The treasury contract includes functionalities to properly manage the fees collected from the liquid staking protocol. These functionalities are:
- Allowing a
account to swap the collected fees into other assets to reduce the volatility of the treasury balance. - Enabling the withdrawal of the treasury balance to another account.
To deploy the contract you have to build the optimized wasm file with the following command from the repository root:
make optimize
Then you can deploy the contract using the following command:
osmosisd tx wasm store ./artifacts/treasury.wasm \
--from <your-address> --chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
To instantiate the contract you have to use the following command:
osmosisd tx wasm instantiate <code-id> '{"admin": "<admin-addr>", "trader": "<trader-addr>", "allowed_swap_routes": [<swap-route>]}' \
--from <your-address> --label "treasury" \
--chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
The instantiate message takes the following parameters:
- Optional address of the admin account, if not provided the admin account will be the sendertrader
- The address of the trader account, if not provided the trader will be the senderallowed_swap_routes
- The list of swap routes that the trader is allowed to use, you can see the definition here
Here are listed the actions that can be performed by the contract
This allows the treasury to withdraw their funds to another account.
osmosisd tx wasm execute <contract-address> '{"spend_funds": {"amount": <coin>, "receiver": "<receiver-addr>", "chain-id": <optional-ibc-channel>}}' \
--from <your-address> --chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
The message takes the following parameters:
- The funds to withdrawreceiver
- Address of the account that will receive the fundschain-id
- An optional IBC channel that should be used in case the receiver is an account of another chain
This allows the trader
account to swap the assets in the treasury balance to other assets.
This can be performed leveraging those Osmosis messages:
To perform a swap using the MsgSwapExactAmountIn
you have to use the following command:
osmosisd tx wasm execute <contract-address> '{"swap_exact_amount_in": {"routes": [<swap-route>], "token_in": <coin>, "token_out_min_amount": "<amount>"}}' \
--from <your-address> --chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
The message takes the following parameters:
- The swap route that will be used to swap thetoken_in
- The asset to swaptoken_out_min_amount
- The minimum amount of the token to receive after the swap
To perform a swap using the MsgSwapExactAmountOut
you have to use the following command:
osmosisd tx wasm execute <contract-address> '{"swap_exact_amount_out": {"routes": [<swap-route>], "token_out": <coin>, "token_in_max_amount": "<amount>"}}' \
--from <your-address> --chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
The message takes the following parameters:
- The swap route to be used to receive thetoken_out
- The asset we want to receive.token_in_max_amount
- The maximum amount we are willing to spend to receive thetoken_out
To update the config of the contract you have to use the following command:
osmosisd tx wasm execute <contract-address> '{"update_config": {"trader": "<trader-addr>", "allowed_swap_routes": [<swap-route>]}}' \
--from <your-address> --chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
The message takes the following parameters:
- Optional address of the trader account, if not provided the trader account will not be updated.allowed_swap_routes
- Optional list of swap routes that the trader is allowed to use, if not provided the allowed swap routes will not be updated.
Note: This message can only be executed by the admin
To update the contract admin you have to use the following command:
osmosisd tx wasm execute <contract-address> '{"transfer_ownership": {"new_owner": "<new-owner-addr>"}}' \
--from <your-address> --chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
The message takes the following parameters:
- The new owner address
Note: This message can only be executed by the admin
To accept the contract admin role you have to use the following command:
osmosisd tx wasm execute <contract-address> '{"accept_ownership": {}}' \
--from <your-address> --chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
To cancel the admin transfer you have to use the following command:
osmosisd tx wasm execute <contract-address> '{"revoke_ownership_transfer": {}}' \
--from <your-address> --chain-id "osmosis-1" \
--gas=auto --gas-prices=0.04uosmo --gas-adjustment=1.5 \
Note: This message can only be executed by the admin
Here are listed the data that can be queried from the contract
To query the config of the contract you have to use the following command:
osmosisd query wasm contract-state smart <contract-address> '{"config": {}}' \