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Releases: milvus-io/milvus


08 May 15:07
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Release date:2021-05-07


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
1.1.0 1.1.0 1.1.0 1.1.0

New Features

  • #4564 Supports specifying partition in a get_entity_by_id() method call.
  • #4806 Supports specifying partition in a delete_entity_by_id() method call.
  • #4905 Adds the release_collection() method, which unloads a specific collection from cache.


  • #4756 Improves the performance of the get_entity_by_id() method call.
  • #4856 Upgrades hnswlib to v0.5.0.
  • #4958 Improves the performance of IVF index training.

Fixed issues

  • #4778 Fails to access vector index in Mishards.
  • #4797 The system returns false results after merging search requests with different topK parameters.
  • #4838 The server does not respond immediately to an index building request on an empty collection.
  • #4858 For GPU-enabled Milvus, the system crashes on a search request with a large topK (> 2048).
  • #4862 A read-only node merges segments during startup.
  • #4894 The capacity of a Bloom filter does not equal to the row count of the segment it belongs to.
  • #4908 The GPU cache is not cleaned up after a collection is dropped.
  • #4933 It takes a long while for the system to build index for a small segment.
  • #4952 Fails to set timezone as "UTC + 5:30".
  • #5008 The system crashes randomly during continuous, concurrent delete, insert, and search operations.
  • #5010 For GPU-enabled Milvus, query fails on IVF_PQ if nbits ≠ 8.
  • #5050 get_collection_stats() returns false index type for segments still in the process of index building.
  • #5063 The system crashes when an empty segment is flushed.
  • #5078 For GPU-enabled Milvus, the system crashes when creating an IVF index on vectors of 2048, 4096, or 8192 dimensions.

Many thanks to @BossZou @shengjun1985 @op-hunter @matrixji @yhmo @ericsyh @LocoRichard @del-zhenwu @XuanYang-cn @fishpenguin

A special thank to Chris from


10 Mar 10:20
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Release date:2021-03-09


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.0 1.0.0

New Features

  • Supports writing log to stdout. #3977


  • Reduces the package size of grpc-milvus for the C++ SDK. #4754

Fixed issues


23 Feb 02:50
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Release date:2021-02-23


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
0.10.6 0.4.0 0.8.6 0.4.6

Compatibility changes

  • Adds an optional argument nbits to the create_index() method for the IVF_PQ index. #3920
For more information about setting IVF_PQ parameters, see Vector index.


  • Improves the FLAT search performance on binary vectors using the AVX2 instruction set.#1970
  • Adds an optional parameter nbits to the create_index() method for the IVF_PQ index. #3920
  • Supports configuring Prometheus labels cluster_label and instance_label under metric.#4614

Fixed issues

  • The system returns a -0 distance, if metric type is tanimoto.#4683
  • A FLAT search on binary vectors causes the server to crash, if the dimension of the vectors is not multiple of 2.#4678
  • The GPU cache holds more data than specified.#4719

See CHANGELOG for more information.


07 Jan 11:11
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Release date:2021-01-07


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
0.10.5 0.2.15 0.8.6 0.4.5

Compatibility changes

  • The load_collection() method supports preloading specified partitions. #4307


  • Optimizes the process of indexing and querying. #4454

Fixed issues

  • Calling load_collection() and search() in multiple threads causes Milvus to hang. #4378
  • Milvus only searches the default partition if the search parameter partition_tags contains _default. #4484

See CHANGELOG for more information.


03 Dec 09:00
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Release date:2020-12-03


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
0.10.4 0.2.14 0.8.5 0.4.4


  • Improves the query performance in situations where no entities are deleted. #3775
  • Reduces the time to create a large number of partitions. #4318

Fixed issues

  • The server crashes when searching with IVF_PQ on GPU. #3626
  • The performance of query on IVF_SQ8H worsens. #3903
  • The server crashes when deleting entities. #3906
  • The server occasionally hangs when creating and dropping partitions continuously. #4012
  • An out-of-memory error occurs when searching on GPU. #4174
  • Memory leaks when building an IVF index. #4318

See CHANGELOG for more information.


21 Sep 02:03
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Release date:2020-9-21


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
0.10.3 0.2.14 0.8.4 0.4.4


  • Allows the user to specify metric_type when searching in a collection with FLAT index. #3213
  • Adds more valid values to the indexing parameter m of IVF_PQ: An m is valid so long as it can be divided by dim, the number of vector dimensions. #3254
  • Expands the range of nprobe to [1, 16384] for all IVF indexes. #3606
  • Expands the range of top_k in an embeddings search to [1, 16384]. #3639
  • Optimizes the memory release strategy to avoid memory overuse. #3536

Fixed issues

  • Milvus running on multiple GPU devices and using IVF_SQ8H crashes if GPU cache is set too low. #3742
  • Milvus reports a CUDA error when quitting, if the index is IVF_SQ8H. #3760

See CHANGELOG for more information.


15 Aug 06:33
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Release date:2020-8-15


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
0.10.2 0.2.14 0.8.4 0.4.4


  • Improved IVF search performance when both nq and nprobe are large. #2653

Fixed issues

  • Inaccurate calculation of the memory allocated for index files. #2890
  • Search result sets based on IVF_PQ index with IP metric are incorrectly merged in situations where multiple segments are produced for the inserted data. #2952
  • The server crashes if you set cache.cache_size smaller than the size of an index file in a multi-GPU scenario. #3012
  • Search result sets based on IP metric are incorrectly merged, if you insert vectors to multiple partitions in Mishards. #3133

See CHANGELOG for more information.


20 Jul 10:16
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Release date:2020-7-20


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
0.10.1 0.2.14 0.8.3 0.4.3

Fixed issues

  • Occasionally, the result count does not match the query count. #2578
  • IVF_PQ does not support IP on GPU-enabled Milvus. #2585
  • Milvus reports "illegal instruction" when running on some legacy CPUs. #2598
  • Updated the range of HNSW settings. #2637
  • Milvus processes crash when building an index. #2642
  • The default ANNOY settings do not match the settings specified in the document. #2649
  • Milvus does not respond under a stress test. #2692
  • The precision of the returned vectors is incorrect in an HTTP interface. #2752
  • The upper limit of nprobe is incorrect on the GPU-enabled Milvus. #2767
  • The number of the vectors changes occasionally after building an index. #2768

See CHANGELOG for more information.


22 Jun 10:14
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Release date:2020-6-22


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
0.8.1 0.2.10 0.7.0 0.3.0

Fixed issues

  • Index files are missing after a compact operation. #1997
  • Too many files are opened when metric_config.enable_monitor is set to true. #2264
  • The server hangs when multiple clients query different collections at the same time. #2266
  • nlist set by the user may not take effect. #2399
  • Deleted vectors are still found in GPU-enabled Milvus. #2450

See CHANGELOG for more information.


15 Jun 16:34
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Release date:2020-6-15


Milvus version Python SDK version Java SDK version Go SDK version
0.10.0 0.2.13 0.8.2 0.4.2

Compatibility changes

  • Updates the Milvus configuration file. #2510


  • Optimizes the index building performance when many small segments exist. #2373
  • FAISS is upgraded to 1.6.3. #2381
  • Optimizes dropping collection performance when too many partitions exist. #2394
  • Optimizes the implementation of k-selection algorithm for GPU-enabled Milvus. #2466

Fixed issues

  • The search performance degrades on Milvus 0.9.1. #2429

See CHANGELOG for more information.