_data["fio"]
+ snils = normalize_data["snils"]
+ fio_local = fio if fio else snils
+ errors = []
+ if not fio_local:
+ result = {"ok": False, "data": {}, "empty": True}
+ return result
+ if normalize_data["inn_company"] != inn_company:
+ errors.append("ИНН организации не совпадает")
+ if not check_date(normalize_data["birthday"]):
+ errors.append("Дата рождения: неверная/несуществующая дата")
+ if not check_date(normalize_data["examination_date"]):
+ errors.append("Дата мед. осмотра: неверная/несуществующая дата")
+ if not normalize_data["department"]:
+ errors.append("Подразделение не указано")
+ if not normalize_data["gender"] in ["м", "ж"]:
+ errors.append("Пол указан не верно")
+ if len(normalize_data["position"]) > 128:
+ errors.append("Должность больше 128 символов")
+ if errors:
+ result = {"ok": False, "data": {"fio": fio_local, "reason": ", ".join(errors)}, "empty": False}
+ return result
+def check_need_col(cols: list, need_cols: set):
+ other_need_cols = set(set(cols) - need_cols)
+ if len(other_need_cols) + len(need_cols) != len(cols):
+ return False
+ return True
+def form_01(request_data):
+ """
+ Загрузка списка на мед. осмотр
+ На входе:
+ Файл XLSX с ФИО и датами осмотра.
+ Структура:
+ снилс(snils), фио(fio), дата рождения(birthday), пол(gender), инн организации(inn_company), код вредности(code_harmful)
+ должность(position), дата мед. осмотра(examination_date), подразделение(department)
+ """
+ file = request_data.get("file")
+ other_need_data = request_data.get("other_need_data")
+ user = request_data.get("user")
+ company_inn = other_need_data.get("companyInn")
+ columns = [{"field": 'fio', "key": 'fio', "title": 'ФИО', "align": 'left', "width": 250}, {"field": 'reason', "key": 'reason', "title": 'Причина ошибки'}]
+ wb = load_workbook(filename=file)
+ ws = wb[wb.sheetnames[0]]
+ starts = False
+ incorrect_patients = []
+ snils_idx, fio_idx, birthday_idx, gender_idx, inn_company_idx, code_harmful_idx, position_idx, examination_date_idx, department_idx = (
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ )
+ need_col_name = {"снилс", "фио", "дата рождения", "пол", "инн организации", "код вредности", "должность", "дата мед. осмотра", "подразделение"}
+ for index, row in enumerate(ws.rows, 1):
+ cells = [str(x.value) for x in row]
+ if not starts:
+ if "код вредности" in cells:
+ if not check_need_col(cells, need_col_name):
+ return {"ok": False, "result": {}, "message": "Нет обязательных полей"}
+ snils_idx = cells.index("снилс")
+ fio_idx = cells.index("фио")
+ birthday_idx = cells.index("дата рождения")
+ gender_idx = cells.index("пол")
+ inn_company_idx = cells.index("инн организации")
+ code_harmful_idx = cells.index("код вредности")
+ position_idx = cells.index("должность")
+ examination_date_idx = cells.index("дата мед. осмотра")
+ department_idx = cells.index("подразделение")
+ starts = True
+ else:
+ snils = cells[snils_idx].strip()
+ fio = cells[fio_idx].strip()
+ birthday = cells[birthday_idx].strip()
+ gender = cells[gender_idx].strip()
+ inn_company = cells[inn_company_idx].strip()
+ code_harmful = cells[code_harmful_idx].strip()
+ position = cells[position_idx].strip()
+ examination_date = cells[examination_date_idx].strip()
+ department = cells[department_idx].strip()
+ normalize_row = normalize_med_exam_data(snils, fio, birthday, gender, inn_company, code_harmful, position, examination_date, department)
+ check_result = validate_med_exam_data(normalize_row, company_inn)
+ if not check_result["ok"] and check_result.get("empty"):
+ continue
+ if not check_result["ok"]:
+ incorrect_patients.append(check_result["data"])
+ continue
+ if check_result["ok"] and check_result["data"]:
+ incorrect_patients.append(check_result["data"])
+ patient_card = search_patient(normalize_row["snils"], user, normalize_row["family"], normalize_row["name"], normalize_row["patronymic"], normalize_row["birthday"])
+ if patient_card is None:
+ patient_card = create_patient(normalize_row["family"], normalize_row["name"], normalize_row["patronymic"], normalize_row["birthday"], normalize_row["gender"])
+ harmful_factors_data, incorrect_factor = find_factors(normalize_row["codes_harmful"])
+ if incorrect_factor:
+ incorrect_patients.append({"fio": normalize_row["fio"], "reason": f"Неверные факторы: {incorrect_factor}"})
+ patient_updated = add_factors_data(patient_card, normalize_row["position"], harmful_factors_data, normalize_row["examination_date"], company_inn, normalize_row["department"])
+ if not patient_updated["ok"]:
+ incorrect_patients.append({"fio": cells[fio_idx], "reason": f"Сохранение не удалось, ошибка: {patient_updated['message']}"})
+ result = {
+ "colData": columns,
+ "data": incorrect_patients,
+ }
+ return {"ok": True, "result": result, "message": ""}
diff --git a/api/parse_file/views.py b/api/parse_file/views.py
index 187d450466..ff23fa204e 100644
--- a/api/parse_file/views.py
+++ b/api/parse_file/views.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import logging
import re
import tempfile
+import traceback
from copy import deepcopy
from sys import stdout
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@
from hospitals.models import Hospitals
from results.sql_func import check_lab_instrumental_results_by_cards_and_period
+from slog.models import Log
from statistic.views import commercial_offer_xls_save_file, data_xls_save_file, data_xls_save_headers_file
from users.models import AssignmentResearches, DoctorProfile
from clients.models import Individual, HarmfulFactor, PatientHarmfullFactor, Card, CardBase, DocumentType, Document
@@ -76,164 +78,6 @@ def http_func(data, user):
return endpoint(http_obj)
-def create_patient(family_data, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data, gender_data):
- patient_indv = Individual(
- family=family_data,
- name=name_data,
- patronymic=patronymic_data,
- birthday=birthday_data,
- sex=gender_data,
- )
- patient_indv.save()
- patient_card = Card.add_l2_card(individual=patient_indv)
- return patient_card
-def get_background_token():
- application = Application.objects.filter(active=True, is_background_worker=True).first()
- if application:
- bearer_token = f"Bearer {application.key}"
- else:
- new_application = Application(name="background_worker", is_background_worker=True)
- new_application.save()
- bearer_token = f"Bearer {new_application.key}"
- return bearer_token
-def search_patient(snils_data, request_user, family_data, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data):
- patient_card = None
- bearer_token = get_background_token()
- params = {"enp": "", "snils": snils_data, "check_mode": "l2-snils"}
- request_obj = HttpRequest()
- request_obj._body = params
- request_obj.user = request_user
- request_obj.method = "POST"
- request_obj.META["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] = bearer_token
- current_patient = None
- if snils_data and snils_data != "None":
- current_patient = check_enp(request_obj)
- if not current_patient or current_patient.data.get("message"):
- patient_card = search_by_fio(request_obj, family_data, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data)
- if patient_card is None:
- possible_family = find_and_replace(family_data, "е", "ё")
- patient_card = search_by_possible_fio(request_obj, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data, possible_family)
- if patient_card is None:
- return patient_card
- elif current_patient.data.get("patient_data") and type(current_patient.data.get("patient_data")) != list:
- patient_card_pk = current_patient.data["patient_data"]["card"]
- patient_card = Card.objects.filter(pk=patient_card_pk).first()
- else:
- patient_card = Individual.import_from_tfoms(current_patient.data["patient_data"], None, None, None, True)
- return patient_card
-def find_factors(harmful_factors: list):
- if not harmful_factors:
- return None
- incorrect_factor = []
- harmful_factors_data = []
- for i in harmful_factors:
- current_code = i.replace(" ", "")
- harmful_factor = HarmfulFactor.objects.filter(title=current_code).first()
- if harmful_factor:
- harmful_factors_data.append({"factorId": harmful_factor.pk})
- else:
- incorrect_factor.append(f"{current_code}")
- return harmful_factors_data, incorrect_factor
-def add_factors_data(patient_card: Card, position: str, factors_data: list, exam_data: str, company_inn: str, department: str):
- try:
- PatientHarmfullFactor.save_card_harmful_factor(patient_card.pk, factors_data)
- company_obj = Company.objects.filter(inn=company_inn).first()
- department_obj = CompanyDepartment.objects.filter(company_id=company_obj.pk, title=department).first()
- if department_obj:
- patient_card.work_department_db_id = department_obj.pk
- else:
- new_department = CompanyDepartment.save_department(company_obj.pk, department)
- patient_card.work_department_db_id = new_department.pk
- patient_card.work_position = position.strip()
- patient_card.work_place_db = company_obj
- patient_card.save()
- MedicalExamination.save_examination(patient_card, company_obj, exam_data)
- return {"ok": True}
- except Exception as e:
- return {"ok": False, "message": e}
-def add_factors_from_file(request):
- incorrect_patients = []
- company_inn = request.POST.get("companyInn", None)
- company_file = request.FILES["file"]
- wb = load_workbook(filename=company_file)
- ws = wb.worksheets[0]
- starts = False
- snils, fio, birthday, gender, inn_company, code_harmful, position, examination_date, department = (
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- None,
- )
- for index, row in enumerate(ws.rows, 1):
- cells = [str(x.value) for x in row]
- if not starts:
- if "код вредности" in cells:
- snils = cells.index("снилс")
- fio = cells.index("фио")
- birthday = cells.index("дата рождения")
- gender = cells.index("пол")
- inn_company = cells.index("инн организации")
- code_harmful = cells.index("код вредности")
- position = cells.index("должность")
- examination_date = cells.index("дата мед. осмотра")
- department = cells.index("подразделение")
- starts = True
- else:
- if company_inn != cells[inn_company].strip():
- incorrect_patients.append({"fio": cells[fio], "reason": "ИНН организации не совпадает"})
- continue
- snils_data = cells[snils].replace("-", "").replace(" ", "")
- fio_data, family_data, name_data, patronymic_data = None, None, None, None
- if cells[fio] and cells[fio] != "None":
- fio_data = cells[fio].split(" ")
- family_data = fio_data[0]
- name_data = fio_data[1]
- if len(fio_data) > 2:
- patronymic_data = fio_data[2]
- birthday_data = cells[birthday].split(" ")[0]
- code_harmful_data = cells[code_harmful].split(",")
- exam_data = cells[examination_date].split(" ")[0]
- try:
- datetime.datetime.strptime(birthday_data, '%Y-%m-%d')
- datetime.datetime.strptime(exam_data, '%Y-%m-%d')
- except ValueError as e:
- incorrect_patients.append({"fio": cells[fio], "reason": f"Неверный формат даты/несуществующая дата в файле: {e}"})
- continue
- gender_data = cells[gender][0]
- department_data = cells[department]
- if fio_data is None and snils_data is None:
- incorrect_patients.append({"fio": f"Строка: {index}", "reason": "Отсутствует данные"})
- continue
- patient_card = search_patient(snils_data, request.user, family_data, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data)
- if patient_card is None:
- patient_card = create_patient(family_data, name_data, patronymic_data, birthday_data, gender_data)
- harmful_factors_data, incorrect_factor = find_factors(code_harmful_data)
- if incorrect_factor:
- incorrect_patients.append({"fio": cells[fio], "reason": f"Неверные факторы: {incorrect_factor}"})
- patient_updated = add_factors_data(patient_card, cells[position], harmful_factors_data, exam_data, company_inn, department_data)
- if not patient_updated["ok"]:
- incorrect_patients.append({"fio": cells[fio], "reason": f"Сохранение не удалось, ошибка: {patient_updated['message']}"})
- return incorrect_patients
def load_file(request):
link = ""
@@ -248,9 +92,6 @@ def load_file(request):
research_set = int(req_data.get("researchSet")[0])
results = data_research_exam_patient(request, research_set)
link = "open-xls"
- elif len(req_data.get("companyInn")[0]) != 0:
- results = add_factors_from_file(request)
- return JsonResponse({"ok": True, "results": results, "company": True})
elif req_data.get("isLoadResultService")[0] == "true":
id_research = int(req_data.get("idService")[0])
research = Researches.objects.filter(pk=id_research).first()
@@ -602,67 +443,6 @@ def auto_create_protocol(title_fields, file_data, financing_source_title, resear
return incorrect_patients
-def search_by_fio(request_obj, family, name, patronymic, birthday):
- patient_card = None
- params_tfoms = {
- "enp": "",
- "family": family,
- "name": name,
- "bd": birthday,
- "check_mode": "l2-enp-full",
- }
- params_internal = {
- "type": CardBase.objects.get(internal_type=True).pk,
- "extendedSearch": True,
- "form": {
- "family": family,
- "name": name,
- "patronymic": patronymic,
- "birthday": birthday,
- "archive": False,
- },
- "limit": 1,
- }
- request_obj._body = params_tfoms
- current_patient = check_enp(request_obj)
- if current_patient.data.get("message"):
- request_obj._body = json.dumps(params_internal)
- data = patients_search_card(request_obj)
- results_json = json.loads(data.content.decode("utf-8"))
- if len(results_json["results"]) > 0:
- patient_card_pk = results_json["results"][0]["pk"]
- patient_card = Card.objects.filter(pk=patient_card_pk).first()
- elif len(current_patient.data["list"]) > 1:
- return patient_card
- else:
- patient_card = Individual.import_from_tfoms(current_patient.data["list"], None, None, None, True)
- return patient_card
-def find_and_replace(text, symbol1, symbol2):
- result = []
- for i in range(len(text)):
- if text[i] == symbol1:
- current_text = text[0:i] + symbol2 + text[i + 1 :]
- result.append(current_text)
- elif text[i] == symbol2:
- current_text = text[0:i] + symbol1 + text[i + 1 :]
- result.append(current_text)
- return result
-def search_by_possible_fio(request_obj, name, patronymic, birthday, possible_family):
- if not possible_family:
- return None
- patient_card = None
- for i in possible_family:
- current_family = i
- patient_card = search_by_fio(request_obj, current_family, name, patronymic, birthday)
- if patient_card is not None:
- break
- return patient_card
def load_csv(request):
file_data = request.FILES["file"]
@@ -904,26 +684,28 @@ def get_parts_fio(fio_data):
def upload_file(request):
- # todo - Логирование загрузки файлов
+ file = request.FILES["file"]
+ request_data = request.POST
+ selected_form = request_data.get("selectedForm")
+ entity_id = request_data.get("entityId")
+ other_need_data = json.loads(request_data.get("otherNeedData"))
+ user = request.user
+ data = {"file": file, "selected_form": selected_form, "entity_id": entity_id, "other_need_data": other_need_data}
- file = request.FILES["file"]
- request_data = request.POST
- selected_form = request_data.get("selectedForm")
- entity_id = request_data.get("entityId")
- other_need_data = request_data.get("otherNeedData")
- data = {"file": file, "selected_form": selected_form, "entity_id": entity_id, "other_need_data": other_need_data}
function = import_string(f"api.parse_file.forms{selected_form[0:3]}.form_{selected_form[4:6]}")
result = function(
- "user": request.user,
+ "user": user,
"hospital": request.user.doctorprofile.get_hospital() if hasattr(request.user, "doctorprofile") else Hospitals.get_default_hospital(),
except Exception as e:
+ tb = traceback.format_exc()
exception_string = f"{e}"
- stdout.write(exception_string)
- return JsonResponse({"ok": False, "result": [], "message": exception_string})
+ stdout.write(tb)
+ Log.log(selected_form, 240000, user.doctorprofile, {"exception_string": exception_string, "traceback": tb})
+ return JsonResponse({"ok": False, "result": [], "message": "Ошибка обработки файла"})
return JsonResponse({"ok": result["ok"], "result": result["result"], "message": result["message"]})
diff --git a/l2-frontend/src/components/UploadFile.vue b/l2-frontend/src/components/UploadFile.vue
index 439261317b..a2291d3b86 100644
--- a/l2-frontend/src/components/UploadFile.vue
+++ b/l2-frontend/src/components/UploadFile.vue
@@ -19,12 +19,16 @@